We all talk about what you should do and shouldn't do, but not many of us want to admit to all of the things we do wrong ... I thought I'd change it up a little today and tell you 7 little secrets about me regarding makeup and body care. Psssst, don't tell anyone! And feel free to do a similar post and link it in the comments below, I love beauty confessions. Whenever possible, I've also added a solution that should help me get rid of the problem. So here are a few makeup/skincare sins I'm very much guilty of ...
1. Not washing my makeup brushes.
I am the laziest person when it comes to washing makeup brushes! Either that, or I completely forget to do it, so my brushes are looking very worse for wear at the moment. Plus, it has a really negative effect on the skin as unwashed brushes just collect bacteria and nasty stuff that clogs your pores. Hopefully, this post by Describe the Sky will make brush washing less of a chore ...
2. Falling asleep with my makeup on.
Horrors! I often do this - I'm sometimes so tired I just doze off, contacts in my eyes, full face of makeup on. This is a horrible, horrible habit, and I'm trying to break it by having a mini pamper session in the evenings - taking my makeup off early and putting on a face mask usually helps, and then I remember to do my night time skincare routine as well.
3. Biting my lips.
This is a hard one because I've been a lip biter for as long as I can remember! Even when I was in kindergarten, every time I got nervous, I would bite and peel my lips. Truly a lovely visual, is it not? It usually accompanies my panic attacks or happens when I'm stressed, so mostly I walk around with chapped lips and use super dark lipstick to cover up the fact that they're all torn. Solution? Applying copious amounts of lip balm.
4. Walking around with chipped nails.
Probably the hardest one to admit to, because I used to be such a perfectionist when it came to nails ... Lately, I often find myself so tired I just cannot do a manicure, and more often that not my nails are chipped or bare. Most if not all polishes chip on me during the first day and I really don't have time to do them every single night! What could a solution be, I wonder? I think finding a good quick drying topcoat and taking an extra 20 minutes to freshen up my mani every few days should do the trick.
5. Inability to apply false lashes
Seriously, falsies are the bane of my existence. They actually prompted me to write this post, because I tried to put some on and nearly gauged an eye out (and I'm writing this squinting on one eye since I managed to pour most of the glue in the other). How do people do this? It can't be that hard! I'm committed, so I plan on watching a couple of Youtube videos about putting on false lashes and mastering the art.
6. General contact-lenses-related laziness
I don't take them out. I wear them too much. I fall asleep with them. I don't change them often enough. You name it, I've done it. To remedy this, I try to take the contacts out as soon as possible, so if I know I'm not doing anything for the rest of the day, out go the contacts, and on go the glasses. Another solution would be to own a pair of glasses I could actually wear in public as opposed to the pair I have had since my freshman year of high school!
7. Lack of moisturization
I made up a word just now, possibly, but I am so lazy when it comes to lotions. This is especially annoying because I own about a hundred of them and will never use them up at this rate, which is applying body lotion every few weeks. My solution is taken care of - I've neatly placed a jar of body butter in my bathroom where I can't pretend I don't see it when I come out of the shower. So far, so good!
This post was quite funny to write and I hope it gave you a good laugh. But seriously - bad beauty habits are something you need to admit to, first of all, then eradicate! I could go on and on about mine, but let me focus on these first and report back on possible improvements.
What is your worst beauty habit?
I'll admit I sometimes dont remove my makeup at night. I don't wear false lashes or contacts, so I'm not bothering with those, ate least hehe!
ReplyDeleteIt's a hoooorrible habit, my face feels awful when I wake up! & lucky girl :P
DeleteS prvo trditvijo se strinjam. Ne vem kdaj sem postala tako lena, ampak nekako ne morem priti zraven k umivanju čopičev. Mogoče je problem, ker jih vsak dan rabim, pa se zdaj tako dolgo sušijo, da nočem "tvegati":). Okrušen lak gre meni tudi na živce in je pogosto prisoten v moji dnevni rutini:). Glede leč pa te tudi razumem. Jaz sem nosila leče od zjutraj 7h do zvečer 2h ponoči in kaj se je zgodilo... Oči sem dobila tako izsušene, da jih zdaj več sploh ne morem nositi in imam samo še očala. Tako da, iz osebnih izkušenj, raje vloži v očala, da boš lahko kombinirala oboje, bo boljše:).
ReplyDeleteUffff slabo ... Meni se je tudi enkrat zgodilo, zdaj pa je že nekaj časa ok, ampak dosti uporabljam kapljice. Očala so na to-buy seznamu. :)
DeleteI'm a lip biter and I hate it so much! It's not something I can help because I am not consciously aware of it most of the time.
It really is a horrible habit. To me it's even worse than biting nails because it's more obvious. Let's try and get better! :)
DeleteInability to apply false lashes - same here! :D
ReplyDelete*si ponovno zalepi oko s trepalnico, da high five, fali ker nič ne vidi* :D
DeleteJoj samo te leče so res problematične, z losjonom mi pa še kar gre zadnje čase. :D
ReplyDeleteI'm quite the nail biter but I have found one solution - painting my nails. Only problem with this is that the only reason it stops me from biting is because I pick the nail polish off! Super annoying. I find myself painting my nails every second or third night just to stop the biting! But I'll admit, sometimes I give up... Not fun :( xx
Ah that is a good idea! I bite my cuticles, it's horrible :( x
DeleteLoving this post! So true about biting lips - I do the same, Ive found Carmex lip balm really helps my lips when they are dry / bitten :)
Oooh thanks for the suggestions, I use Blistex! x
DeleteLip biting is the hardest because I subconsciously do it! I should try to take more notice...
