Blogmas Day 8: Tom Ford Velvet Orchid EDP

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

I have a really unique fragrance for you today!

I like to think I love variety in my fragrances, but looking at my collection, there's definitely a theme going on. I seem to have fallen for gourmands and fruity florals just like everyone else... So I thought it was high time I added something unique to my collection.

I've loved Tom Ford for ages, but the only scent I was familiar with was Black Orchid. I thought that was too strong for me, so I went with Velvet Orchid instead.

This is a very strong perfume, with amazing sillage (sillage monster if I've ever tried one). It's a more toned down Black Orchid. Sweet, velvety and powdery, balsamic and vanillary. I adore it. It has top notes of citrus, rhum and honey (we all know I love honey), middle notes of flowers - love the orange blossom, and base notes with myrrh, vanilla and sandalwood among others.

If the right woman wears it, it's sexy beyond belief! On another, it might be really subtle. I adore this scent, it's totally unique and works in a not-in-your-face sexy way. Would recommend and it would make an amazing gift... perhaps along a Tom Ford lippie? Ohhh <3 You can buy Velvet Orchid here from 91€.

I hope you enjoyed this review. I think this is one of the most original perfumes in my collection.
What scent are you wearing today?

Danes imam za vas čisto ekstra parfum!

Včasih se mi zdi, da imam ogromno raznolikih parfumov, na koncu pa se izkaže, da sem tudi sama padla v sadno-cvetlični gurmanski spekter. Zato sem svoji zbirki dodala unikaten vonj Velvet Orchid.

Tom Ford mi je že dlje časa všeč, poznala pa sem samo Black Orchid, ki je zame premočan. Velvet Orchid je še vedno zelo močan, dolgo traja in je malo bolj mila verzija svojega predhodnika. Gre za sladek, pudrast, vanilijev vonj. Ima vrhnje note citrusov, ruma in medu, srednje note cvetlic - meni je še posebej všeč cvet pomarančevca, in osnovne note vanilje ter sandalovine.

Če ga nosi prava ženska, je izredno seksi, na kateri drugi pa čisto mil. Meni se zdi vonj čudovit in bi ga toplo priporočila, tudi za darilca... Mogoče v kombinaciji s Tom Ford šminko! <3 Velvet Orchid lahko kupiš tukaj od 91€ naprej.
Kater vonj nosiš danes?

Share your opinion:

  1. Oh, njihovi parfumi <3 ko nebi bli tko dragi bi že dolgo stali v moji kolekciji hehe :D

  2. this sounds great! the packaging is beautiful too xx


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