As I've mentioned a few posts back, I have another beauty haul for you today, and this one is work related. I haven't spoken much about my new job, but if you'd like, I might do a Questions & Answers post where I'll tell you all about it. I work for an online cosmetics store and I received some items from it to post about them. Here is a group photo of everything I got, and I'll tell you a little bit about the products I'm most excited about ...
Starting off with Revlon, I got a bunch of things from the line, including the Moisture Stains, and some Balms (I love them all!), I also got a gorgeous nail polish which you'll see in action soon enough. An eyeliner which is a staple was also a welcome addition to my ever growing makeup collection.
I haven't tried many things from Sleek but I love their blusher. I got two eyeliners from the brand which are absolutely gorgeous, one is navy and the other is gold. I really want to show them to you soon because they're incredibly long lasting and I also love that packaging ...
Kardashian Beauty also made an appearance and I have to say I absolutely love their nail polishes as well as the lipstick which I got. I was really underestimating this brand as it is actually quite lovely!
And now for some random things, my favourite of everything I got is surely the L'Erbolario Papavero Soave perfume, which I'll review soon. This scent is so unique and beautiful, very sweet but not obviously so. I am completely in love with it! I also really like the BH Cosmetics mascara, which comes in the prettiest packaging, and the Cece of Sweden mask, which unfortunately didn't make it onto the photo but is an amazing product nonetheless.
Needless to say, I'm incredibly grateful I'm able to receive things like this from my job, and it really makes me happy. I also want to do a giveaway with my favourite items from the store, so definitely let me know if you'd be interested in that!
What is your newest beauty buy?
Kot sem omenila že nekaj objav nazaj, imam danes še en 'nakup' za vas, tale pa je povezan z mojo službo. O njej še nisem prav veliko povedala, če pa vas zanima več, bom z veseljem pripravila objavo, kjer bom odgovorila na vsa vprašanja. Na kratko, delam za in danes bi vam rada pokazala nekaj stvari, ki jih bom ocenila na blogu za našo trgovino. Tukaj je ena skupinska vseh izdelkov, zdaj pa še nekaj malega o tistih, ki se jih najbolj veselim preizkušati ...
Začnimo z Revlonom. Dobila sem nekaj Moisture Stains in Balms (ti so res odlični), pa še čudovit lak, ki ga boste kmalu videli na mojih nohtim. Tekoče črtalo za oči je tudi vedno dobrodošel dodatek moji zbirki.
Znamka Sleek mi je dokaj nepoznana, imam samo njihovo rdečilo, ki ga obožujem, zelo pa sem se razveselila tudi dveh črtal za oči, ki sta neverjetno obstojni. Tokrat sem izbrala malo drugačne barve in sicer mornarsko modro in zlato, ki sta na očeh res lepi.
Kardashian Beauty je znamka, ki sem jo res podcenjevala. Njihovi laki so enkratni, prav tako izdelki za ustnice. Vredno nakupa!
Zdaj pa še nekaj random stvari - moj najljubši izdelek je definitivno parfum L'Erbolario Papavero Soave, ki ga bom kmalu ocenila. Vonj je res unikaten in lep, sladek, a ne 'in your face'. Čisto se se zaljubila! Všeč mi je tudi maskara BH Cosmetics v prikupni embalaži in pa maska Cece of Sweden, ki se je nekako izmuznila fotkanju, ampak je odlična za poškodovane ali suhe lase.
Ni mi treba posebej reči, da sem neverjetno hvaležna za svojo službo. Z veseljem bi pripravila tudi nagradno igro z nekaj mojimi najljubšimi izdelki, bi vam bilo to všeč?
Kaj pa je vaš zadnji beauty nakup?
Moram priznat, da sem ti kar malo fovš :D Sploh Sleek linerji izgledajo čudovito :)
ReplyDeleteSamo en komentarček na besedilo, roza deli so precej neberljivi in jih je zelo težko razločit iz besedila :/
It's not all sunshine and rainbows, je pa res fajn :) Hvala za opozorilo, tak je na žalost template :( Bom probala spremenit!
DeleteThe Revlon moisture stains look so lovely, especially the darker shades!
They really are! I'll post about them again soon :)
DeleteCongrats on your new job! D you like the moisture stains? I love their colours!
ReplyDeleteThank you Stephanie! They're good, but more of a gloss, not so much a stain.
DeleteUuu super sluzba! Se 1x cestitke! Pa super stvari, najbolj me mikajo Revlonovi staini;)
ReplyDeleteNajlepša hvala! :)
DeleteKot bi te Božiček malce (pre)zgodaj obiskal :) Drugače pa komaj čakam kakšne swatche Revlonovih stainov. Sem se pa že spraševala kje delaš, ko si 1x na FB napisala, da nam kmalu poveš :) Superca!
ReplyDeleteSe strinjam :P Ja, definitivno pridejo!
DeleteTole se pa sliši kot super služba :)
ReplyDeleteImam res srečo! :)
DeleteI like the Revlon moisture stains!! Lovely products and photos! :)
Thank you hun <3
DeleteCongratulations on the new job! xx
ReplyDeleteThanks Jennie! x
DeleteI'm just gonna be honest. I want your job. :D
ReplyDelete#swag :P
DeleteRevlon izgleda super! Grejo kar na mojo wishlisto =)
Vsi izdelki so krasni! :)