Top 3 Drugstore Foundations for Fall

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

It's finally fall, and I've prepared a post about my favorite foundations from the drugstore!

When the colder weather comes around, I like my foundation to be matte and full coverage. So with that in mind, I picked up three winning formulas from the drugstore, which I'd like to talk about today. Here we go...

Maybelline Dream Wonder Nude/Flawless Nude

I picked this up 'just because', and I didn't really think it would work for me. I thought it would be more like a very runny BB cream, but this foundation surprised me with just how good it is! It's very watery indeed, but that makes it perfect to layer and achieve the perfect amount of coverage. It looks natural, feels very light and fresh and looks perfect on the skin. I know it has different names in different countries, and you can also get it on FeelUnique for about 12€. The only problem is the packaging, it has a weird stick and there's no pump, so I just pour it out. Too bad about that as it's a great product, and if it had a pump, I'd reach for it even more. I have the shade 010 Ivoire and it's a nice match.

Bourjois Air Mat

A new addition to the Bourjois family, one I knew I'd have to get as soon as it hit stores in Slovenia. And I'm so glad I did! This foundation is amazing! Comparable to Rimmel Stay Matte but without the mousse texture (which I don't like), it has the best coverage, stays matte throughout the day and smells lovely... I'm just so in love with it. It might become my go-to foundation this fall/winter! It's also about 12€ and you can find it in Boots. I have the shade 01 Rose Ivory and it's an okay match. I even got a few compliments when I wore this! That never happens.

L'Oréal Infallible 24H Matte

Another amazing find! I really wanted to try this, but couldn't find it in stores, but you can find it on Salma for less than 11€. Similar to Air Mat but thicker, full coverage, slightly less matte (needs a bit of powder after a few hours, at least on my oily skin), great texture, great product. I love it! My shade is 12 Natural Rose. I would recommend this to girls with combination skin, if you're oily, go for Bourjois instead.

These foundations are all amazing and all under 13€, so I think they're the perfect fall treat! Your skin will look amazing and matte throughout the day.
What's your favorite fall foundation?

Končno je jesen... Za vas sem pripravila objavo o treh pudrih, ki jih v tem letnem času obožujem.

Pozimi imam rada mat pudre z veliko prekrivnosti, še bolje pa je, če mi ne naredijo luknje v žepu. S tem v mislih sem pripravila današnjo objavo. Vsi spodnji pudri stanejo manj kot 13€!
Kupila sem ga brez razloga, očaral me je pa vseeno. Moti me sicer, da nima pumpice, temveč samo nekakšno paličico, sicer se ga pa zlije na čopič. Puder je zelo tekoč, popoln za nanos v plasteh, da dosežemo idealno prekrivnost. Stane okrog 12€, moj odtenek pa je 010 Ivoire. 
Ker sem velika oboževalka Bourjois pudrov, sem vedela, da bom tudi novega preizkusila takoj. Seveda me je navdušil - za drugstore znamko ima Bourjois ene boljših podlag! Mat čez cel dan, s prijetnim vonjem, odlično prekrivnostjo in dobro teksturo je puder eden izmed mojih favoritov letošnjega leta. Stane okrog 12€, moj odtenek je 01 Rose Ivory.
Tegale žal še ni Sloveniji, ga pa lahko kupite na Salmi. Stane pod 11€, je pa krasen puder, podoben Air Mat in Rimmel Stay Matte, samo z drugačno teksturo. Ni čisto mousse, je pa precej gosta. Odlična prekrivnost, porabi se ga malo, lep in enostaven nanos... Krasen izdelek, ki ga toplo priporočam. Najbolj bo ustrezal puncam z mešano kožo.

Vsi omenjeni pudri so enkratni, pa še ugodni... Priporočam za jesen in zimo!
Kateri pa je tvoj najljubši puder za jesen?

