2012 wishlist

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I've decided to start posting more wishlists, it's a great way to keep track of my purchases and make sure I really get the items I want and not spend randomly (a bad habit I need to get rid of).

One of my NY resolutions is to start buying less things, and buy pieces that are better in quality. With that in mind, I put together a wishlist of the things I'm coveting in 2012 :)

1 - Alexander McQueen Skull Scarf in white and black
One of the items I've wanted for the longest time is this beautiful silk scarf with a skull print. I think it's a classic and I already have a ton of combinations in mind that I could wear it with. It's absolutely gorgeous, but at 275€, I think I'll be saving up for it for the better part of the year :(

2. Tory Burch Reva Nappa Ballet Flats
I've recently discovered Tory Burch flats and fell in love instanly. Aren't they the most gorgeous flats you've ever seen? I love the beautiful silver detail on the front, and they're leather, so really great quality. I'm pretty sure they would look amazing with any outfit, I'm just deciding betwen the gold or silver colour - both are gorgeous!

3. Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses
Another classic in my opinion, these sunglasses are a must-have for any closet. I think they really flatter any face shape and look good on everyone! These sunglasses have been on my wishlist for five years now, so it really is about time I get them :)

4. American Apparel 3-D Flower Mesh Jumper
This is an absolutely beautiful jumper. It would look amazing with a pleated skirt. At 88€ it's quite pricey, but I imagine the quality is amazing and it really is a statement piece that would totally compliment my wardrobe and style. Can't wait to get my hands on it! I would love it if you helped me decide - which colour should I get? You can look at all of the options here. I'm leaning towards the dusky pink one! :)

5. Rose gold watch
I haven't decided on a model or brand yet, but a rose gold watch is definitely something I want in 2012. I absolutely love the unique colour and I'd love to try mixing metals, a trend I've been afraid of up until now.

6. Chanel Coco Mademoiselle perfume
A classic scent for a young lady. Even though I love bargain perfumes,  I would love to try a higher end one, and this is at the top of my list.

7. Alexander Wang Rocco bag
This is more of a fantasy item, since I probably won't be able to afford this baby, but at least I can stare at it now :) I think the Rocco bag is absolutely gorgeous, but I just can't force myself to get the fake version - I want the real thing!

I hope you enjoyed reading about my wishlist for 2012, and I'll be sure to update you on all of the things I end up getting! What is on your wishlist for 2012? I would love to know! :)

Share your opinion:

  1. to je tud moja zaobljuba,in se je zaenkrat dobr držim,sam kaj k se jutr razprodaje začnejo:(
    lep seznamček!x

  2. Waaa, super wishlista <3 jaz imam pa torbo (fejk) že naročeno in je na poti k meni :P (Božiček zamuja, upam da čimprej pride). Z mojim študentskim prihodkom si res nimam kej dosti pomagat s kkšnimi high-end znamkami, če pa že mam višek € jih pa probam na vsakem koraku šparat za en plan, ki (upam) se bo uresničil ob koncu tega leta :P

    Aja pa trust me, js zgledam kot idiot v teh Wayferer špeglih haha :D

  3. I love chanel choco mademoisele perfume,smells so good!

  4. i have the sunglasses on my wishlist as well :)

  5. @ Joj ne govori, mene že zdej skrbi :( Sm si probala narest čimbolj busy dan da ne bom mela časa it v trgovine, hahaha! x

    @ .sparkle* Aaaaa hudo, kere barve? Men je siva ful lepa <3 Nujno jo posliki ko jo dobiš! Uuuu kakšen plan, boš razložila na kavi nasledn tedn? :) Js moram tut šparat, ampak se trenutno delam da mi bo denar padu iz neba ahahah :P Kakoooo, ne verjamem da ti ne pašejo Wayfarerke, ker men se zdi da res na vseh dobr zgledajo. :)

    @ pricilla lumantoro Yes it does <3

    @ B. Hope we both get them soon! :) x

  6. They are all lovely items, love that bag!

  7. I love that Alexander McQueen Skull Scarf. Gorgeous. :)

  8. The American Apparel jumper is beautiful. I want it!
    Thanks for passing through my blog! Xx

  9. I love the blush theme going on here. Very pretty, and a little edgy.

  10. @ jimmi lou I'm in love with that bag too, it's just perfect <3

    @ Lipgloss Kisses It really is. Though when I tell people I'm getting a 275€ scarf they threaten to check me into the psych ward, lol. x

    @ Ekaete Yeeees isn't it gorgeous? I love it! <3

    @ Dovey Thank you! x

  11. parfumčk in očalca so tud na moji wl že par let:)
    pa super balerinke in ura ;)

  12. That watch looks so pretty! :)


  13. Joj Rocco, takoj bi jo imela! Samo je pa full težka torbica, tako da ni ravno praktična :/ Wayfarerke pašejo pa vsem, razen men...grozna sem v njih :D

  14. The Alexander McQueen scarf is such a classic, I'd give my arm to have one!



  15. Luckily my boyfriend bought me a marc jacobs rose gold watch for my birthday because it was on my list too! but I would LOVE the studded bag too, its so expensive though :( great post :)

    Hayley (your new follower)


