Devil water

Friday, September 13, 2013

Today I will be talking about Melvita's Floral Water. Scared off by the title, were you? There's actually a pretty funny anecdote behind it. As I am so in love with this product, I may have been a bit too enhtusiastic about it and may or may not have sprayed it on Tilen as well. He was not pleased and proclaimed that this (amazing) product shall be known as Devil water from then on. And so it shall be.

I used this a lot while I was on holiday, maybe I could even say I've been neglecting it a bit since I got home, but it will definitely be getting more attention soon! It's a scented floral water and they have a few different ones, personally I really like this one the most, it's the Orange Blossom scent and is supposed to soften and soothe the skin. I can definitely atest to that, as it truly made my skin calm down after exposure to the sun. I also love using it to refresh my face when my makeup is looking a bit caked on. Also great as a makeup fixator - it actually works (I was very doubtful about this) and fixes all of my makeup in place, making it stay there all day, and I don't even need a powder anymore. The spray bottle is also super nice, because it's really easy to use.

I also included the Eau Extraordinaire in this post, because at the time I bought this, Melvita was running a promotion where you could get it cheaper. I use it mostly as a toner, as it's a lot more concentrated, and it actually removes the last traces of my makeup as well (I would not advise using it solely for that purpose, though). All in all a nice product, though I probably would not repurchase it, while the Floral Water has become a must-have in my skincare bag!

In case you're confused or trying to find these, they now come in different packaging! The bottle is the same, but the label is now blue and pink. Just a disclaimer in case you want to find these products in store or online. Here is the Slovenian site. They're always running great promotions! By the way, Melvita is a natural & organic skincare brand, and they also stock perfumes, teas and loads more - I would absolutely recommend a visit to the store.

Share your opinion:

  1. That Extraordinary Water is one of the reasons I can't live without hyaluronic acid. Absolutely brilliant.

    1. How do you use it, if I may ask - as a toner? :) x

  2. "...and may or may not have sprayed it on Tilen as well." tle sm se tok nasmejala :D haha
    Melvitine izdelke pa vsi samo hvalte, zgleda da bo čas da še js kakšnga sprobam :)

    1. Hehehe te anekdote s Tilnom so res najboljše :) Jaaa, nujno, pa potem poročaj! x

  3. Just read two posts about this and I have never heard about it before! Where has it been? Or where have I been? Sounds great! :)

    1. Essiebutton, right? :D You should definitely try it! x


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