ReplyDeleteMichelle xo
I knoooow, and I also do it when I'm nervous! Really want to stop. x
DeletePriznam, da sem prve in zadnje točke tudi jaz kriva. Jaz pa leč ne morem zelo dolgo nositi, ker mi preveč izsušijo oči in nekako so mi ljubša očala. Z umetnimi trepalnicami je pa tako, da je treba veliko vaje, preden uspe. Meni jih je bilo na začetku groza nanašat, zdaj pa je že boljše, čeprav še rabim vajo. Okrušenih nohtov pa ne prenesem na sebi. Če se mi bo lak okrušil, si bom vzela pol ure časa za novo manikiro, ne glede na to, kako zaposlena sem, pa četudi gre na račun spanja. :)
ReplyDeleteJoj si pridna :) Jaz sem pa zadnje čase tako utrujena, da kar padem dol in si res ne vzamem časa za to, se moram poboljšat.
DeleteHaha I am guilty of chipped nails, brush laziness and definitely lip biting! Makes my lipstick look awful, really need to stop.
It does, doesn't it? Then I'm forced to wear dark lipstick to cover it all up :(
DeleteHaha, I'm guilty of many of these too, loved the post!
ReplyDeleteMaddy, xo // UNSTITCHEDD
Thank you Maddy x
Deletenail biting, 'taking' my make up off but leaving half it on my face still, not cleaning my make up brushes is also a bad trait! dr bronners, magic soap is incredible - forget baby shampoo or washing up liquid or cleanser! you need this xo
ReplyDeleteOooh I've heard a lot about it. Thanks for the recommendation :)
DeleteGlede točke 6. sva isti! :) Ampak je pa res, da včasih tudi v javnosti nosim očala, ker mi 'baje' pašejo, tako mi vsaj domači in fant pravijo..ampak se nekako ne počutim tako udobno, kot z lečami. Doma pa jih zadnje čase res poskušam pogosteje nosit, da si moje oči malo spočijejo od leč. :)
ReplyDeletePa včasih mam problem tudi z točko 2., a to res ko sem extremno zaspana. :D
Glede zadnje točke pa se moram malo pohvalit, da se zadnja dva meseca res zelo pogosto mažem (poskušam malo skrčiti svojo zbirko losjonov/masel za telo) in mi je ta rutina vbistvu postala kar všeč, nekoč pa sem jo zelooo zanemarjala. Mi je pa najlažje kar pri TV-ju/računalniku se mazat, ko vem, da bom npr. 2 uri gledala kakšen film/oddajo in se mi bo fajn izdelek vpil v kožo.
Joj da bi jaz mela očala, ki bi mi pasala, bi jih skoz nosla. :D Samo mam tok veliko dioptrijo, da moram dat leče not, da si nardim mejkap, potem pa spet ven pa očala gor, ker drugač nič ne vidim. :D
DeleteNot going to lie.. I commit every single one of these beauty sins. These + nail biting - whoops.
ReplyDeleteI can't even deal with false eyelashes, that one's probably the worst. Even thinking about attempting to apply them right now is making me angry, oh lawdy. :P
Much love. xx
Oh I feel you! :P
DeleteI always forget to wash my makeup brushes and really.. sigh.
I bite my lips too... And peel the skin... It's such a bad habit I wish I could stop. Sometimes they bleed and that's just the worst. Oh and I don't know how to put on flade lashes either!! So hard... I was late to my high school trying to put lashes on lol
I bite my nails too much and they turn up looking really awful.I loved this post and would inform you once I post it on my blog:)
I rarely wash my makeup brushes. *cringes* I know it's horrible, and I need to clean them more, but I just never think about it!
ReplyDeletexoxo, em
Tudi jaz večkrat zaspim z make-upom, a se zadnje čase trudim, da bi prekinila to navado. Ampak včasih, ko pridem pozno domov, mi je postelja tako privlačna, da se mi niti ne ljubi misliti na odstranjevanje ličil, kaj šele, da bi jih dejansko odstranila. :)
ReplyDeleteI've done this post.Check it out on my blog.
Čiščenje čopičev je res nočna mora! Ampak en hiter nasvet je tudi da jih pošpricaš s spitadermom in obrišeš v papirnato brisačko, pa so na hitro dezinficirani in skoraj čisti :)
ReplyDeleteBi se pa še našla v kakšni točki, sploh za grizenje ustnic, ne razumem pa kako lahko spite z make upom? Jaz komajčakam, da ga lahko na koncu dneva odstranim, zaspat pa niti prbl. ne morem z njim! Še v tistih žurerskih študentskih letih, sem prišla pijana domov, pa si umila make up, vedno :) Glede tega se pa dosledna :)