As you know, my skin is very problematic. I'll be the first to admit I don't take good care of it. Lately I'm so tired it happens a lot that I just fall asleep with all my makeup on, and the consequences are obvious! I received two products for review though and have been using them as often as I can, and my skin actually looks a lot better than it did two weeks ago! So here are two mini reviews ...
Let's start with Vichy Normaderm Anti-Imperfections Care, a pharmacy favourite. I use this as a moisturizer, both in the daytime as well as the night, and it seems to be working well for me. It's pleasantly scented, just be careful not to apply to much as it will not sink into the skin. Using this, I saw similar effects as with Hyaluspot, which is also from the range by Vichy. My blemishes were quicker to heal and go down in swelling, and my dark spots were lightened a lot, which I'm very happy about! You can get it on Salma for 12€.
Now for the Artistry Intensive Skincare, the luxury option. This is not targeted specifically at acne, more so at problematic skin. This one did an amazing job of refining the texture of my skin. I've been using it for about a month and I can honestly tell when I've used it as opposed to when I fall asleep, full face of makeup still on. It really helps my pores, and while they are still enlarged I definitely think the size has diminished. My skin also seems less prone to blemishes and even Tilen says it's really soft. Score! You can get it on the Amway website for around 70€.
I'd also like to stress that sleeping with your makeup is a big no-no. I honestly hate that I do it so often, but I'm usually so tired and stressed I just forget. I want to make it my mission to stop doing this - who's with me?
What is your favourite product for fighting blemishes?
Kot že veš, imam sama precej problematično kožo. Nič kaj z veseljem ti priznam, da se mi velikokrat zgodi, da zaspim z ličili na obrazu, posledice pa so seveda očitne. V oceno sem prejela dva izdelka in ju uporabljala kolikor se je le dalo, moja koža pa je dejansko videti precej boljše kot pred nekaj tedni. Tukaj sta dve mini oceni ...
Začnimo z Vichy Normaderm Anti-Imperfections Care, zmagovalko iz lekarne. Uporabljam jo kot kremo, tako čez dan kot tudi zvečer, in deluje super. Je prijetno odišavljena, samo pazite, da je ne naneste preveč, ker se ne bo vpila v kožo. Opazila sem podobne efekte kot pri uporabi Hyaluspota iz iste linije - problematični deli so se prej zacelili, bili manj otekli, pa še posvetlili so se mi temni madeži. Kupite ga lahko na Salmi za okrog 12€.
Zdaj pa Artistry Intensive Skincare, bolj luksuzna opcija. Tale ni namenjena specifično aknam, temveč bolj problematični koži. Zelo mi je izboljšala samo teksturo kože, ki je kar naenkrat postala mehka, kar je opazil tudi moj fant. Uporabljam jo že kakšen mesec in resnično opažam razliko. Pomaga poram, da se zmanjšajo in jih sčisti, pa tudi sama koža je manj nagnjena k nepravilnostim. Odličen izdelek. Kupiš ga lahko na Amway strani za okrog 70€.
Poudarila pa bi še, da je spanje z ličili res ena izmed mojih slabših razvad. Odločila sem se, da to spremenim - kdo je z mano?
Kateri je tvoj najljubši izdelek proti problematični koži?
Od Amwaya naj bi zmanjševala pore, ampak če mene vprašaš, je efekt bolj vsakodnevni - torej, da deluje bolj kot kakšen primer. Lahko pa da jih tudi dejansko zmanjšuje (glede na to, da moje niso tako zelo velike in opazne; opazim razliko samo če jo nanesem pred tekočo podlago kot primer). Vsekakor svoje naredijo tudi silikoni :)
ReplyDeleteRes je, jaz jo uporabljm tudi pod makeupom in je super :) x
DeleteOh! The Vichy Normaderm sounds good! I've tried so many from La Roche Posay and Clinique and everything but they don't work.. I'll try this one out soon. Thanks Živa! xx
Ah that's unfortunate - hope you like this one xx