LUSH Skin & Body Care Haul

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

It was high time for a Lush haul!

I haven't shopped in Lush in ages, but after watching several haul videos on Youtube I was really in the mood to pick up some goodies. I fell in love with so much more at the store though, and another haul might be coming soon! I forgot how much I love Lush, their enchanting scents and the cute black packaging... I'll definitely go back for more!

I mainly got skincare bits with two body products thrown in. I've tested out a few things already, so with a few products, I'll add my opinion as well. Let's see what I got...

Grease Lightning

This is an old favorite of mine, and I'm sure you remember it being featured on the blog countless times before. Grease Lightning is one of my favorite spot treatments, a skincare item I always like to have on hand. It has tea tree and is clear and very light, but really effective. I like to apply it on problem areas throughout the day. It reduces swelling and helps inflamed acne. I really love it, and it's only about 10€ - bargain that you absolutely need if you have problematic/oily/acne-prone skin.

Tea Tree Water

This was recommended by the sales associate as a wonderful product to use with Grease Lightning. It smells amazing, like tea tree and rosemary which are also the ingredients. I like to spray it throughout the day and use it as a toner/refreshing mist. Not a necessary step in my routine, but it sure feels nice. This was about 12€ - a bit expensive for what it is, but a lovely product nonetheless.

Silky Underwear

I've been wanting to try this for ages! I finally got it a few days ago. I absolutely love baby powder, especially after shaving it feels so nice on the skin and stops my legs from getting inflamed. This seems like a fancier version with a nice scent to boot. Haven't tried it out yet, but it's probably the product I'm most excited about. I paid about 8€.

Mask of Magnaminty

I kept hearing about this mask everywhere. I know a lot of people buy face masks from Lush, but weirdly, I've never tried one. Thought it was time to change that... I know they do another mask with onion & garlic that would probably do wonders for my skin, but I just can't stand the smell... This one isn't amazing either, but I do love the mint in it. Going to try it today and report back soon.  I paid around 8€ for a small size.

Pumice Powder

A totally random purchase which is kind of gross... But I still wanted to include it, because it really intrigues me. It's a stone for rubbing your feet but it's made with orange and coconut, and I really thought the idea of it was great. I have quite rough skin on my feet, and I'm excited to see how this product compares to other stones. It melts a bit, but smells absolutely wonderful. I paid 5€ for this.

There you go, a small Lush haul! I'm really excited for their Halloween goodies as well, but unfortunately, I don't have a bathtub in my new apartment so I won't be able to test out as many as I'd like. Hopefully they have some other stuff besides bath bombs! :)

What is your favorite Lush product?

Share your opinion:

  1. I love the Tea Tree Water - but I really need to try Grease Lightening as well that sounds perfect for my skin! Definitely in need of a trip to Lush, haha!

    Lucy |

    1. You would absolutely love it! And wait for the Halloween goodies to trickle in :) x

  2. I just tried it out last night and it was really nice! x


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