Share your opinion:

  1. Jaz sem tudi probala od Bourjoisa, kako lepo diši! Plus nardi čudovito kožo. Se mi dopade, ampak se mi zdi, da sem (spet) kiksnila pri barvi. Sem vzela Beige, pa mi vleče precej na rumeno/oranžno...

  2. Kako pa izgledajo pudri na obrazu? Super post drugace;)

    1. Se bom pri prihodnjih objavah potrudila dodati fotko, vendar mi ni ravno do objavljanja svojih slik na blogu. :)

    2. Saj je bilo meni tudi najprej neprijetno objavljati slike gor na blog ampak se scasoma navadis, tote 3 mesce odkar moj blog deluje;)

  3. I really want to try the infallible matte I keep hearing so many good things about it x

    Zoe Mountford x

  4. I really like the Maybelline foundation, but it's a little too dark for me unless I'm tanned. I swatched the Bourjois one today, but alas also too dark!

    Emily // Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


  5. I love the L'Oreal Infallible Matte foundation its so lovely - really want to try the other two they sound lovely!

    Lucy |

  6. Swatches would be appreciated :) great pics otherwise!:)

    1. Thank you. I don't really feel comfortable posting photos of myself on my blog, but I'll try to get over that :)

  7. Jaz sem se pa ful veselila tega od Bourjois zaradi svoje mastne kože, ampak mi je kot prvo žal pretemen, kot drugo mi ima pa grozen, res grooozen vonj. Sem res presenečena, da ga vsi drugi hvalite :P Na srečo sem ga preizkusila le preko testerja. Bom pa dala L'Orealu šanso, ker nimam ničesar pametnega za jesen.

    1. Šokirana :O Meni ful diši! Sicer pa tudi meni rahlo oksidira. Upam, da ti uspe najti kaj dobrega <3

  8. I'm seeing so many positive reviews of the Bourjois Air Mat, I may have to invest in that!xx

    Laura | Lala London: Beauty & Lifestyle

  9. Bourjois me mika, morem it enkrat s posodico nalit pa sprobat...samo imam zadje čase tako suho kožo da ne vem če je zame. Kaj misliš?

    1. Punce pravijo, da ni ravno za suho kožo :(

  10. L'oreal Infallible is new to my area...I just saw the shelves being stocked earlier this week. So I am looking forward to giving it a try.

    Keisha xo

  11. I've heard so many amazing things about the L'Oreal Foundation it makes me want to try it! La Roche Posay has an awesome BB cream out at some drugstores - it's perfect for those no-makeup makeup days. :)

    PS I LOVE your blog!

    Kelsey |

    1. Thank you so much! <3 I don't do BBs lately, my skin has been horrible :(

  12. Air matt:9 sem si gakupila kljub suhi koži, ki pa mi niti ne deluje več tako suha ob pravilni negi. Kupila sem ga res samo zato ker sem v Dm-u videla kako zelo prekriven je bil, in fantastična tekstura, tudi vonj. Vzela sem isti odtenek kot ti, ker bompozimi precej svetla, čeprav opažam, da imam še dosti pegmenta v sebi od nosečnosti. Ampak barva je na meni čisto oksidirala, res na preveč oranžno, zelo mat izpade na moji koži, tudi zateguje mi jo, kljub temu da je pred tem res dobro navlažena. Ampak mi je pa všeč tisti efekt prekrivnosti, nanosa, tudi tisti prvi vtis ko se pogledam v ogledalo je res lep, sicer nisem še čisto obupala, nad njim, in ga bom malce mešala z drugimi odtenki mogoče pa nama uspe, ker mi je pa drgače ful dober puder, čeprav bo Healty mix še vedno najboljši za suho kožo:) Maybelline wonder sem pa že večkrat gledala in ko grem ob priliki do Avstrije ga preverim:).

    1. Kakšna škoda :( Tudi na meni zadnje čase ful okdisidira, tako da sem posvetlila odtenek s TBS kapljicami. x


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