I don't often come across a product I don't like, but with a beauty stash as big as mine, sometimes I'm bound to encounter a bit of a dud. Today I rummmaged through my makeup and hair drawers and pulled out some products I really did not like. Hopefully my opinion will help you deciding whether they'd be right for you or not!
Let's start with the Schwarzkopf got2b Beach Girl Texturizing Salt Spray. I got this product about a year ago, and initially, I used it a lot, but after a month or so I realized it actually does nothing! All the claims of beachy, mermaid hair are for nothing, and I really don't care if it's an inexpensive product - it just does not work. It has to be said my hair is stick straight so I'm a bit doubtful about any salt sprays having effect, as even the sea doesn't make it wavy. So ladies with similar hair type, I would say skip it.
I also wanted to mention the Percy & Reed Wonder Balm for hair. I got this in a beauty box swap and later saw it in Barbara's (thepersianbabe on Youtube) favourites. Now I'm normally all for anything she recommends, but maybe we differ in opinion because her hair is naturally wavy and as I mentioned previously, mine is very straight. This is a balm you can apply to wet or dry hair and it is supposed to make your hair light, manageable, soft and all-around amazing. Sadly, it does none of the above for me - it just makes my hair really weighed down and almost oily. Another no-go.
Next, we have the worst of the worst - Alverde Repair Hair Butter with Avocado & Shea Butter. I understand this is an inexpensive product, and with a price tag of around 2€, it would be a bit silly to expect miracles. But you know, when I buy something, I'd really like for it to do what it states it will, otherwise I'll just feel robbed, no matter how much money I spent. This Hair Butter was so terrible! No matter the amount I used, it left my hair after the shower incredibly greasy, sticky, it even had a funky smell. Just a terrible product which did absolutely nothing for my hair.
I also have a newer addition, and I feel a bit bad because it's also from the got2b line by Schwarzkopf. To be honest, I actually really like that line! I love their heat protectant spray as well as the straightening cream, however the Rise 'n Shine body + gloss Whipped Mousse is a different story. I used to be obsessed with mousse for my hair - it really gave me a lot of volume (and if you're looking for a good 'un I absolutely adore the John Frieda Luxurious Volume Mousse). This product by got2b had similar faults as the ones before it - it weighed down my hair, made it incredibly sticky and it all just clung together - gross.
Now on to some disappointment in the makeup department. Something I feel like I shouldn't complain about (but will) are the Maybelline Color Sensational Pop Sticks. They're basically a clear lipstick with crazy neon colors and I'm sorry, but I was expecting at least a little color payoff, or if not that, some moisturization. Nope, nada. The colour pigmentation is non existent and they feel like an unnecessary layer on the lips which is quite unpleasant. Thumbs down.
I didn't enjoy this Makeup Revolution lipstick, either. It's in the shade Beloved. What bothered me was the dryness of the lipstick - it's not moisturizing at all, to the point where I struggled to apply it. It doesn't feel nice on the lips either. I hear their other lip products are amazing though, so I'm not going to write them off just yet.
Finally, I'll rant a bit about the Essence I <3 Stage eyeshadow primer. What in the eff where they thinking when they invented this? I can't even comment on the priming aspect because this things is so incredibly orange! And not even a nice salmon colour, it's literally like the mango shower gel I have at home. Um? I personally am not orange skinned, and I truly don't know who is, apart from squirrels, and the ones I've seen in parks weren't really into eyeshadow. So in order to use this, I had to apply a really strong color just to cover up the general oranginess of the primer ... Why?
Whew, loads of negativity lately over here, huh? I promise to write a happy post soon - I shall take off my complainy pants!
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Nisem ravno izbirčna, pa vendar v svoji zbirki kdaj najdem kakšen izdelek, ki mi ni nič kaj všeč. Upam, da vam bodo današnje ocene pomagale pri prihodnjih nakupih, ne pozabite pa, da gre le za moje osebne izkušnje - mnenja se seveda lahko razlikujejo!
