Chocolate Pudding Oven Pancake & 2 Week Update

Monday, March 24, 2014

First and foremost. I reached 1000 followers on Bloglovin yesterday, ehmahgerd! I'm not going to get too soppy about this but guys, this totally made my year better, it was one of my goals for 2014 and I cannot believe it happened! You are all amazing - thank you.

So I had to thank you and also since I reached 1k I wanted to celebrate, so I made this thingy. And it was good. So good I gushed about it on Twitter, and a few of you asked for the recipe! So here it is. Basically this is a chocolate wholewheat pancake which tastes like pudding (or Čokolino if you're from Slovenia). It's made with one bowl only and then baked in the oven and it's absolutely delicious! I also threw in a quick sauce but you can totally skip it as well. Now let's take a look at the recipe. By the way, I calculated the calories with MyFitnessPal, but I am in no way a professional so don't take my word for it!

Skinny Chocolate Pudding Oven Pancake
Serves: 2 very hungry people (me & Tilen) or 4 normal people, Calories (whole, no sauce): 470, Calories (whole, with sauce): 580. Calories per serving (4 servings): 145

For the pancake:

- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup low fat milk
- 1/4 cup wholewheat flour
- 1/4 cup dark unsweetened cocoa
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- a little bit of coconut oil

For the sauce:

- 1/4 cup low fat milk
- 1/4 cup mixed berries
- 1 tablespoon agave syrup

Preheat your oven to about 175°C or 350 F. Mix all of the pancake ingredients except coconut oil with an electric mixer in a single bowl. Prepare a cake pan, line the bottom with baking paper and grease the edges with coconut oil. Pour into pan, place in oven and bake for 5-10 minutes. Meanwhile, blend milk and berries to create a thicker sauce. Serve pancake, put sauce on top and add some agave for sweetness.

Literally as easy as it gets, and guys, this is actually amazing - it's so dense and thick and pudding-y and just so good! And by the way, you cannot even taste that the flour is wholewheat. It's just perfect!

Just in case anyone is interested, I also included some stats for my 2 week Healthy-Go-Happy Girl update since it has been 14 days ...

Day 14
Weight loss this week: 1.8 kg/4 pounds
Total weight loss: 3.5 kg/7.7 pounds
Thoughts on body: Surprisingly, I don't feel as disgusted as myself as I did last week. Not much has changed appearance wise, but I feel a lot more positive when I look in the mirror. Sure, there are still moments when I hate what I see, but mostly I'm just excited about what I'll look like in a couple of months' time. I did however, find two similar pictures of myself, one a few months old and the other from a few days ago - I thought I saw a difference in my face (yeah, I totally photoshopped them together and stared at them for approximately 7.412 hours). So that's always you know, a sign of being crazy.
Description of the week: The week started off okay, nothing special. Then, after a day or two, I suddenly noticed my weight stopped going down. Rather, I was gaining! I was incredibly upset because I was not going over my goal of 1200 calories at all, I moved as much as I could and tried so, so hard. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I skipped a meal a few days – once I ate loads in the morning and then again in the evening with nothing in between because I just did not have time. I think this is to blame. Also, I was so bad with drinking! These last few days I've been drinking water like crazy and it helps a lot. In general, it was a bit of a difficult week because I didn't lose as much as I wanted, but I'm okay with that now. I need to make better habits in my life. My only problem is excercise. I get freaked out by going outside, I'm in such bad shape I basically can't even do a push up, it just sucks! I need to figure something out. Been going for walks, but every single time I went out I completely freaked out, panicked and almost fainted. This isn't normal for me and I can tell it's the pressure of others that is having this effect. I want to take things at my own pace, and I hate it when people say 'Oh, just sign up for a gym membership!' or 'Just get moving!' Because literally, I can't. I can't even go for a stinking walk without having a panic attack. Also wanted to mention I'm really really not sorry I decided to talk about this journey publicly, I love that you're all with me and so supportive! What I really don't appreciate is people telling me I should be going for 'all or nothing'. I think I'm doing just fine at my own pace, it's great if you're strict and you see results, but I personally just cannot and don't want to eliminate all the stuff I love. I'm happy with my progress and really appreciate all of your advice, but also ask you to respect the way I am doing this. You have to understand that I just stopped taking some pills and I'm incredibly sensitive & emotional. :P So pretty much any comment will get to me. Whew, sorry about that, had to get it off my chest.

