Best perfumes for summer 2019

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Hi beautiful!

It's been a hot minute since I've last posted, but I think the blogging bug has hit me again because I recently spent a weekend taking photos for new posts and imagining all the things I want to do with this space. I can't promise I'm back officially, but I will try to post more often and show you more of the things I've been loving. I think back in 2017 blogging became a chore for me, and I'm trying very very hard to make it fun for me again.

I adore perfume and I've always loved posting about my yummy favorites, so I thought it would be the perfect way to come back and share some of my summer favorites! Without further ado, let's just get into the scents that have been making my summer amazing...

This is, hands down, the perfume I think everybody needs. If you just want to smell fresh, soapy, and like you came right out of the shower, you've found the perfect perfume. It always makes me feel so fresh and ready to start my day, and I love layering it with other scents as well (it works so well with floral perfumes). Plus, it's an absolute bargain. Trust me, you'll be glad you got this one! It's less than 30€ for the big bottle.

Take a stroll in Ljubljana during the summer and you're guaranteed to smell Light Blue at least three times. I always liked the sharp, citrusy scent of this perfume but I hate smelling like everybody else, which is why I decided to pick up this intense version of the scent. It's even better in my opinion! Just like Glow, it makes you feel fresh, with the added bonus of that sexy, expensive citrus. A staple in my summer fragrance wardrobe for sure. The price ranges from 45€ for a small bottle but it's so worth it.

I think this one has had a makeover, but I still have last year's bottle (the new one looks so sophisticated!) I always say this perfume is my secret weapon - and my signature scent. It's just such a yummy, sexy watermelon scent that just makes your mouth water and it's the perfect pick for summer! I also love the flankers that came out last year, but when I was trying them out, I always came back to this one - it's just soooo perfect!! Prices range from 39€+.

This is another one of those secret weapons I love, and I love wearing it for date night. It's sweet, sexy and beachy and I just adore it - plus the sillage is great and it lasts for ages. This one's definitely a compliment getter because people will smell it on you, and love it. I also love it for vacations, so if you're jetting off someplace nice: 1. I'm jealous 2. give this one a go at the Duty Free. I paid around 40€ for the biggest bottle on Notino which is just perfect as well.

I hope you enjoyed my foray into the best summer scents for this year! I'm sure I'll have another post like this coming soon - you know me, I'm just a perfume addict... and I could help it, but I don't want to!
What is your favorite perfume for the hot summer months?

Hej, lepotička!

Vem, da že dolgo nisem objavila ničesar, ampak pred nekaj tedni me je očitno spet pičila blogerska muha, saj sem cel vikend pripravljala fotke za nove objave. Ne morem obljubiti, da sem uradno nazaj, bom pa poskušala objavljati večkrat in ti pokazati več stvari, ki me trenutno navdušujejo. Mislim, da sem leta 2017 postala preobremenjena s službo, bloganje je postalo naloga in veselje do pisanja je izginilo.

Obožujem parfume, še raje pa pišem o njih. Danes s tabo delim nekaj svojih poletnih favoritov. Pa poglejmo, kaj se te mesece znajde na moji polici s parfumi...

Po mojem mnenju dišava, ki jo potrebuješ v svoji zbirki. Če želiš dišati sveže, milnato, in kot da si ravnokar izpod tuša, si našla popoln parfum. Z njim se vedno počutim sveže, pripravi me na nov dan, obenem pa je super tudi za kombiniranje z drugimi vonji (krasno gre skupaj s cvetličnimi parfumi). Poleg tega je pa še zelo ugoden. Verjemi mi, tale je res super! Stane pa manj kot 30€ za 100 ml.

Če se poleti sprehodiš po Ljubljani, grem stavit, da boš vsaj trikrat zavohala slavni Light Blue. Meni je bil vedno všeč njegov oster, citrusen vonj ampak ne maram dišati kot vsi ostali, zato sem zase raje izbrala tole intense verzijo. Po mojem mnenju je še boljša! Tako kot Glow je Light Blue Eau Intense zelo svež vonj, obenem pa ima še prednost seksi svežega citrusa. Definitivno nujen del moje poletne zbirke. Cene se gibajo od 45€ za manjšo stekleničko, in jaz mislim, da je parfum vreden vsakega evra!

Mislim, da je tale parfum imel pred kratkim makeover, jaz imam pa še vedno staro stekleničko, čeprav se bližam koncu. Je pa nova verzija čudovita! Vedno pravim, da je tale vonj moje skrivno orožje - in pa tudi moj signature vonj. Res je slasten, zapeljiv vonj po lubenici, popoln za poletje in super svež! Všeč so mi tudi verzije, ki so izšle lani (Sun, Air di Gioia), ampak se kar naprej vračam k temu - prav popoln je! To je že moja druga 100 ml steklenička, pa sem spet čisto pri koncu... Cene gredo pa od 39€ naprej.

Še eno od tistih skrivnih orožij, ki jih obožujem. Tale je popoln za date night. Sladek, zapeljiv in primeren za vroče dneve - pa še dolgo se obdrži, in garantirano ga bodo zavohali ljudje okrog tebe. Tale parfum dobiva komplimente vsakič, ko ga uporabim. Meni je najbolj všeč za na počitnice, tako da, če se kam odpravljaš: 1. sem ljubosumna nate 2. preizkusi tale vonj v Duty Free. Jaz sem plačala okrog 40€ na Notinu.

Upam, da ti je objava o poletnih parfumih pomagala! Prav gotovo bo sledila še kakšna, saj veš, malo sem obsedena s parfumi... 
Kateri je tvoj najljubši poletni parfum?

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