Book Review: Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Cas Lowood is a ghost hunter. He travels from city to city, killing the undead who are harming other people with his legacy, his father's athame. He lives only with his mother and their cat, Tybalt, since his father was killed while battling a ghost. Cas arrives in a new town with a new job. The ghost's name is Anna, and they call her Anna Dressed in Blood. She is a sixteen year old girl, who died on her way to a school dance, wearing a white dress, that was dripping with blood when she was found, her own blood, coming from her cut throat. As Cas tries to send her to the other side, he realizes she's the most powerful ghost he's ever fought. She kills any and everyone who steps into the house where she used to live. But for some reason, she spares Cas...

Lately, I seem to be liking gory reads, and scary ones, too. I've always loved the paranormal, so that's not very different for me. Anyway, I've wanted to read Anna since I first heard about it, enticed, of course, by the cover. It is just perfection, and Anna is just as I imagined her. I also like the special touch, which is the fact that the writing is in red ink - it kind of looks like blood!

I wasn't sure what to expect of this book, but after I read and saw a few reviews, my expectations were very high. Everyone who's read this book seemed to love it, and well, I am no different. Even though I didn't like it in the beginning, by the end I was so engrossed in the story I was turning page after page and not even noticing the time. I finish this novel in two days, which is really really fast for me!

I was a bit annoyed at first, because I'm really not used to a male narrator. I don't think I've read a book narrated by a male in FOREVER, if I ever even did! But I grew to like it, the author really managed it successfully - I think it was very convinincing. The characters themselves were great, I love how they struck up an unlikely friendship. Cas was very lovable, he grew on me pretty quickly. The others were written well too, though I do wish we had learned a bit more about Cas' mom. I personally would like to know more about her!

Now for the story. It's a ghost story, if you haven't figured that out (I'm being Captain Obvious, aren't I?). But it's a very very good ghost story. I loved the subtle hints of romance, the growing together, the friendship of the characters, and the narration itself. The story flowed, and I found myself barely able to tear myself away from the book as I was reading it. I also really liked all of the action bits and the gory stuff, too (what can I say, I'm a horror fan), so if you're into that kind of stuff, you might give this one a read. I don't want to say too much about the synopsis, but let's just say the story is awesome and has a twist or two in it, as well. I especially loved Anna's story, which was totally heartbreaking, though. :(

All in all, recommended for those who like gore and horror, as well as paranormal in general. It's not a very difficult book to read, so you should breeze right through. Definitely five roses for this cool paranomal ghost story, but it isn't one of my favourite books from now one. But each one of those roses is well-deserved. :)

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