How to treat blemishes

Sunday, March 23, 2014

You may have noticed my complaining about my skin lately (seriously, the hashtag #complainypants is just about me, am I rite) and I've had a terrible breakout lately. I feel really bad telling you all this, because I got it from a product I was really hoping to love, and I even attended an event for it. Sadly, it was the La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo +. I know, so strange as everyone seems to love it, but my skin broke out so terribly after it. It has been a month or so and it still has not recovered - my forehead is still bumpy and I now have loads of scars all over my face. Lovely. I am in no way trying to trash LRP, because I love this brand and I buy it myself as well, but this product just did not work for me. So I gave it to the ever so lovely Nina at & hopefully she will share her results with us as well.

Since I was left with broken out skin, I rummaged through my beauty cupboard to find something that would help me. I came across three products and have been using them and switching them up, and lo and behold, my skin is actually so much better! Let's see what helped me with my broken out skin.

I'm going to start with Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting BHA Liquid. I've had this product for absolute ages, but was kind of silly and had no idea how to use it. I will write a proper review for this as well, but let me just say it improved the texture of my skin dramatically. It deals with congested pores, of which I have a bajillion, as well as bumpy skin, from which I also suffer. It really reduces the bumps and helps improve texture, so I am totally loving it. By the way, Paula's Choice Slovenija just opened a new online store at and they have some great deals going on.

Next up is Lush Grease Lightning. I got this product on a whim a few months ago, just put it on my desk and promptly forgot about it. Tilen used it from time to time and reported it was actually really good, but I just shrugged and went on with my day. I don't usually break out as much, so I didn't really need it. However, I applied it yesterday and literally woke up with my bumpy skin reduced by about 50% - my forehead looks so much better, I actually wore my hair up for the first time since this breakout. This is a miracle worker and I love it even more because it is natural!

And finally, Vichy Hyaluspot. I got this as part of Vichy's 100 Women 100 Days challenge and Nina immediately told me how amazing it was as she has it as well. I applied it straight away after I received it, as my skin sure needed a spot treatment. The only bad thing with this I felt right away - it burns! But then again, as Nina says, at least you know it's working, haha. So I apply this overnight and it is quite similar to Grease Lightning - it just dries everything up overnight. Totally amazing and works in a matter of hours to reduce bumpiness and size of blemishes.

So, these three products are totally worth it in my opinion - I love them all. With their help, my skin has improved a lot, and I will keep using them to hopefully clear it all up.

Share your opinion:

  1. Vichy Hyaluspot vsi hvalite :) I have to try it myself :D
    Sem si pa naročila Paula's Choice testerčke in zdaj uporabljam njihov BHA gel in sem popolnoma navdušena nad njim. Moje hormonske akne se niso imele časa razviti v boleče bule, tiste ki jim je pa to uspelo so pa hitro usahnile :) Tako da me love it in si definitivno nabavim ta izdelek, samo ne vem ali v liquid ali gel različici, moram prečekirat razliko med njima :)

  2. Vichy Hyaluspot je najboljši:3 Meni vedno pomaga :) ...Čeprav nisem probala ostalih 2 naštetih :P

  3. Me pa zanima tale Paula's choice stvarca, ker mam probleme z negladko kožo :)

  4. Paula's Choice morm mal počekirat. :) xx

  5. Zanimivo prebrat da niso čisto vsi zadovolni z Effaclar Duo +. Na srečo meni ni povzročila težav, ampak je dejansko pomagala koži. Čeprav je verjetno bolj pomagalo to, da nosim make up po novem maximalno enkrat na teden :D bom pa verjetno v prihodnosti sprobala tako Vichy Hyaluspot kot Lushevo Grease Lightning. Me zanima če bo kaj boljše tudi pri meni. :)

    xx, Kaja

  6. Moja koža je zadnje čase tudi ful zahtevna postala, tak da ne vem kaj naj z njo praktično. Tak da sem kar preklopila na navadno milo (oz. milo od Dr. broonerja - tea tree liquid soap - čeprav vonj ni glih prijeten, ampak bom vidla kakšen je učinek, glede na to da je čajevec dober za akne, rane itd..) Sem hotla preizkusiti Effaclar Duo +, ker ga vsi tak hvalijo, zdaj pa več nisem tak prepričana, glede Vichyja pa, mene bi kar prestrašil pekoč občutek, ker pol ne vem če pomaga ali škodi.. :) Za Paula's Choice sem pa že slišala na tujih blogih, super da majo zdaj tudi v Sloveniji! :) Definitivno moram prečekirat :)

  7. Joj, res škoda da ti LRP ni odgovarjal, meni je ravno ta njihova linija popravila kožo.

  8. it's a shame the effaclar duo didn't work for you, its my holy grail item! always love to try new products to help combat blemishes! xx

  9. You have such a beautiful blog design! I love Lush Grease Lightning, it's a really great product that works well without stinging or burning - RESULT! xx

  10. I always get a little overwhelmed when I go in to LUSH & end up leaving with a bath product & forget to look at their skincare. I really want to try Grease Lightning & have heard lots of positive reviews

  11. Lovely picture, I've never tried any of these products, the Lush 'greased lighting' sounds good!

  12. Check the expiration dates of the Paula's Choice product ...:-))) . xx

  13. super objava! :)
    tale Lushev Grease Lightning in Vichy Hyaluspot moram enkrat obvezno sprobat! :) za Lush se spomnim, da si mi ti po mailu svetovala, da je super, za Hyaluspot pa sem tudi slišala že veliko pohval. :)

    mam pa tale PC izdelek (sicer gel) in mi je super! :)) vbistvu sem si pri njih v novi spletni trgovini naročila kar 6 izdelkov (čistilni gel, tonik,...) in jih zdaj pridno uporabljam že malo več kot en teden, pa moram povedat, da se mi je koža že preceeej izboljšala (*trkam na les*). :) vglavnem upam na najboljše, ker se tale akne pri meni vlečejo že preeedolgoo..


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