Salma Beauty & Fragrance Haul

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I bought perfume ... again.

I can't help myself, okay?! Especially when I go and browse Salma, I instantly end up with some new scents in my basket. So I ended up getting two perfumes as well as two makeup items. Here are my initial thoughts ...


Rimmel Stay Matte Mousse Foundation, a product I've never been to interested in. However, the price is too good to pass up, it's only 4,5€ and the shade I got is one that matches me really well. I'm having trouble finding a light enough shade for my skin, but Rimmel's 103 True Ivory fits nicely.

I also got the Rimmel Stay Matte Translucent Powder, which I've had before until someone dropped it and broke it. I remember liking it a lot, and it is only 3,60€, so I didn't mind spending that small amount. Plus, I really needed a new foundation and powder.


I checked out a lot of perfumes, but in the end decided on two. The first one is Juicy Couture Couture La La, the 100 ml bottle which only cost 29,60€. I've never owned a JC fragrance, but I love the way they look, and I just couldn't resist this one. The bottle is absolutely beautiful, I love the way it reflects light. The juice is light, floral and very soft. Perfect spring fragrance and something I'll probably wear when I go to bed as well (am I the only one who does that?).

The final product was recommended to me on a fragrance forum and when I read the description, it went straight into my basket and was the reason I placed this order. It's from Lolita Lempicka - I had their original fragrance and hated it with a passion, since it has a lot of licorice which I really hate. This one, however, is nothing like that. It's pure coconut, very creamy, soft but strong, with a shot of lime. It is lovely, but definitely not a simple gourmand. It's very special. This perfume is called Elle L'Aime and I got the 80 ml bottle for 31,60€. The bottle is gold and has the logo imprinted on it, pretty!

There you go, another haul from Salma. I may be a little addicted to this site and I'm already seeing another order being placed in the near future ...
What was the last perfume you bought?

Spet sem kupovala parfume ... Ni mi pomoči.

Obisk spletne strani Salma je resnično škodljiv za mojo denarnico, vendar se enostavno ne morem upreti njihovim super ponudbam. Tokrat sem kupila dva parfuma in dva makeup izdelka, tukaj pa so že moji prvi vtisi ...


Rimmel Stay Matte Mousse puder je izdelek, ki me nikoli ni posebej zanimal. Mogoče zaradi Maybelline Mousse pudra, ki se ga spomnim še iz gimnazije (ljubi bog, pa bi bilo bolje, če se ne bi - pretemen odtenek, pol stekleničke na obrazu - očarljivo). Je pa res, da je Rimmel eden edinih, ki ima dober odtenek pudra zame, to je 103 True Ivory. Poleg tega sem za tale izdelek odštela 4,50€, kar je res super. Upam, da bom z njim zadovoljna tako kot s True Match in Wake Me Up.

Rimmel Stay Matte puder v prahu sem že imela, vendar se mi je razbil. Za ceno 3,60€ sem ga morala spet kupiti, saj gre res za odličen izdelek, ki sem ga že primerjala z MAC Blot Powder. Sploh odtenek Translucent je eden izmed boljših.


Juicy Couture parfuma nisem imela še nikoli, tokrat pa se nisem mogla upreti Juicy Couture Couture La La - 100 ml stane samo 29,60€. Steklenička je masivna, težka in čudovita - način, kako se na njen lomi svetloba je krasen, tako da bi lahko kar buljila vanjo. :) Sama dišava je zelo nežna, mehka, cvetlična, vonj, ki bo všeč prav vsem in bi bil super darilo. Popoln za pomlad.

Na forumu o parfumih so mi priporočili dišavo Lolita Lempicka Elle L'Aime. Lempicka parfum sem že imela, in sicer prvega, pa mi sploh ni bil všeč, sem pa z njegovo pomočjo ugotovila, da ne prenesem lakrice. Tale mu ni čisto nič podoben - gre za kokosov vonj, ki je izredno kremen, močan, a obenem ne vsiljiv. Če iščete vonj po kokosu, bo tole morda zadetek v polno. Ima pa še noto limete, vendar ta ni premočna (super, ker mi ni do tega, da bi dišala po Pina Coladi). Vonj je zelo poseben in ne tisti tipičen kokos, kot na primer Bronze Goddess. 

Moram priznati, da si med pisanjem te objave že ogledujem nove izdelke na Salmi in razmišljam o ponovnem naročilu ... Ni kaj, njihove ponudbe so odlične.
Kateri parfum si pa ti kupila nazadnje?

Share your opinion:

  1. Ooo parfumčki <3 Juicy couture imajo res lepe stekleničke, sicer ne vem katero verzijo sem 1x špricnila nase ampak je noro lepo dišala! Jaz sem si nazadnje na Salmi končno privoščila Guerlainov parfum La petite robe noir, ker je bil znižan in sem seveda takoj izkoristila priložnost, ker ponavadi jih kar na ceni držijo.

    1. Se strinjam glede stekleničk :) Ooo super nakup, ta ima tudi krasno - samo meni original vonj ni všeč, ima pačuli. Mogoče kakšen flanker - ful bi ga imel, bi bil lep na polički :P x

  2. I've had to put a serious hold on my perfume purchasing so I can use up what I have! I'm currently eyeing up the Jo Malone Peony and Blush Suede for when I've worked my collection down a bit.

    xx Julia

    1. I really should do the same! I love Jo Malone, unfortunately cannot get them in my country :( I think a visit to London is in order ;) x

  3. A ne? Prvi vonj je res poseben, ampak žal ne po mojem okusu ... Ja, tale je pa zmagovalna kombinacija <3

  4. Great post! The last perfume I bought was the Marc Jacobs Daisy Dream. It's soooo good!

    X Marjolein


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