My favourite micellar solution

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Micellar solution is my favourite product to remove makeup.

I shudder to think of the years before it came along, when I'm pretty sure I used makeup remover wipes ... The horror! I've tried my fair share of micellar solutions so far, including Bioderma, Yves Rocher, Vichy, La Roche Posay and Garnier, but I think I've finally found my favourite.

Corine de Farme is a brand that is completely new to me, and when I was offered the chance to try their products, I chose the micellar water since I was just running out of mine from Green Line. First thing I noticed - huge packaging. This comes with 500 ml of product guys, that is a LOT of micellar solution! I've been using it for two months and I haven't even used half of it.

I started using it and instantly loved it. There's absolutely no scent to this. It doesn't irritate my skin at all, while Bioderma, for example, made my skin feel awful and my eyes itch terrible. It's really just a neutral water and it removes makeup better than any other I've tried. When I used it for the first time, I was shocked when my cotton pads came away about five times dirtier than usual, and I wasn't wearing different makeup, this just removed more product.

To quickly touch on the packaging, as you can see it has a pump which is awesome! I love using it because it doesn't waste product, it's super practical and dispenses the perfect amount. Definitely one of the main reasons this is a favourite, the pump is a great addition.

At this point, I was certain this was a good product, but then I checked the price. It's under 7€. Can you believe that? Incredibly inexpensive, so high quality, and awesome packaging to boot. I cannot recommend this enough, and if you can get your hands on this brand, make sure you try this micellar solution, it won't disappoint.
What is your favourite micellar solution?

Share your opinion:

  1. Right now I'm using the L'oreal micellar water and I've been loving it. Also I enjoyed the Nivea one. :))

    Kisses, Kali

  2. Replies
    1. Imajo jo na spletni strani Oblak Commerce :)

  3. It sounds great, mine's Bioderma and also Garnier's micellar water ;)

  4. I have tried this and it's good for removing makeup but stings my sensitive eyes. I have tried Bioderma and Garnier micellar so far and currently testing Nivea 3 in 1 micellar water.

    1. So strange - it doesn't sting mine at all, while Bioderma wrecks my eyes ... Nivea seems to be a good one too x

  5. Lovely post! I use the Bioderma one, but I might have to give this one a go!

    X Marjolein

  6. Pumpica je res fajn, bi jo morale imeti vse :) Sprobala sem 3 različne verzije Bioderme (prepričana sm bila da mi bo obraz sežgala), Lorealovo in Garnier. Pa mi je Garnier na vrhu, tole bom pa tudi mogoče v prihodnjosti sprobala :)


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