Schwarzkopf got2b Beach Girl Texturizing Salt Spray obljublja valove v laseh, kot jih imajo morske deklice, naredi pa ne praktično ničesar. Kljub temu, da sem izdelek pridno uporabljala kakšen mesec, sem šele po toliko časa dojela, da ne naredi prav ničesar. Glede na to, da imam čisto ravne lase, sem malo skeptična, da bi mi katerikoli sprej s soljo naredil valove, ampak ostajam na lovu.
Percy & Reed Wonder Balm sem dobila v UK menjavi 'beauty boxes', kasneje pa je bil omenjen v videu ene izmed mojih najljubših Youtuberk kot najljubši izdelek meseca. Na žalost je mene zelo razočaral - balzam, ki ostane v laseh po umivanju ni naredil ničesar drugega, kot mi lase obtežil in zlepil.
Alverde Repair Hair Butter with Avocado & Shea Butter je verjetno eden najslabših izdelkov, kar sem jih preizkusila. Že vonj je moteč, najbolj grozno pa je, da sem imela po uporabi masla lase popolnoma mastne in zlepljene - in to takoj po tuširanju. Tudi kakšnih 'repair' sposobnosti nisem zaznala, tako, da sem ga po nekajkratni uporabi obsodila na svojo 'empties' polico, kjer je sameval do danes.
got2b Rise 'n Shine body + gloss Whipped Mousse je novejša pridobitev, ki ni naredila dobrega vtisa. Tako kot ostali izdelki mi lase obteži in zlepi skupaj, kar je sicer pogosto pri penah, vendar sem vseeno pričakovala nekaj več, saj je got2b znamka, ki mi je sicer zelo všeč. Tudi o kakšnem sijaju ni bilo sledi, tako, da sem precej razočarana.
Maybelline Color Sensational Pop Sticks so zame povsem nevredne svoje cene. Spominjajo me na Labello Lip Butters, saj nimajo prav nič pigmentacije in tudi vlažijo ne. Ustvarijo samo sloj na ustnicah, ki ni nič kaj prijeten. Veliko bolj so mi všeč njihove sestre iz Color Sensational linije, na primer odtenek Shocking Coral, ki ga prav obožujem.
Šminka Makeup Revolution v odtenku Beloved me je razočarala, ker je izredno suha, kar onemogoči nanos. Resnično je treba že skoraj praskati po ustnicah, da se nanje prenese nekaj barve. Sem pa slišala odlične ocene o drugih izdelkih za ustnicah te linije, ki naj bi bili krasni, tako, da Makeup Revolution gotovo ne bom odpisala.
Za konec pa še Essence I <3 Stage primer za senčilo. Izdelka sploh nisem mogla primerno stestirati, ker me je zmotil že odtenek - na mojih vekah postane oražen. Hm, ne poznam nikogar z oranžno kožo, tako, da nisem prepričana, komu je namenjen. Nisem ga mogla uporabljati, ker bi morala nanesti zelo temen odtenek senčila, da bi skrila barvo primerja. Primer bi moral biti kožne barve in praktično neviden, tako, da je bilo že pri odtenku zame konec.
Zadnje čase je toliko negativnosti, da mi je bilo že prav neprijetno pisati tole objavo. Obljubim, da se kmalu javim z malo bolj veselimi objavami!
Maybelline Color Sensational Pop Sticks
ReplyDeleteso res brezveze. Cena je visoka glede na to, da ni nič pigmentacije in vlaženja. Nevem, se kar strinjam :/
Ja no, pa na začetku sem bila ful navdušena nad njimi, clueless. :D
DeleteTale sprej s soljo me pa kar mika da bi preizkusila :D
ReplyDeleteTa Alverde maska je pa tako skritizirana da je joj. Pri meni isti učinek, smrdi za znoret, zlepi in zmasti lase da jih niti umit ne morem.