  16. @ Mushei Upam da jih letos obe dobiva! :) In hvala <3

    @ Katja I think so too! x

    @ Ana Jooooj ane, čudovita je <3 Si jo potežkala kje, je res težka? :( Js sm jo misla kar iz net-a-porter naročit (v sanjah ko dobim 650€ haha), sploh ne vem kje bi jo lahko v živo vidla. Hvala za info, res! Tooo glede Wayfarerk pa res ne verjamem! :P Js živim v prepričanju da so to najbolj univerzalna očala (al pa v bistvu tut na men grozno zgledajo, pa živim v zmoti, haha) x

    @ Stagg Your arm!! :O I would give... my pinky or something... :P

    @ Hayley Ooooh you are so lucky, you have the best boyfriend ever! Which watch did you get exactly? I'm super jealous! x

  17. great wishlist. love the mcqueen scarf, 275€ though, i dont think id be able to save haha x

  18. I would DIE for a Michael Kors rose gold watch!!! ps. you should check out the Rocco copies on eBay, some of them are pretty good actually, for like 20 quid :)


  19. I want a rose gold watch too,they are just so beautiful♥♥

  20. I want a Ray Ban Wayfarer too! My mom sat on mine in the car and I am in dire need of a new one. Haha.


  21. @ Jess Thanks sweetie <3 Oh I'm gonna have a hard time with that too, but I just got a job so hopefully that will make it a bit easier! x

    @ Sophia I know right?! Yes, I've been looking at them for ages, but I hate fakes with a passion, I'm a snob, even though I can't afford to be one, haha. x

    @ Elsa Espindola They are aren't they? x

    @ Babe Jane Thanks! <3

    @ devorelebeaumonstre Thanks!

    @ Carrie Ohhh that is terrible, I would cry if that happened. :( Hope you get a new pair soon! :) x

  22. Love it all! I have really wanted that mesh sweater from American Apparel too, its gorgeous & I love that light rose colour!!

    The Urban Umbrella

  23. hihi, sej ni nč tazga ta moj plan :P ampak bom razložila, če se nm bo le uspel dobit :D bom prnesla od sestre wayfarerke da ti dokažem da mi res ne pašejo :D

    a teb bi blo kul v četrtek drugač?dopoldne al popoldne?:)

  24. I've been lusting after that Alexander Mcqueen scarf too but I found a very convincing replica in Primark so I may just go budget and get that one, who'll know? ;) xxx

  25. I totally love Tory Burch's flats and the American Apparel's jumper.Probably I've got to stop to spend money in random things too xD

  26. @ TheUrbanUmbrella Yes, it's the perfect sweater isn't it? I think I'm getting the rose colour! x

    @ .sparkle* Hahaha deal :D Ja v četrtek je super, vseen a dopoldne al popoldne, samo da do ene petih končamo, ker pol delam. :)

    @ Maisy Oooh lucky! I've seen replicas too but I want the real thing sooooo badly... Ah I wish I wasn't such a snob, haha :P

    @ Audrey I love them too! <3 I don't know if you're as bad as I am, I buy things and then never wear them, it's awful. I really want to start buying clothes I'll wear and get use out of! x

  27. Jaa, Wayfarerke sm lih par tednov nazaj gledala, hočem! Pa še gold miror aviatorke. <3 Oh ja... WL dolga, € pa od nikjer. :) Ure se pa tudi ne bi branila, res je huda barva. <3 Ah, itak, da je vse hudo kar si zbrala, če maš pa tok dobr okus. :)

  28. That flower mesh jumper is absolutely gorgeous! xx

  29. @ Ivana Jaaaaa, njihove aviatorke so mi tut čudovite <3 Sam se moram še prepričat, če mi sploh pašejo, ker nimam lih obraza za aviatorke, so mal smešne na men. :D Ooo hvala, js sm tut čis zaljubljena v vse, upam da čimprej dobim plačoooo!

    @ Lydz Thanks! <3

    @ Josie I know right?! I'm in love with it. x

  30. I ticked the McQueen scarf and Wayfarers off my list last year and also have the AA floral top and Rocco bag on my current list!

    I'll probably buy the black version of the top but only as i'm addicted to black! The blush is so pretty and would definitely be my second choice!

    The doll on fashion

  31. Ah I have 3 of those things and love all the others - especially the bag!! Never quite the same when you get the knockoff.....you should definitely go for the scarf though, it's an investment piece! At least that's what I told myself.....

  32. I want the Tory Burch ballet flats too! They have been on my wishlist for 2 years but I still cant get them >_<

    Rose gold watch? Michael Kors!?

  33. Yeaaaah I pretty much want everything on this wishlist haha! You should definitely invest in a Rocco bag, I got mine over a year ago and still use it every day, I love it! x

  34. I love the American apparel jumper. It's been on my list for a while. I can't decide on a colour either x

  35. the jumper! i think all the colours are lovely but the white one does it for me! you also HAVE to get some ray ban wayferers! i have a pair and i love them so much. mine are in classic black but i definitely think i'll be getting a more daring colour soon! i have a fake rocco bag as there is no way i could afford a real one but i really do love it! i feel so grown up and classy with it. a definite must - real or fake! :) X

  36. Ja, sem jo "potežkala" (lol, full smešna beseda) v Liberty-u v Londonu. Res je heavy! Očala pa niso tako univerzalna, really. Na meni izgledajo grozno :))))


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