Quick fixes for blemishes

Friday, May 23, 2014

I've mentioned a few times I've been suffering with bad skin lately, so today I decided to share a few saviours for blemished skin, depending on how much time you have. Despite the annoying topic I had a lot of fun thinking up of this post & I'd love to do more like this - do let me know if you like it please!

If you have 5 minutes ... Let's say you're going out in the morning and just woke up with a massive spot. What I found helps me loads is just taking a few ice cubes, wrapping them in a thin towel or even a paper towel, and pressing to the offending spot. In a few minutes, the swelling should go down considerably and it also helps redness to fade. It won't stop the spot from forming, but it will reduce swelling on that morning run to the coffee shop!

If you have 30 minutes ... Maybe you're getting ready to go out and have a few spare minutes to get ready. I would recommend using LUSH Grease Lightning, which is a lovely natural product infused with calming tea tree and rosemary. Apply it on problematic areas and do your hair, then apply makeup as normal. It really reduces redness, doesn't sting like some other acne treatments, and will reduce swelling as well. If you find it too sticky, do rinse it off before applying makeup.

If you have a couple of hours ... Use Vichy Hyaluspot. This is a total miracle worker for me and I don't know how I managed without it. A spot treatment that works really fast, Hyaluspot comes with a cooling applicator as well and diminishes blemishes in size as well as dries them up. I use it religiously.

Overnight ... My pick for this category is the Vichy Night Detox. It's a really light product that claims to unclog pores and clear skin of any blemishes. I like applying it overnight, and I've even used it in the daytime, I just cannot get enough of it. It improved the texture of my skin with just one night's work, and it definitely deserves a mention. If you use it continuosly, you should see even better results.

If you have a few days ... If you want to improve the texture of your skin and have a bit more time, I would advise using the Paula's Choice BHA Liquid. This has Salycilic Acid, which is a well known acne treatment, and it really clears my skin up. You can't really use it during the day, so your best bet would be a lazy weekend in, as it has a strange feeling on the face, and you really can't wear makeup over it. And please remember to use SPF when using this product - just apply a foundation with SPF next day if you're in the sun!

I've been using all of these products and my skin has gotten a lot better, though I still suffer from blemishes on some parts of my face and body - such a nuisance at 22! What is your miracle acne product?
Click 'read more' for Slovenian version.

Moja koža je bila vedno problematična, z boljšimi in slabšimi obdobji. Trenutno ne kaže nič kaj dobro, zato sem se odločila sestaviti objavo z izdelki, ki mi pomagajo, glede na čas, ki ga imate na voljo. Od petih minut do nekaj dni - gotovo bo ena rešitev ustrezala tudi vam.

Če imate 5 minut ... Moj majhen trik je, da v papirnato brisačo zavijem nekaj kock ledu in jih pritisnem na problematično območje. Pomagajo zmanjšati zatekanje in rdečico na tistem območju.

Če imate pol ure ... Tretma za problematično kožo, ki deluje hitro in ga sama včasih uporabljam celo pod ličili, je LUSH Grease Lightning. Za ceno okrog 10€ je res odličen, pa še naraven, všeč mi je tudi vonj po čajevcu. Umiri še tako problematične dele, pa tudi zmanjšuje rdečico.

Če imate nekaj ur ... Vichy Hyaluspot je tisti, na katerega stavim. Ni primeren za pod ličila, saj zna biti malo lepljiv, je pa odličen tretma za problematične predele na koži. Suši in zmanjšuje rdečico.

Čez noč ... Uporabite Vichy Night Detox. Meni izdelek res ustreza, še posebej pa mi je všeč, da je zelo lahek in ga na koži skoraj ne čutim. Uporabljam ga tudi čez dan, če je le možno, ker res vidim rezultate. Za razliko od Hyaluspota, ki predvsem suši, Night Detox zmanjšuje velikost.

Če imate nekaj dni ... Ponovno bi omenila Paula's Choice BHA Liquid s salicilno kislino, ki se že dolgo uporablja kot tretma za akne. Izdelek je malo masten, tako da se ga ne da uporabljati pod ličili, najbolje je čez noč. V nekaj dneh se že pozna sprememba na teksturi kože.

Upam, da vam je objava pomagala - moja koža se je s temi izdelki vidno izboljšala, čeprav imam še vedno problematične predele - pri 22ih, grozno! Kateri pa je vaš najljubši izdelek proti aknam?

