Blogmas Day 2: Christmas 2015 Gift Guide For Him

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Stuck on what to get your boyfriend for Christmas?

I was a little lost as well, but I finally managed to gather some ideas for Christmas presents. Don't get me started on my dad, though, because I've no idea what to get him! But here are some presents I thought would be perfect for your boyfriend. Let's see what we have...

A sexy scent

My boyfriend suddenly has a huge collection of cologne, all gifts from me. But this is the first one he found by himself and told me he really wanted it. So naturally, I had to get it for him. I love the womens version of Gucci Guilty, but the mens is even better! This is an EDT with aromatic citrus notes. Quite fresh and pleasant, and I'm sure most men would love the scent. Available here for around 42€.

The perfect book

I read a lot, and every so often I come across a book I know my boyfriend would love. This happened with Brian Sanderson's Reckoners series. This is urban fantasy with superheroes... But they're very, very bad :) I love it, and I'm currently reading book two in the series. I know my boyfriend would love them as well. Available here from 8€ up.

A way to tune out

Last year, I got Tilen a pair of headphones. I think this is a really great gift and I know a lot of guys would like it too. My dad and I tested out loads of them and I'm really pleased with these which cost about 80€. Make sure to test them out!

Plan for the year ahead

I'm a huge planner myself and I know my boyfriend wants to start some to-do lists as well. I found it quite hard to find nice planners for guys, but I came across this beautiful stationery by quotelife as well as VBS. They're made in Slovenia as well, which is a really nice touch! The to-do list planner was 10€ and the diary was 18€.

Take a break

I know mugs are such a cliche gift, but I found another option. I love takeaway mugs, and Tilen has been using mine (pink, with French bulldogs on it...) for months now, so I got him his own. This one is gorgeous, and costs about 19€. I also love this mug for around 9€ and I think it's just perfect (could also be bought in a pair with Mrs).

There we go, a bit different but still useful, I hope. These are some budget presents I know my boyfriend would adore. If you have a bit more money to spend, I would really recommend a pair of winter shoes or a coat, maybe a nice leather wallet... Or if you want to go all out, get him a PS4. Trust me.
What are you getting your boyfriend for Christmas?

Share your opinion:

  1. Hehe, kk kul! Pa vse monochrome, aaah! <3 :)

  2. Monochrome bom kar sebi nabavila ;) Sicer pa je moj fantič za miklavža dobil žiletko z ogromno nastavki, pa ene športne hlače s takim azteškim vzorcem ob strani. Si pa nisem mogla pomagat in sem mu v Calzedonii vzela ene rdeče "bad santa" nogavičke. Presrečen!

  3. Manjka samo še Lumbercraft beard set s click2chic;)

  4. Jaz pa mojemu ponavadi kupim neko malenkost, ostalo pa sama naredim =D Nimam dovolj denarja, da bi mu kupila tisto, kar si želi in rabi, pa mi je to boljša izbira ;)
    Xoxo, Nyx

    1. Tudi super ideja! Se moram potruditi še s kakšno DIY zadevo :)


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