The slightly problematic beauty drawer

Sunday, May 11, 2014

I have been struggling a bit with my storage as somehow all of the drawers and closets in my room have become filled to the brim with stuff. I managed to clean out a drawer in one of my storage units and pronounced it the 'Živa gets her skin sorted' drawer. While organizing it I realized it really should be renamed to 'Oh my god I have too much stuff' or maybe even 'The crazy skincare lady is at it again'.

I haven't written too much about my recent skin isssues on here, so let me just give you a quick update. After switching from one medication to another, my skin is not happy. It's actually kind of freaking out. I used to have really bad acne, which I've already mentioned a bunch of times, and while I really cannot say it's as bad as it used to be, my skin at the moment is pretty sad looking. With bumps all over my face, decolletage and back I really don't feel very comfortable and would gladly hide under the duvet until it all passes. However, apparently I'll have to do something about it, so I've set myself a few goals to sort this situation out. First order of business, get better with my skincare routine - enter the beauty drawer. I put in all kinds of things I want to try or have loved in the past to make sure I remove my makeup, cleanse my face & moisturize as well as treat blemishes. Second, I'm making an appointment with a dermatologist and hoping to god there's another solution that is not Roaccutane, as with my depression, I'm really not sure I'm a suitable candidate. And third, I'm doing the all-natural hollistic thing - Tilen's friend's mom (take a moment to process that) is a hollistic doctor and she also has a medical education, so I'm really hoping we can find a solution together.

To be honest, my skin combined with the weight gain has left me feeling pretty unhappy to the point where it's kind of hard to look in the mirror. I've never been really happy with the way I look but it's gotten to the point where I don't even want to go out. So something really needs to be done about my appearance and I do hope I can get back on track with my skin as well as some Happy Go Healthy stuff (I've been slacking, but I have some plans in the next month or so which should help a lot).

Sorry for the slight off topic and a bit of a depressing post. Sometimes I need to vent.
Click 'read more' for the Slovenian version.

Po menjavi zdravil se je moja koža odločila upreti, tako da mi zadnje čase ni ravno v ponos. Težave z aknami imam že od najstniških let. Ne morem reči, da je tako hudo kot včasih, je pa gotovo neprijetno, ko se ti zdi, da vsi buljijo v nepravilnosti na tvojem obrazu in sploh ne vidijo mimo tvoje kože. Verjetno je to samo moj občutek, a vendar se ne mislim sprijazniti s trenutno situacijo. 

V majhno pomoč sem spraznila predal v eni izmed svojih omar in ga do roba zapolnila z izdelki, ki so mi všeč ali jih želim preizkusiti. Upam, da me bo to spodbudilo, da bom malo bolj pridna z nego kože, saj se mi prevečkrat zgodi, da zaspim s polnim obrazom ličil. Naslednji korak je gotovo napotnica za dermatologa in upanje, da ne bom 'obsojena' na Roaccutane, ki se mi zame niti ne zdi primeren, glede na to, da imam depresijo. Nazadnje pa stavim še na holistično medicino - seveda bom poročala o učinkih in rezultatih, saj sem tudi sama še kako radovedna.

Današnja objava je kar malo žalostna, kar verjetno odraža moje trenutno počutje. V kombinaciji z nepravilnostmi na koži in trenutno nič kaj uspešnim Happy Go Healthy projektom se počutim precej slabo, celo tako, da mi ni do odhajanja od doma. Vsak pogled v ogledalo je napor in ne pomnim obdobja, ko sem bila tako nezadovoljna s svojim izgledom. Čeprav bi se najraje skrila v posteljo in čakala, da vse skupaj mine, mi je jasno, da moram stvari vzeti v svoje roke. Upam, da se kmalu spravim v red in da nisem preveč 'zamorila' z današnjo objavo - včasih se moram izpovedati.

Share your opinion:

  1. Vse se bo porihtalo, Živa! Stay strong, babe. ;) xx

  2. haha i feel ya :P jaz pa mam na polički v kopalnici vse izdelke za obraz, ki jih morem porabit, tako, da ne uporabljam vsega naenkrat, da se vsaj nečesa znebim :D

    1. Sej je fajn, ker če jih nimaš na vidiku, kar pozabiš na vse :D

  3. "To be honest, my skin combined with the weight gain has left me feeling pretty unhappy to the point where it's kind of hard to look in the mirror. I've never been really happy with the way I look but it's gotten to the point where I don't even want to go out."
    Kot da bi sebe brala :(

  4. If you want to sort out your skin and your acne - and I speak from experience - you need to whittle down your skincare products to no more than three items. Stop trying out so many different things because that could be what's causing the majority of your acne. Also, keep in mind that a "natural" skincare routine can make the problem worse. I know a lot of people who react negatively to 'natural' skin products.

    1. Thank you for your advice ... My acne is back because I had to change meds unfortunately. :(


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