Chocolate Scented Body Care

Monday, October 6, 2014

This is a post that has been a long time coming - I've been meaning to write it for ages, but just never got around to doing it. Finally, I felt like I had accumulated enough chocolate scented products to warrant a post on them, and here they are today. I'm focusing on body care today, and I really hope you enjoy this - I'd love to do more posts based on scents if you'd like that.

Let's start with The Body Shop Chocomania range. I'm embarrassed to admit I've had this for two years (it hasn't gone bad yet *knocks on wood*). I just have so much stuff, as I explained in my Project 10 Pan post, that I haven't gotten around to using it up yet. Ever since I opened these two products though, I've fallen back in love with the amazing scent. Chocomania is very strongly scented, but it's not a milky, creamy chocolate like one might expect - it's rich, pure and dense, the smell of those 80% cocoa chocolate bars. I personally love the slight bitterness mixed with the sweetness, it's right up my alley. I have the body butter and body scrub from this line. The body butter is typically TBS - rich, thick and very moisturizing, albeit a little hard to sink into the skin, but I still love it. The body scrub is divine, richly scented and quite harsh, but the experience of using it is so enjoyable! I also had the shower gel from this line which I used up in a heartbeat and it was wonderful. These products have different packaging now and you can check them out on the TBS website.

I love that many companies bring out chocolate-y scents during Christmastime. Such was the case with Yves Rocher last year, and they had a really amazing collection of which I now only have the hand cream with Cocoa and Orange - amazing! I really wish these were permanent, but if you can find a limited edition like this one, I'd really recommend trying it ... Essence will surely have a chocolate hand cream this year (I haven't checked out the previews as of yet). I love the combination of orange and cocoa, it's so rich! Though the hand cream by itself is really nothing special. Keep an eye out on the Yves Rocher website for this year's limited edition.

Finally, we have Yummy, a German brand which you can get on Click2Chic. They have a whole collection scented with chocolate, as well as forest fruits, coconut, vanilla and strawberry. These scents are very straight-up - the chocolate is a pure milk bar of choc, with a creamy centre. I love it! I also really like the hand cream, I'm really stupid and bite/tear my cuticles, and this really helps heal them up. I'll be doing a whole post on Yummy, but in the meantime, you can get this hand cream here and it only costs 4€.

I would love your recommendations for some chocolate scented products below! Anything from body care to perfumes would be greatly appreciated (I love the dark chocolate in Princess by Vera Wang and the white chocolate in Fantasy by Britney Spears especially).
What is your favourite chocolate scented product?

Share your opinion:

  1. I'm such a chocoholic and just looking at The Body Shop scrub is making me hungry because it looks just like chocolate icing! For some reason my experience with chocolate scented products hasn't been the best and they all smell a little artificial, I definitely need to check some of these out though!

    1. It's seriously amazing, and if you dislike artificial scents you might like Chocomania, it's very pure! :) x

  2. Joj tale kolekcija od yves roche mi je še kar nora <3

  3. Ooh chocolates!

  4. Dark chocolate perfume? are you kidding? WHY have I never tried this stuff before!? I am missing out -- I LOVE chocolate :D


    1. It's reeeeeaally good, very gourmand and sweet - my favourite! x

  5. oh, TBS izdelka sta najbolj mikavna! <3

    1. TBS je vedno najbolj mikaven, če se mene vpraša. :P

  6. Loving the marble backdrop. Is it real or contact paper? Looks awesome either way!

    Bloomin' Rouge

    1. Hi Holly, I'm not sure what contact paper is, but it's probably that. :P I glued it to a wooden board. x

  7. Wooow! This range sounds so nice. Who doesn't love chocolate?!


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