Redken Extreme Anti-Snap Leave In Treatment

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I've had the Redken Extreme Anti-Snap Leave In Treatment for a while now, but I've never done a review. Why? Because when I'd been using it, I just did not see big enough of a difference to post about it. However, there's been a few times when I didn't apply this to my hair, and the difference was noticeable, so I finally decided to take some photos and post a review of this hair saviour.

This product is very liquid, milky white and not sticky at all ... It's so liquid-y you can easily apply too much, half a pump is just enough for me and I have long, fine hair. I love that it has a pump, because it makes application a lot easier. I apply it throughout wet hair, towel dried but not blow dried yet, focusing on the ends. This product promises to protect your hair from heat, give it shine and lock your ends in place to prevent splitting. What do I think?

It does all that, and more. Upon application, it makes my hair feel softer and that becomes even more noticeable when I dry it. It's incredibly soft and silky, has less frizz and is easily manageable (though almost a bit slippery, it's so silky). It's weightless, too. It works best when you use a blow dryer, perhaps it is activated by heat? It comes in an absolutely huge bottle of 250 ml which I have had for about half a year now and am not even halfway done. This product costs around 17€ on Feel Unique here, but I'd recommend keeping an eye out for sales and such, I got it for a few euros cheaper during their Redken sale in the summertime.

I would strongly recommend this product to girls with fine long hair that is prone to being frizzy, brittle and snapping easily. It really helps me personally and I think lots of girls would benefit from using it ... It's also really light, so if you've tried oils and they're too heavy for you, this might be perfect.
What is your favourite product for keeping your hair healthy?

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  1. Imam ga že dve leti, pa ga še kar ne uporabljam. Enostavno ne vidim nobene razlike, če ga uporabim ali ne. Mogoče pa sem si vedno dala preveč gor, ker sem imela neke težke in zlepljene lase. :)

    1. Enako je bilo pri meni, ampak ko sem ga nehala uporabljat, sem res opazila razliko. Čudno, las mi pa ni obtežil ...

  2. This sounds so good! My hair is fine and long and if it does what you say, I don't know why I don't own it! Guess I'll keep an eye out for a sale, shouldn't be long now since Christmas is just around the corner!
    Jodie xo // La Lune Song

    1. It is really lovely - FeelUnique often has it on sale! x

  3. Haven't heard of this before, I really want to try it out now though!
    Maddy, xo // UNSTITCHEDD

  4. Can I just say how lovely your blog looks? The design is so cute and stylish! Also, really like this post! I really want to try this out now haha :)

    Melane | Pure Perspective

    1. Thank you so much, really means a lot to me! :) <3

  5. I had this a while back and I LOVE it. It's perfect for dried ends. (I don't know if it's just me but I love the smell!)

    1. Agreed! I didn't even detect a scent, will have to sniff it next time :P

  6. Now this, I wanna try! My hair is colour treated and it's not really at its best right now and I'm currently looking for a good treatment and I think I'll try this one out. Thank you for your review! x

    1. You might really love it - wait for the sale though! :)


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