Olaz Regenerist Face Brush Review

Monday, March 30, 2015

Face brushes. A thing of the past?

I remember when I first started watching Youtube and Clarisonic was all the rage. Everyone seemed to have one, and I even started saving for one, but at the time, they weren't available anywhere & I'd have to get it online and I was too worried about taxes and the electric charger not being the right one.

Fast forward to two weeks ago and me shopping in Müller in Celje. I stood in front of the Clarisonic tentatively, too afraid to even pick it up, and finally gave up. Then, when browsing the skincare aisle I spotted this brush by Olaz, which was priced at 30€. I even put it in my shopping basket which I ended up leaving on the floor (I still cringe about it). But the next day, I went to Graz with my boyfriend, and this brush was there again ... Discounted to 20€ in drogerie markt. I didn't hesitate and just got it.

I was so excited I had to try it right away. The price is of course the biggest difference between this and the Clarisonic, the other one costs around 150€ while this one's regular price is 30€. It comes with two batteries, the brush holder and a small brush as well as a small cleanser to try out. I love that you don't have to plug it in! I was initially worried because the attachment for the brush is a little flimsy, but it's perfectly fine. You pop it on there & add some cleanser, then you press either button on the back (there are two speeds) and use it on your face. By the way, as opposed to the Clarionic's 25€, the replacement brush for Olaz is around 5-6€.

And what is my experience with the brush?

I get it. I get the hype.

This brush does wonders for my skin, and I mean serious wonders. I always remove makeup with micellar solution and after cleansing it with the Olaz Regenerist Brush, the brush was so dirty - awful to know that was left on my skin. It literally removed dirt and grime in one step and my skin felt fresh, incredibly soft and not oily or dry in the least. Applying moisturizer was a dream, even the thickest one sank in straight away.

When using this twice a day, I definitely saw a huge difference, though there was a little bit of irritation and redness if I used it morning and night. But when I got a little lazy and didn't use it for a couple of days, my skin immediately showed the signs.

This brush helps clearing impurities, my pores are so clean at the moment and even my boyfriend commented they look smaller. It makes your skin purge a little but nothing drastic, and it helps fade dark marks. Honestly, I'm so happy with it, I can't believe I waited this long to get one ... The results are amazing. For 20-30€, I can't recommend this enough, and I think you honestly need it in your life because it will change your routine and your skin!
Do you own a face brush?

Share your opinion:

  1. Tulipančki. <3

    Tudi jaz imam krtačko za obraz in sploh ne morem brez več nje. Jo uporabljam vsak zvečer in mi je super. Sicer ne opažam več velikih sprememb, ampak vseeno je koža dosti bolj gladka in mehka, kot je bila prej, ko še nisem imela krtačke. Se pa res opazi razlika, ko je dalj časa ne uporabljam.
    Imam pa Braunovo, po izgledu je zelo podobna tvoji. :)

    1. Se ful strinjam. :) Braun je bila meni malo predraga, sem res hotela nekaj poceni za sprobat, zdaj se pa verjetno sploh ne bom mogla ločit od nje! x

  2. Moja je Silk'n, sm mela srečo, da sem jo našla v Hoferju znižano na 17€, na uradni strani je 45€ :D Res so odlične te krtačke, misliš da z micelarno vse dol spraviš, pol pa vedno šok ko krtačko pogledaš :D. Pa men je fino, k grem zjutraj vedno še na hitro čez ustnice, da mi ni treba pilinga delat :D Btw tale je vodoodporna?

    1. Hudo, dobra cena :) Mislim, da je vodoodporna, ja.

  3. Te krtačke so res vredne svojega denarja. Jaz imam Braunovo in mi je tudi super. Je kar šok, ko vidiš koliko "umazanije" ostane na obrazu po uporabi micelarne.

    1. A ne? Škoda, da sem jo šele zdej začela uporabljat! x

  4. I think it's Olay in the UK but yes, I've tried it when it first came out, quite weird really that I don't use face brush until I invested on the Clarisonic MIA2!


    1. It's so strange how they changed the name! I love the Mia2, and now they came out with a new one called Aria I think. x

  5. I was the same with face brushes, and oh boy, am I addicted to mine!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  6. I was saving up for the Clarisonic too! I saw this one and almost picked it up but then I got the chance to try out the Clinique one. And I totally agree - face brushes are amazing! They really do wonders for the skin. Great post and gorgeous photos!


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