Prišpari tist denar, res ... :D A res, nisem vedla, sem misla da samo meni ni všeč. Grozna je, nasploh mi Alverde zadeve za lase niso preveč kul.
DeleteThis is a really good post idea! Not many people post about the disappointing products so thank you for this! x
ReplyDeleteGlad to help! :)
DeleteI always appreciate a good, honest review! x
ReplyDeleteMelissa | M is for Melissa
I do as well! :)
DeleteOmg daj sploh ne omenjaj mi te Alverdine maske! ZANIČ! :) xx
ReplyDeleteRes je katastrofalna :D Kakšni so ti pa njihovi drugi izdelki za lase? x
DeleteKot vidim, nisem edina, ki je Makeup Revolution šminka ni navdušila. Moj odtenek (Bliss) se tudi precej neenakomerno nanaša, ne vlaži ustnic, vendar jih niti ne izsuši, je bolj tak nevtralen občutek.
ReplyDeleteNa žalost nas je kar nekaj ... So pa baje tiste prozorne kul, pa šminka v glosu. :) x
DeleteI love the sound of the Percy & Reed balm, but I actually think it'd work with my hair type! I'll avoid that salt spray though, is there any other ones you'd recommend?
ReplyDeleteCatherine, xo // Lady Liquor
It might work great - Barbara seems to like it & I think she has wavy hair naturally. Regarding the salt spray, this is the only one I've tried but I've got my eye on the Bumble & Bumble Surf Spray - I think a purchase might be in order! :) x
DeleteSuper post. :) meni je pa tale podlaga za senčila super. Sicer tudi za odtenek pretemna, a jo dam zelo malo in potem mi je okej, je pa res da moram pazit, da jo lepo zabrišem. :))
ReplyDeletedrugih izdelkov nisem poskusila, je pa super ocena in bom upoštevala pri nakupu. :)
Uf, mogoče sem dobila pokvarjeno, ali pa na meni tako oksidira ... V glavnem, meni ni kul. :D
DeleteEssence primer - zelo zabavno branje:D Se popolnoma strinjam. Ga nisem kupila, ampak sem videla odtenek in tudi meni ni razumljivo komu bi naj ta odtenek pristajal?! :))
ReplyDeleteHahaha :) Jaz pa nisem opazila oranžnosti dokler ga nisem dala na oči, ko sem na hitro kupovala. Še dobro, da ni bil drag!
DeleteMeni je pa slani sprej za lase super, imam anravno rahlo valovite lase, ampak sem ga uporavljala dan po ravnanju pa je super ''koderčke'' naredil :) Primer od essence s eje pa tudi meni zdel preoranžen ampak ga zdaj že vsaj dve leti uporabljam pa se mi nekako zlije z barvo kože :D
ReplyDeleteMe veseli, da ti ustreza! Pomojem je pri drugačnih laseh res boljši učinek. :)
DeleteHmm...tale Makeup Revolution šminka je morda matt finiš, kr moja Divine je tud matt in se ne maže fajn, čeprav ne bom rekla da je za v koš :P... Slabo je, da ne piše poleg kere so matt, kere so običajne in kere so tak shiny, ker majo vse različne finiše :)
ReplyDeleteUau, sploh nisem vedla, da imajo različne finiše. Torej jih res ne bom čisto odpisala - me je čudilo, da imajo tako različne ocene. :)
ReplyDeleteZgleda, da je samo meni od Essence primer všeč, haha. Na meni zgleda čisto normalno, je pa res da imam že tako zelo močen rumen podton, veke imam pa še temnejše.
ReplyDeleteFunny, meni sea spray res naredi tiste morske valove na laseh ( imam že tko al tko mal bolj valovite, s tistim pa dobijo ravno tolk teksture, da mi je všeč), alverde maska mi lepo nahrani lase ( poleg avon olivne spa maske in jasminove iz lusha je blizu top 3) , primer pa je eden redkih kjer ne zgledam kot da mam nekej belega na vekah.