Candle Empties

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Hello, my name is Živa and I am a candle-a-holic.

In the past few months, I've managed to accumulate an enormous collection of candles and finally, I've used up enough of them to constitute an empties post. I still have 4, which is scaring me a little, because I'm used to having about 482712693 and I feel like I need to buy more ... *serious candle lady problems* Let's get started with the empties now!

I've used up quite a few Yankee Candle candles, the first one being Strawberry Buttercream, which I've reviewed here. This is a beautiful candle with the scent of strawberries and cream which I would love to repurchase. You can find it here.

  1. Next is Yankee Candle Cinnamon Appleberry, a part of their fall collection, which has the most lovely scent of crisp autumn apples and sweet cinnamon. I loved burning this one as it wasn't overwhelmingly sweet but quite fresh instead. Check out more Yankee Candles here.
  2. I also have a Halloween Yankee Candle called Ghostly Treats, not sure if this is still available but it smellled sweet and just like marshmallows on a fire! I loved this one, apparently I'm really into sweet scents when it comes to candles. Check out more Yankee Candles here.
  3. And the last Yankee Candle, Tahitian Tiaré Flower, which smells like my absolute favourite white flower - gardenia. It's very floral and light, and I find that perfect because sometimes floral candles can be very overwhelming, and this one creates a lovely soft fragrance. Check out more Yankee Candles here.
  4. Moving on to Timothy Dunn, I received their Blue Rose candle in a swap. Again, a very floral fragrance which I liked a lot, though it was a lot stronger then the aforementioned YC one. This is a really luxurious candle that comes in heavy white glass and looks amazing in any room. Check out their beautiful products here.
  5. Now for Glade, I had their Wild Mulberry candle which was a lovely fruity scent but didn't last really long - I think I went through it in 2-3 days (oops). It was a nice scent, but if you like Glade candles, I'd really suggest checking out their Christmas collection, they have some amazing scents!
  6. I've reviewed an Ecosse candle before, but this one is a different scent called Homemade Shortbread, that is a really unique sweet and buttery scent. Ecosse candles have had a huge makeover and they look even lovelier now, I would strongly suggest checking them out!
  7. And finally, who knew Muji made candles? And they're amazing! I've had their Grapefruit & Lytchee tin candle for so long that it isn't even available on the site anymore *great job Živa*. It was a really lovely and very fruity & fresh candle that was such nice quality, and surprisingly lasted ages. I loved the scent of this one and the overall quality, it was very strongly scented.

So basically, I've managed to use up 7 candles - I don't know if I should be sad that they're gone or happy I have more space in my room now. All I know is I have an urge to shop for more scents ... Horrible!
What is your favourite candle?

Share your opinion:

  1. I can't stop buying candles either! The yankee ones are my favourite, cinnamon appleberry sounds incredible!! x

    Angela | The Sunday Chapter

    1. It's an obsession isn't it! I loved that one :) x

  2. Hi, I'm Ajda and i'm a candle-a-holic too! :D
    Meni je do zdaj uspelo samo eno Glade svečo (tisto s srčki) pokurit do konca, drugače vedno malenkost pustim v kozarcu, da še naprej lahko ovohavam haha :D Večina mojih je pa iz DM-a, velki kozarci pa iz Merkurja in so top :D Yankee so mi trenutno predrage, čeprav upam da bom kmalu lahko mela kakšen njihov veeeeelik kozarec :D Sladki vonji vedno zmagajo :D

    1. Hi, Ajda. *waves* Ubistvu je bila tole moja prva Glade sveča, je bila pa kar fajn :) V DM-u pa še nisem kupovala svečk, moram počekirat. Zdle mam 3 nove od Bomb Cosmetics in so ful fine. In ja, Yankee so ful predrage - hvala bogu za voske! x

  3. So many lovely sounding products here - I have so many candles on the go at the moment too!

    Josie XOXO
    Fashion Mumblr

  4. So many candles! I need to try out all of them!

  5. All of those Yankee Candle scents sounds amazing! I am such a sucker for a good smelling candle! Great post, I enjoyed it

    Juliana Grace |

  6. Kok dobra objava :D

    Jaz imam tudi na WL še bomb svečke, ful lepe izgledajo :)

  7. I need to try yankee candles I've always just stuck to bath and body works! can't believe you've finished all of these! great items to add to my wishlist. xx. gigi.

  8. Yankee candles :333 joj kok si želim enooo.

  9. Meni je ravno ta teden pogorela Yankee Candle Christmas Cookie - super vonj za ta čas :)


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