Project 10 Pan Update & Empties

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween everyone! I was going to do some tutorials, but let's face it - my skills are not all that and I was so busy I could barely fit in blogging at all, hence my short break from this site (sorry about that). I hope you'll spend your day in a creepy haunted house, or whatever floats your boat. I'm going to be talking Project 10 Pan updates today. You may have noticed I've been doing some hauls (and another one's coming tomorrow), but I still haven't broken my ban! I got all of the items during blogger events and for my new job, which I'll speak about in more detail soon. So I actually haven't bought anything, which I'm very proud of, it's been what - a month? Crazy!

That being said, I also wanted to share some empties with you today. This past month, I've managed to go through 5 things and I'm here to give you my opinion on all of them. I mostly have hair care with one body item thrown in. Let's see ...

Starting off with Satinique Anti-Hairfall Shampoo and Conditioner, this is another duo I got at a blogger event. Now I've reviewed both of these already here, but let me quickly say a few things. I have to say I did not notice a difference with my hair falling out. But nonetheless, this duo was really amazing. I often use shampoos and they work well for the first few washes, but later just end up making my hair greasy and straw-like. Not this duo, though - I'm actually sorry I used them up instead of relieved! Would I recommend them? Not if you're dealing with hair loss, yes if you just want an amazing shampoo and conditioner.

Next we have the Dove Refresh + Care Dry Shampoo. I got this ages ago and it took me this long to use it up - honestly, despite Essiebutton and plenty of other Youtubers and bloggers raving about it, it just did not convince me. It smells too strong (classic powdery scent), looks super white and is hard to comb out, plus it makes my hair really stringy. I just don't like it, and I would recommend or repurchase it.

Let's do a positive one now - TIGI Catwalk Oatmeal & Honey hair mask. This baby is perfect for the season as it smells exactly like Christmas. Cinnamon, oranges and honey, yummy. I don't particularly care about the scent of my hair masks, but I do in this case. Plus, it really helps my hair to be extremely soft and very manageable at the same time, which I just love. Worth the hype!

And finally, a Balea Summer Garden Shaving Gel. This is lovely, and so inexpensive. I'm pretty sure this particular one is a limited edition, but you can find others seasonally. I really strongly recommend it, for 1€ you'll be making shaving so much more enjoyable (I know it sounds not-doable, but trust me).

There we go, 5 down - 4 in hair care and 1 in body care. I'm finding it incredibly hard to use up makeup though, especially with all the new stuff I've been adding (not that I'm complaining).
What was the last beauty item you used up?

Share your opinion:

  1. The Dove dry shampoo sounds amazing, I'm never disappointed by their products!

  2. Oooh thanks for the heads up on the dry shampoo, I love buying a new one every month and was going to buy it but don't think I will bother now!

  3. I'm so bad at using things up so definitely feel like I should try and start a project like this, otherwise my stash will just carry on getting even more ridiculous than it already is!
    Maddy, xo // UNSTITCHEDD

  4. Šampon za izpadanje las bo pomagal, če ti prekomerno izpadajo lasje. Ne vem če pomaga pri "običajnemu" izpadanju. Edino, če ti lasje izpadajo bolj močno, kar pa mislim, da ne? :)

  5. Sicer pa - tudi jaz bi lahko kakšen empies kdaj naredila. Se sploh ne spomnim shraniti praznih embalaž :D

    1. Nujno, men so ful fajn tele objave za brat :)

  6. I'm attempting a Project 20 Pan to get on top of my beauty spending so I wish you all the luck with your ban!

    1. Oooh that sounds good, can I have a link to your post? :)

  7. Lovely hair products!

  8. Sem ravno zadnjič iskala tale Dove suhi šampon, ampak sem zdaj vesela, da ga nisem našla. Se bom kar Batiste držala.


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