& That is all for today folks! Let me know if you end up making this dish & what you think of it.

Share your opinion:

  1. Omg, recept zveni super okusno.. Mmmm :) Drugače pa.. Kakorkoli napreduješ (pa naj je to počasi ali hitro) še vedno napreduješ in delaš nekaj dobrega za svoje počutje :) in si torej še vedno hitrejša od vseh ki doma sedijo in nič ne delajo za sebe :) tak da kar tako naprej :)

    1. Res je dober, if I do say so myself. :P Joj, hvala za vzpodbudo!

  2. Čestitke za 1000ko! :D In pa spet...ful lepo zgleda use. Tulipančki <3

    1. Hvala Eda, fuuul sem vesela! P.S. Še vedno (nestrpno) čakamo tvoj blog ... x

  3. Congrats on reaching 1,000 followers! This recipe looks great. Love the picture. Yummy!!!

    Jasmine xx
    Get a $100 gift card for SaleServant
    For a Real Woman
    So easy Spanish!

  4. Oh wow good job on the weight loss!
    You'll probably notice it in the face first. :) At least that's how it went for me. :)
    And the recipe sounds delicious :)

    1. Thank you! Yup, my face is like a deflated balloon. :P Thanks x

  5. This looks so so delicious! Might have to give it a go! Congrats on 1000 followers! :)

    1. Thank you Lauren and let me know if you try it!

  6. 2 very hungry people (me & Tilen) or 4 normal people HAHAHAHAH kot da bi pisala jaz zgleda :D

  7. Mmm mora biti dobro :) In čestitam za 1k :)

  8. Čestitam za Bloglovin:) To je res lep dosežek:) In čestitke na tvojem napredku. Je pač tako, da imamo vsi kdaj obupen dan, drugič spet super da. Mislim, da je najpomembenjše kot si napisala, da spremeniš svoj življenjski stil. Kalorije in številka na tehtnici so konec koncev samo številke. Najpomembnejše je tvoje počutje. Kar se tiče telovadbe, pa bi ti mogoče predlagala, da poskušaš doma kaj migat, kar v sobi za kakim youtube videom ali podobno:) Jaz sem večkrat delala kar doma v sobi, ko nisem imela časa it ven ali na kakšno telovadbo:)

    1. Hvalaa! :) In hvala tudi za vse nasvete in spodbudne besede, delam na tem :)

  9. Pridna si! :) Saj je prav da delaš tako kot tebi paše, včasih se kdo na vso silo vrže v to pa se mu vse zameri in to ni zdravo. Najboljše da kombiniraš malo in najdeš zlato sredino. :) So proud! xx

  10. Čestitke za 1000! Te redno spremljam ...
    Glede telovadbe je super kak Insanity ali T25, če imaš možnost ... pa baje ni dobro več kot 1 kg na teden shujšati oziroma je priporočljivo nekje 0,5 kg. Tako da - počasi se daleč pride, poskusi še res telovadbo vključit in ne se ustrašit, če boš pridobila kak kg, mišice so težke ;) telo bo pa lepše. Lp, K

    1. Najlepša hvala! Uf, a si predstavljaš mene na Insanity, ko dobesedeno ne morem narest počepa? :P Bom počasi, počasi prišla tudi naprej. Zaenkrat sem pa kar zadovoljna. Hvala še 1x!

