Another perfume review today (they're personally my favourite posts to write and I really hope you all like them as well). This is another bottle I got from and a highly coveted perfume for me, as it was heavily recommended by a forum I'm a part of ... What did I think?
First, let's just touch on the price. On Salma, I paid around 14€ for 50 ml, which is a complete bargain for this scent. I actually think it smells way more expensive than it looks, and I also love the gorgeous bottle, which is very thin. The liquid itself looks like liquid bronze - so luxurious and pretty. But what about the juice?
The original Truth or Dare reminds me of Fracas by Robert Piguet with heavy notes of tuberose and gardenia. Truth or Dare Naked is not as floral, instead replacing the heavy florals with spiciness and sweetness. With notes of benzoin and cocoa, sandalwood and lovely additions of vanilla orchid and peach blossoms, it's a very special fragrance. It does not suit my personal taste, though - it really reminds me of grapes, you know the Izabela kind that is very popular in the Mediterranean? I don't mind it, but it doesn't smell amazing on me. I found it a great home though with my boss, who suits this perfume perfectly in my opinion.
If you're looking for a different sweet and spicy fragrance, Madonna Truth or Dare Naked is definitely something to try, and it's so inexpensive! Nicely crafted and complex, and very appropriate for fall. Get it here.
What kind of fragrances do you like most? Spicy, sweet, floral ...?
Še ena ocena parfuma - osebno te objave najraje pišem in mislim, da je to kar očitno, kajne? Tokrat ocenjujem še eno dišavo iz Salme, ki sem si jo zelo dolgo želela in mi je bila močno priporočena s strani članov foruma o parfumih ... In kakšno je moje mnenje?
Najprej nekaj o ceni. Na Salmi sem za stekleničko odštela okrog 14€ za 50 ml, kar je res ugodno. Zdi se mi, da parfum diši veliko bolj luksuzno kot bi si mislili ob tako nizki ceni, všeč mi je tudi čudovita tanka steklenička in parfum, ki je videti kot tekoč bron - čudovito. Kaj pa sama dišava?
Originalni Truth or Dare me spominja na Fracas Roberta Pigueta z močnimi notami tuberoze in gardenije. Truth or Dare Naked ni tako cvetličen, namesto tega nadomesti močne note cvetlic z začinjenimi in sladkimi vonji. Z notami benzoina in kakava, sandalovine in čudovitim dodatkom vanilijeve orhideje in cvetom breskve je res poseben vonj. Mojemu osebnemu okusu ne odgovarja - zelo me spominja na grozdje Izabela, ki je pri nas res priljubljeno. Me ne moti, ampak na žalost na moji koži ne diši. Sem mu pa našla nov dom pri šefici, ki ji popolno pristaja.
Če iščete nekoliko drugačen sladek, a začinjen vonj, je Madonna Truth or Dare Naked vreden preizkušanja, sploh pri takšni ceni. Čudovito zmešan in z mnogo plastmi je popoln za jesen. Kupite ga lahko tukaj.
Kakšni vonji pa so vam najbolj všeč? Začinjeni, sladki, cvetlični ...?
It looks so classy!
The packaging is gorgeous, right? x
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