Destress, relax, get over it

Saturday, November 7, 2015


I have a two parter post for you today. The first part will be about two lovely products from Lily Flame, and the second will be a little more personal. Let's start with a review!

I was recently invited to the opening of a super cute Slovenian store, Babushka. Even though we left with a goodie bag, I couldn't resist picking up two things from Lily Flame.

I saw some candles in Babushka and made a beeline for them, obviously. Out of all the scents, I loved Powder Puff the most. What a unique, girly and pretty scent! It smells like baby powder and makeup I used to steal from my mom's closet. It's a love or hate scent, and you should smell it before buying (awesome excuse to go to Babushka, right?). The candle was around 11€, and I also picked up a Room Mist from the same brand in the scent Fairy Dust.

Another unusual scent, definitely powdery, but a little sweet and very comforting to me. It was the same price as the candle and I think it's a bargain because you get 100 ml of product. These kinds of scents comfort me and help me sleep better, and they've really helped me destress.

Time for part two... Why am I so stressed?

I've debated talking about this on my blog. I've debated even keeping my blog. I feel a huge disconnect, as I've mentioned before. I feel... inadequate.

I haven't spoken about my job a lot, which is really a shame. I'm a full time author, but I use a pen name (or 27). It's a job I've wanted since I was a kid, but everyone told me it was impossible. It's not, and dare I say it pays very well, too. :) Understandably, with producing one novel per month I'm really busy. My typing has gotten so fast I can hammer out 4000 words in an hour if I'm so inclined. My imagination is going to burst. I'm inspired. In that area of my life, I'm really, really happy.

Then comes the blogging. Something that had helped me tremendously when I was a teenager with no friends, no hopes. And now?

Makeup is stressful to me. The pressure to look pretty is too fucking much. To be perfect all the time, go to events and mingle, be a version of me I haven't been in years. I feel not worthy. I've started hoarding makeup because I've gotten so fat clothes won't fit, so I'll just buy lipstick instead. Why? I don't go anywhere, anyway.

My life is actually really, really damn lonely. Most days are spent working, 12+ hours a day. When I'm not working, I'm thinking about work. Need to write that, need to book that promotion, need to get that cover made. It's a stress factor I don't mind, I think it's fun. The stress is producing contect for NFR and being a match for all the new bloggers who are, I feel, so much better than me. So I've been quiet, haven't gone to events, just holed myself up and stuck my head in the sand.

I think I'll have to make some big changes in the new year. I need to take better care of myself, I need to sort my priorities and make time for my blogging as well. It needs to be a hobby again, not a stress factor. I need to get better.

My life isn't perfect, I'm definitely not perfect. And I feel like everyone's waiting for me to break. To just say, ha - knew she couldn't handle it. Well, I think I can. And I don't want to complain how shitty my life is while to someone else, I might be living the dream. I just need to get myself in order.

This has been a whole lot of nonsense and not a lot of help. I wanted to finish by asking you to understand. I'm a very apologetic person. Leave me a mean comment and I'll put on a brave face, then cry about it for 3 months and feel horrible for being myself. I'm kind of done with that. If you don't like me, please click off - don't be a vulture. If you like my blog, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sticking with me. The past year has been hectic, and I'm glad you supported me.

I hope you'll stay around for NFR 2.0. :)

Share your opinion:

  1. It is inspiring that you follow your dreams and continue to pursue them despite any negativity.
    I understand how harsh judgement can feel - wish we could all support each other for who we are!
    I enjoyed reading this and wish much happiness for you!!

  2. Hi, Živa! I'm so happy to hear your writing endeavours are going well and at the same time I'm a bit saddened about your attitude toward blogging and feeling the way you do about it. I've been around for quite some time now and one thing I truly love about your writing is how you never speak from a place of authority like most other bloggers do (most people kinda have to, if they want others to listen), you write more like a friend and that is something not everyone can do. I spoke to you on social media some time ago and I know for a fact you are a wonderful person and I can tell you that you are enough, no matter what you do or what you write about. You don't feel like writing about makeup - fine! You can always write about books or relationships, inspiration, life, love, post photos of your cats, do whatever you want and whatever makes you happy, because mainly people who come here on a daily basis are your internet friends, not just makeup consumers. Don't be so hard on yourself, some of us are really really happy to hear you are doing so well and we are not waiting for you to fail! There is no pressure put upon you, you can do whatever you want, you can post whatever you want or even not anything at all. But please don't try to write about things you are not passionate about anymore, it will make you miserable plus your passion for everything you write about is very much detectible in your posts and it is the main reason people like to read you!
    Also I wish you could find some time to unwind. Go out in nature, schedule some time off for yourself, bake, go to the gym ... And please don't call yourself fat, it is not helpful. If your weight makes you feel unhealthy there are many great things you can do about it that will make you feel happier (I can always help if you need some help). Anyways, please be good to yourself, you are very much loved, supported and many people look up to you. Also thanks for sharing your vulnerability online, it's a very brave thing to do. :-)) Love, M

    1. You are SO SWEET! <3 Thank you so much. It really helps to hear things like this. Much love xx

  3. Glavo gor, meni se še vedno zdiš ena najboljših beauty blogerk v sloveniji :) Pa se vseeno veselim NFR 2.0 ;)

  4. Živa meni si ti top blogerka, sej ne moremo imeti vse skos inspiracije za blog pisati, vzami si čas zase, ko boš pa nazaj z NFR 2.0 verzijo, te bom pa z veseljem prebirala *huuuug*

  5. Really inspring to hear about you going for your dreams and being sucessful too! xox

  6. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I wish for you to get less stressed and do more of what makes you happy next year.

  7. I hope you settle down well and cheer up! I love your blog Ziva plus great purchases you made:)

    Chaste & Beautiful

  8. Very proud to see that you're willing to share your personal life. It's hard to let people in, but you'll see that most people are so very willing to support you in whatever you do!

    1. If it helps someone, my job is done! Thank you <3

  9. Powder puff je preveč kjut! :)
    Drugače pa imaš res super blog, vedno se najde kdo, ki se nam zdi,da je boljši za nas itd... ampak če tebe to osrečuje, zakaj bi si glavo belila s tem :) uživaj ob pisanju še naprej, ko pa bo novi post pa te bomo še naprej prebirali . :))

  10. I think nobody life is perfect and we forget that. Just make sure you enjoy what you do and take time out for yourself and like you said blogging should be fun, not stressful xx

  11. Živa, meni pa se zdi, da si že ogromno dosegla in se lahko marsikatera punca zgleduje po tebi. Iz tvojih postov se da razbrati, da si zelo delavna, prijazna in imaš čut za soljudi :) Zato le pogumno in srečno! ;)


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