Makeup haul (Müller)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

I've been bad... But I love what I bought!

I made an impromptu trip to Müller and ended up leaving with a full bag. How does that always happen? Sigh. But I'm really excited to try out my new goodies! As you can see, I'm not the only one, and my kitten Elsa insisted on joining the party, so do excuse the second photo. She's just too cute to leave out! If you haven't been keeping up with me on Instagram, I've moved out & got two kittens. Elsa's brother, Loki, was sleeping soundly (for once) on my bed (forbidden) as I took photos.

Here's what I ended up getting... I have a blogger conference tomorrow and I wanted to get some new bits to try out! If they work out, I'm thinking about doing a FOTD as well - autumn themed. Let me know if you'd like to see that.

Essence Pure Nude Powder

This was under 4€, and I've always been pleased with drugstore powders. This is new to Essence, so I thought I'd try it out. It looks lovely, very finely milled and a great light color, but I saw some products in the store were already broken (the compact fell out). So be careful if you want to get it!

Nina Ricci Les Delices de Nina EDT

I saw this fragrance on offer a few days ago. I smelled it and fell in love... But as a rule, I don't buy perfume in stores, I purchase it online because it's less expensive. Except this is a limited edition from 2014 and I couldn't find it anywhere. So I ended up going back and getting the 50 ml for 40€. It's a sweet, slightly citrusy smell, something you're sure to love if you like perfumes a la Fantasy.

Guerlain Les Voilettes Translucent Loose Powder Mattifying Veil

A completely unnecessary purchase, but the lady at Guerlain was very convincing... That's my excuse! It looks so luxurious though, and I can't wait to try this. I don't think I've ever had a high end powder, but I'm excited to see what it does for me. This was around 50€... Hold me while I cry.

Guerlain Tenue de Perfection Foundation

Initially, I wanted to try Estee Lauder's Double Wear. Then I started looking at Lingerie de Peau, and the sales associate suggested I try this one, because it might work better with my skin. She said DW might end up looking like a mask, and this is more natural. Say no more, take my money. The match also looked perfect, and I'm so excited because I can never find the right foundation shade. This is 55€.

Guerlain Precious Light Rejuvenating Illuminator

Again, I wanted something else... That sales associate for Guerlain was good guys! I wanted Touche Eclat, but ended up getting this new offering from Guerlain. It's a similar concept to TE, comes with a brush which twists the product up. I'm not a fan of that kind of packaging, but I needed something with illumination, so it seemed like a good solution. I can't remember the price of this one, but I think it was around 45€. Jeebus.

Bourjois Air Mat Foundation

New to the drugstore, Air Mat immediately intrigued me. I'm a matte girl, I have oily, problematic skin and I was excited to try something to help me achieve that perfect, porcelain matte skin. This wasn't expensive, around 13€, and I think the reviews so far have been great. I hope the shade works for me, I got the lightest one.

Essence Lipliner x2

Mateja from Mateja's Beauty Blog made me want to try these. I know she mentions them a lot, so I wanted to give them a go. The shades I got are Soft Berry and Plum Cake, and I'm excited to wear them this fall. They's so inexpensive, really a bargain - under 2€. They seem lovely!

Essence Lipstick in 11 Nude Love

A few weeks ago, I purchased two Essence lipsticks and I've been wearing them all the freaking time. So I wanted to pick up something else, but the stand was almost empty... I only chose one, and looking at it at home, I'm not sure such a light nude will work for me. But we'll have to see. It was under 3€.

I splurged waaaaay too much and I might have to put myself on a ban... But I have my eye on so many other things! I've been watching a lot of Youtube tutorials lately and I think I'm finally falling back in love with makeup. My problem is, I have very hooded eyes and I thought I'd never be able to do eye makeup, but now I've found some great suggestions online. I'll keep you posted.
What was your last beauty purchase?

Share your opinion:

  1. Ahh, kakšne Guerlain dobrote. Imajo najboljše pudre v kamnu, ne bo ti žal :)

    1. Lih sem ugotovila, da je loose powder in sem čisto slabe volje :( Bom pa vsaj sprobala cooking metodo, hehe. x

  2. vsekakor imaš krasno pomočnico :) .... drugače pa lep nakup, ful me zanima ocena parfuma, air mat puderček pa sem itak mogla kupit takoj :P

    1. Najlepša hvala od gospodične Else :P Ocene pridejo kmalu!

  3. Uff, sami super izdelki, me kar mika, da bi tudi jaz spet malo obiskala kako drogerije. Na žalost pa ne morem, saj sem dejansko zapravila veliko denarja, če pa je tako lepo sprehajati se med vsemi temi izdelki in kaj izbrati zase. <3
    Na zadnje pa sem si kupila revlonov photoready puder in pa 4 Essie lakce. :)

    1. Hvala enako, čis sem preveč zapravila :( Super nakup!

  4. Obožujem "haul" objave kjer lahko punce vidimo kaj katera kupuje :D mislim si moramo vsake toliko časa privoščiti kakšno tako večje zapravljanje haha :D Guerlain illuminator izgleda super.. škoda le da je tako drag :(

    1. Ooo hvala enako, haul objave so moje najljubše :) Ja, cena je grozovita... x

  5. Need to try more Essence products - they have a great range.

    Rachel |

  6. Ne sekiraj se za ceno, čez teden dni boš pozabla kolko si zapravla. Za kvaliteto je vredno odštet neki več:), sicer pa sama takole pravim, denar mora krožit in če pridno delaš potem vsak evro, ki ga vložiš VASE ni slabo vložen evro:):). Tako da odličen nakup, muc pa tolko cute, da se lahko še pokaže na kakšni fotki, če bo želel:)

    1. Se strinjam :) Ooo, Elsa bo pa definitivno še gostovala na blogu :P Hvala! <3

  7. Kitten<3<3<3 Pa ful lepa imena si jim dala :) Same krasne stvari si izbrala. Upam, da bodo linerji všeč. Nad navadnimi še zdaj nisem nekaj extra navdušena (ironično jih imam zato eno tono :D), ti novi so mi pa kar kul. Guerlain puder bi pa takoj imela, če imeli spodoben odtenek zame. Pri nas še high-end znamke pozabljajo na Sneguljčice.

    1. Hvala Mateja <3 Ful škoda, kar se odtenka tiče, še meni je tale za malenkost pretemen, pa nisem tako svetla :( x

  8. Juuuj kako luštna nova 'dekoracija', naredi slike še lepše!! :) Nakup pa tudi - včasih se moramo mal pocrkljat :)

  9. Everything is so pretty! I love Essence liners!


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