  11. Čestitke za 1000ko! Pa recept tudi izgleda super. Sama delam na podoben način palačinke, ampak bo treba vseeno probat kdaj tudi tvojo verzijo, s kakavom. :)
    Glede sprememb pa, pomembno je, da delaš na takšen način, da tebi paše. Sama sem se skoraj vedno v življenju po malem s športom ukvarjala, pa sem vseeno potrebovala več kot dve leti da sem se dejansko spravila v fitness ker mi je bilo tako grozljivo sploh pomislit na to. Pomembno je samo da nekaj delaš in da se ob tem boljše počutiš. Vsak začetek je ekstremno težak, ampak glede na tvoje začetne rezultate, ti gre po mojem mnenju super! Kar tako naprej! :)

    xx, Kaja

    1. Hvala Kaja! Kako jih pa ti delaš? Sem vedno vesela novih receptov. In se strinjam. Zaenkrat se mi zdi, da gre čisto fajn, mi nič ne manjka, počasi se pa tudi telovadbe lotim. :)

  12. Yuum, tale puding tortica zgleda odlično! Sem si jo že pinnala, da jo bom ob priliki sprobala. :)
    Drugače pa točno vem o čem govoriš, ko praviš, da te drugi priganjajo. Meni tudi doma skos naprej mečejo, da nič ne migam, ampak jaz res sploh ne vem kaj bi lahko počela brez da bi obremenjevala/krčila koleno. Že ko grem na sprehod s psom dvakrat na dan in grem gor pa dol po hribu, je čist preveč boleče. :/

    1. Super Sandra, javi, če ti bo všeč! :) ah, ne sekiraj se, moraš it po svojem tempu. Pri tebi mora biti zaradi bolečin hudo, pri meni je psihično, ampak upam, da se nama obema porihta. :) <3

  13. nomnom, zgleda delišs! in ja, počasi se daleč pride. poskusi se ne tok obremenjevat s kilami, ampak raje poglej, kako se ti počuttiš. (itak je maščoba lažja od mišic ;))
    pa če narediš en počep/skleco na dan je še useen bolš kot če ne bi nič :D

  14. Holy moly, that pancake looks delish <3

    Congrats on 1000 followers, that's truly an achievement!

    xx Alyson
    Beauty Vanity

  15. Ooo čestitke za 1000ko :) lepo si proslavila :))

  16. Čestitke za 1000! :))

    O, tole izgleda čisto preveč dobro! :)

  17. Hej Živa!
    Čestitke za 1k:) Hotela sem te že pred nekaj časa vprašati o tej težavi, ki si jo omenila v zvezi s športanjem in sprehodi... Upam da tole ne bo čudno izpadlo (niti najmanj nočem tega!) ampak kako to, da te zgrabi takšna panika? Ti je tako naporno? Je zaradi psihe? Pač rada bi razumela in ti pomagala, da nekako rešiš to težavo. Jaz imam tudi dejansko pri vsaki stvari zelo vpleteno psiho zraven, isto je bilo, ko sem začela tečti iz nule. Mene so motili ljudje, ki so me gledali (ok, saj verjetno niso, to sem si mislila), ker recimo na začetku še ne znaš čisto "prav" tečti, če veš kaj hočem reči. Pa na začetku sem si vedno govorila v glavi, da itak ne bo šlo, nimam dovolj kondicije, itd. Ampak postopoma pa nekako prebrodiš vse to. Vse je v glavi. Možgane moraš nekako prelisičiti, pregovoriti v nasprotno in potem spet normalno deluješ.
    Pa še mogoče samo beseda o izgubi kilogramov, treba jih je izgubljati počasi, nekje 2-3kg/mesec (tako učijo nas medicince). Zdravo hujšanje ni to, da takoj izgubiš ogromno kilogramov, zato ker jih tudi ne pridobiš v nekaj tednih, ampak se to nalaga v mesecih, letih.
    Vse sem napisala samo dobronamerno, brez zamere! :)

    Crayons and Beads

    1. Hvala :) Ni nič čudno. Imam depresijo in s tem tudi napade panike. Ja, naporno, strah me je, da ne bom zmogla, da me ljudje sodijo, da nisem dovolj dobra. Včasih pa tudi čisto na random, ne morem lih vplivat na to. Ko probam me enostavno zagrabi taka panika, da začnem jokat, se trest, ker ne morem, ni dovolj, je prepočasi. Je kar težko, tako da priznam, da se trenutno precej izogibam telovadbi, ampak upam, da bo s časom boljše.


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