A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending a press event for the new Cartier fragrance, La Panthere EDP Légère. I was initially not that interested, because I'd heard the perfume has green notes as well as patchouli, which I'm really not a big fan of. But as soon as I stepped into Nama, the department store where the event was held, I was enveloped in a cloud of sweet, fragrant florals ... And I immediately fell in love.
The green notes and patchouli in this scent are very unnoticeable, I wouldn't even know they were there had I not read that in the description of the perfume. What is more prominent is the note of gardenia and tiare flower - and if you know me, you know they hit the jackpot with that combination, which is one of my favourites.
It's quite different than the original La Panthere, which is even stronger, sweeter and has more patchouli for sure. A beautiful fragrance that would be perfect for spring time in my opinion! I've loved wearing it these past few weeks.
What is your favourite spring perfume?
Pred nekaj tedni sem se udeležila dogodka za press za novo dišavo Cartier, La Panthere EDP Légère. Najprej se mi je zdelo, da vonj ne bo po mojem okusu, saj naj bi vseboval 'zelene' note ter pačuli. A ko sem vstopila v veleblagovnico Nama, kjer se je odvijal dogodek, me je nemudoma ovil dišeč cvetličen oblak ... in ostalo je zgodovina.
Zelene note in pačuli resnično niso zelo opazni - vsaj ne tako kot v prvem vonju La Panthere, ki mi je kljub temu zelo všeč. Bolj opazna je kombinacija tiare in gardenije, ki sta dve izmed mojih najljubših not.
Vonj je močan, nedolžen in obenem seksi - saj vem, nima smisla. Gre za dišavo, ki jo morate preizkusiti, pa boste videle, o čem govorim. Ima odlično projekcijo, na koži pa je najprej zelo nežen vonj, ki se razvija v močnejšega in ostaja 3-5 ur.
Čudovit vonj, ki je res primeren za pomladne mesece. Zadnje čase kar naprej posegam po njem ...
Kateri pa je vaš najljubši pomladni parfum?
Beautiful pictures!
Thanks dear!
DeleteI used to have one of their fragrances years ago, and this has really made me want to repurchase a bottle!
ReplyDeleteAnnabel ♥
Mascara & Maltesers
They're beautiful! I want the first Panthere now :) x
DeleteThis fragrance sounds beyond stunning and the bottle is so elegant!
You would love it :) x
DeleteI agree, I love the panther's face. :)
ReplyDeleteMoj nov najljubši <3 Še čaka na objavo na mojem blogu!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Morava na kakšno kavo :)