Share your opinion:

  1. I've never tried anything from Vichy but the Hyaluspot sounds great. Another great spot fighter is Origins Spot Remover, it's amazing goodness in a tiny bottle :o) Xx

    Makeup by Candlelight

    1. It's actually amazing! I really want to try Origins, but I can't get them where I live. :( Will have to find them abroad! x

  2. I absolutely love this post! I love these tips, especially the one when you've only got 5 minutes. I've never tried this trick before nor have I ever heard of it to be honest, but it totally makes perfect sense to me! I'm definitely trying it out. I'm also intrigued by these products, especially the LUSH Grease Lightning one as I've been hearing about it a ton lately.


    1. Thanks so much Zoe! Grease Lightning is lovely :)

  3. This is a saviour! I have been getting random blemishes and while I usually just let them be, I have been wanting to kinda make them disappear quick! Thanks very much for this! (:

  4. Še takšnih objav, tvoje nasvete vedno rada preberem. Tole od Vichy moram pa tudi jaz stestirati, sem imale uno od La Roche Posay Effeclar +, pa mi je še več mozoljev povzročilo :(

    1. Joj, za Effaclar Duo + sem jaz že mesece nazaj napisala, da mi je grozen, res mi je naredil štalo na koži. Ful je grozen, še zdej sem besna ... Vichy Hyaluspot je zakon! :)

  5. I'd love to try Lush's Grease Lightning, sounds like a fab product x

    Amy / srslylou

  6. Ooh, I love the sound of the Vichy products! I've only tried a scrub from them but I really love it, so I'll have to look into these too.

    Catherine, xo // Lady Liquor

  7. Really great post, I've been struggling with a persistent breakout recently and have been using Clinique's Anti Blemish Solutions Clinical Clearing Gel and loving it! I love the sound of the Vichy Night Detox. Just discovered your blog, I love it :-) xx

    Kat from Blushing Rose Beauty

    1. Ah, I used to use the Clinique 3 Step System! And thank you so much <3

  8. Meni osebno najbolj pomaga od LRP Effaclar K in od SORAYA piling so pretty ---> http://beautytipsbysandra.blogspot.com/2014/04/soraya-so-pretty-piling-za-obraz-z.html

    Res, za enkrat nisem še nič boljšega dobila!! Je pa res, da sem kako leto ali 2 nazaj imela terapijo z Roucottanom, tako da imam zdej mazoljčke samo, če slabo odreagiram na kak izdelek, pred tistimi dnevi in če zaaaaaaaaaaaareeeeeeeees pogosto jem fast food.

    Zakon članek btw! (Y) :)

    1. Hvala za nasvete! :) Effaclar K bom definitivno probala. Pa hvala!

  9. Živa kaj pa te tablete ki zgoraj omenja punca a si probala? Moj fant jih jemlje, sicer sem prav v precepu a je dobro ali slabo...2 meseca jih jemlje pa ima obupne stranske učinke, luščenje kože, srbečica, vneta in razdražena koža in nihanje razpoloženja.

    1. Hej, ne, Roaccutane so mi pri 17ih letih, ko sem imela res hude akne, odsvetovali, ker imam depresijo. Namesto tega sem dobila kontracepcijo (Diane35), ki mi je ful sčistila kožo in poslabšala razpoloženje, pa se zredila sem se ko slon. :D Zdej ko sem menjala, se mi zdi, da je Roaccutane zame edina rešitev, ampak me je strah stranskih učinkov.

  10. Super pooost :) meni so zdaj tudi vsi predlagali paulas choice zato da mi malo ublaži madeže od mozolje.. ti tvoji posti so res zelo koristni :) drugače sem jes isto imela diane35, ki sem jih dobila zaradi problemov s kožo in sem ji je ful popravla potem pa sem izvedela da so ful močne in sem prenehala in pol je bla šele nočna mora, pač res nikamor nisem mogla it in nič ni pomagalo.. ampak mi je nasrečo roaccutane to popravil in upam da bo stanje trajalo :D

  11. Paula's Choice BHA Liquid, mogoče mi bo pa tole pomagal pri zoprnih bunkicah/mozolčkih, ki nikol ne pridejo na plano? :)...da seveda o ogromnih porah sploh ne govorim. Super objava, Živa! :) xoxo


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