Guerlain Shalimar Parfum Initial EDP

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Let's talk perfumes today. I received a coupon for and decided to get two fragrances, both of which I will be reviewing soon. Today's post is dedicated to Guerlain Shalimar Parfum Initial Eau de parfum. This perfume was described to me as sexy beyond belief and something my man would not be able to resist. Did it live up to the claims?

Unfortunately, not for me or Tilen. This perfume is quite powdery, which I don't mind at all, but what bothers me is the patchouli. I am very, very sensitive to this particular note and whenever it is too strong, I find I just cannot enjoy the scent. This was a blind buy and I was really hoping patchouli would not be too strong, but it is and I cannot wear it at all. That being said, I can still appreciate a good fragrance regardless of my personal tastes and I can honestly tell you this is a beautifully crafted, luxurious fragrance. Patchouli blends with notes of vanilla and iris, sweet caramel and nutty tonka bean to make an interesting mix of sweetness and powder along with some aromatic woody notes. Interesting.

While this perfume is not for me, I'm sure many women would enjoy it. I also think it could be extremely sexy when worn by a confident woman ... Give it a try. Available on from 37,90€.
Do you like patchouli?

Danes bi rada govorila o parfumih. Prejela sem kupon za spletno trgovino Salma in izbrala dva parfuma, ki ju bom ocenila kmalu. Eden izmed njih je Guerlain Shalimar Parfum Initial EDP, ki velja za klasičen vonj in mi je bil opisan kot neizmerno seksi in nekaj, čemur se moj fant ne bo mogel upreti. So se te besede uresničile?

Na žalost ne - ne zame, ne za Tilna. Parfum je precej pudrast, kar me sploh ne moti, me pa moti nota pačulija. Zelo občutljiva sem na njegov vonj in ko je premočen, sploh ne morem uživati v vonju. Tale parfum sem kupila na slepo in res upala, da bo pačuli komaj opazen, žal pa je tako močen, da parfuma sploh ne morem nositi. No, kljub temu pa lahko cenim dobro dišavo ne glede na moj osebni okus. Lahko vam odkrito povem, da je parfum čudovita stvaritev in daje občutek luksuza in glamurja. Pačuli se meša z notami vanilije in iris, sladko karamelo in oreškastim tonka fižolom ter tako ustvari zanimivo mešanico lesnih not, pudrastega vonja in sladkosti. Zanimivo.

Parfum sicer ni popoln zame, sem pa prepričana, da bi bil mnogim zelo všeč. Zdi se mi tudi, da je lahko izredno seksi, če ga nosi prava oseba ... Le preizkusite ga. Na voljo na Salmi od 37,90€ naprej.
Vam je všeč pačuli?

Share your opinion:

  1. Anything with a vanilla scent to it, i love! May have to go and smell this one! Love the bottle!
    xprincessjas | ♥

  2. Velja za enega kultnih parfumov, sem slišala tako mnogo pohval, kot tudi kritik. Tako da je res odvisno od človeka... Sama ga še nisem povonjala.


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