I've been absent from the blog for a while, and I finally thought I would do a little update post to let you all know what has been happening with me! I've basically gone from posting every day to being very sporadic, which I'm embarassed, and quite sad about. Hopefully things will change for the better, but here's what's been going on ...
I got a new job
I've mentioned this here and there in passing, but let's take a minute to talk about it now. You know I used to work at Yves Rocher and Cosmopolitan magazine, but it was time for new adventures, so now I'm working at an online cosmetics store here in Slovenia called Click2Chic. It's a fun job, but it takes up a lot of my time as I usually work full days, so it's really hard to find time for posting, as it's winter now and the days are so short.
You can read my posts on the Click2Chic blog
Sorry, they are in Slovenian, but if you'd like to read more of my posts please head to the Click2Chic blog, there's some amazing content on there. This is one of the main aspects of my job and I love it because I got to connect more with the ever so lovely Maja. I hope you like those posts and feel free to ask me about them if you're interesting in something and you don't understand Slovenian.
I started a brand new book blog called Bookterflies
Some people have been following my old blog, Quite Bookish. Really. for a while, but I really wanted to have a more special place so Bookterflies was born! I really hope you'll head on over and check it out, it's so pretty with the new design and there are quite a few reviews up already. I've been reading loads so definitely keep an eye out for even more opinions.
I've been feeling down
As some of you may know, I have depression and with the new job and some other things happening in my life, I've been feeling very down lately. It's nothing critical, but I often find myself unhappy and really stressed, and my confidence has gone down a lot, so it's been hard to post regularly ... Hopefully I'll get over this unpleasantness and I'll be back to happy-go-lucky Živa in no time.
You can ask me anything!
I've never done a Q&A and I finally thought it might be time to do one. I don't know if you really care about that, but just in case you have some questions/requests for me, I'd love to answer them. If there's enough comments I'll do a post, otherwise I'll just answer in the comments. You can ask anonymously by the way, or if you'd rather stay even more private, you can always e-mail me at nothinfancyreally@gmail.com.
Go ahead, ask me anything in the comments!
Ooo Živa upam, da bo slo pri tebi kmalu na bolje! Moras se zavedati, da si zelo simpaticna punca! Tako znotraj kot zunaj. Sicer te ne poznam osebno, ampak delujes taksna pozitivna in prijetna oseba. Si zelo sposobna in tvoj blog je dokaz. Zalosti me, da se moras spopadati z depresijo. Upam, da cim prej prebrodes vn. Me pa zanima ce si ze poskusila s kaksno alternativo? Jaz sem bila ze parkrat na zvocni terapiji in je super. Pocutje in zivljenski zagon. Ce si kdaj v Celju, imas Šoštanj dokaj blizu. Je treba dati cez par terapij, ampak ko ti zacne razlagat kaj vse je ze pozdravila, je vredno poskusit.
Hvala! <3 Mi res veliko pomeni. Ja, sicer jemljem antidepresive, ampak hodim trenutno tudi k homeopatinji, tako da imam tudi homeopatska zdravila. Nekako si ne upam 'skenslat' navadnih zdravil, ker je bilo vedno zelo hudo, ko sem šla dol. Drugih alternativ pa žal še ne poznam, hvala za info. :) Prvo si moram najti tudi novega terapevta, ker že 2 leti ne hodim nikamor in se kar pozna razlika.
DeleteŠe enkrat čestitke za novo službo in za nov blog, sem ga že prečekirala in je res super :D Edino GFC pogrešam ;)
ReplyDeleteMam pa vprašanje glede depresije, kako se spopadaš z res slabimi dnevi? Mene včasih že kakšna malenkost tako potre da se čisto vase zaprem in ne želim niti o tem govort, niti s fantom. Pa tudi če je šlo samo za objavo zavetišča za živali da iščejo dom za kakšnega fluffyja...Pač takrat mi ej res hudo za fanta, ker ima občutek da je on kaj narobe naredil :/
Ooo, hvala! :) Nov blog je pa na Wordpressu, ampak se da dodati tudi GFC, tako da ga bom ob prvi priliki, hvala da si omenila.
DeleteHm, bolj slabo. :P Zadnje čase je večina dni precej težkih. Seveda je tudi meni težko s Tilnom, ker se mu zdi, da je on kriv, se je pa pač navadil, da ni njegova krivda in me tudi zna spravit v boljšo voljo. Jaz se ponavadi zavlečem v posteljo, naštimam budilko čez 45 minut in odspim slabo voljo, to mi res pomaga, ni pa najboljša rešitev ... Super so mi pa tudi Dr. Bach Rescue kapljice, v res kriznih primerih, oz. če imaš doma mami/babi, ki se spozna na zelišča, super pomagajo tudi arnikine kapljice - mogoče je placebo, mogoče sam ritual, da počasi piješ kozarec vode s kapljicami, ampak mene zelo pomiri.
Upam, da sem pomagala! x
Arnike mamo baje veliko okoli vikenda :D bom poskusila :D To da bi prespala lahko bi bilo super, pa se čez dan nikakor ne morem uspavat :/ Sej mene fant tut poskuša v dobro voljo spravit, ampak včasih mu ne rata ampak to je ponavadi zaradi moje trme :$
DeleteHow did you get all of your previous jobs and the one yoz currantly have? I would lovee to so what you do/did for a living, but I just don't know how to ger started..any advice would be awesome!
ReplyDeleteP.s. hope you start feeling better soon!
Hi dear, thank you for the well wishes! :) Yves Rocher was just a sales assistant job, I applied for a job opening & they accepted me, I was just a shop assistant. As far as Cosmopolitan goes, they had a competition for a journalist and I applied again, was chosen in the top 5 but didn't win, but they still decided they wanted me to work for them occasionally, it was so much fun! And my job now at Click2Chic, they contacted me as another blogger or two recommended me & they liked my previous work.
DeleteI would say apply to the jobs you like and put a lot of effort in your application, try to show your unique abilities & be creative! Of course knowing a lot of people helps as well, but I'd also say not to be afraid of showing things like your blog, it has only helped me on my journey. Just be different & creative I think (depends on your line of work of course)!
Hope I helped! xx
Congratulations Živa on your new job! And hope you feel better, I know you can do this! <3
Thank you lovely <3
DeleteČestitke za novo službo! In virtualni objemčki, upam, da se kmalu problemi rešijo. *
ReplyDeleteHvala ti! :) x
DeleteI love these kind of honest posts, Congratulations on on your new job and I wish you all the luck and happiness in the new year, I look forward to reading your blogposts in the future and sending you positive vibes xoxo
ReplyDeleteThank you so much lovely x
DeleteI'm sorry you've been feeling down. I've actually been feeling down myself... usually when I start comparing myself to others. I really need to stop doing that. Congrats on the new job :)
It's hard this time of the year especially I think. Hope we both feel better soon x
DeleteŽiva super post! Velike pohvale na novem blogu, všeč mi je dizajn in tudi vsebina, way to go! Pa tudi za novo službo čestitam,ni kar tako priti do takšne fine službe, tako da ko se bos slabo pocutila pomisli na to, da si srečnica in da vsaka slaba stvar mine ! Pa se naprej nadaljuj s tako dobrimi objavami :)
ReplyDeleteŽiva, pridna punca! Čestitke za službo! Kar se tiče depresije pa mi lahko kadarkoli pišeš in se lahko pogovarjava (študiram psihologijo), in ti lahko kdaj kako dvignem razpoloženje :) Super blog, nadaljuj tako, chin up, beautiful :)