Hello there!
So today I wanted to talk about a very special thing I'm organising, and that is the Valentine Project. Recently I've noticed that people have really started to hate this holiday, which I think is kind of silly. Okay, okay, I agree - it's way too commercial, but I think the point of Valentine's day is to show people that you love them. And of course you should do that everyday, but a whole day to celebrate our love for each other? Yes, please!
With that in mind, I wanted to put together a project for bloggers, Youtubers and creative minds alike. I want to invite everyone who has an idea for a Valentine-related post to share in on their media - be it Instagram, your blog, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, anything. You can even guest post on Nothin' Fancy. Really. - send me your Valentine's day related pitches to nothinfancyreally@gmail.com.
If you want to participate, please shoot me an e-mail, tweet me (https://twitter.com/nthnfncyrlly) or contact me in any other way. You can also just sign up the link party below, linking to your post about the Valentine Project or your first contribution! I really want this project to connect other creative minds - if you have another blogger in your area, collaborate on a post together!
You can write/film anything - hair, makeup, nails, recipes, DIY, books - anything at all! I will choose the best posts of the day and give them a special mention, and at the end, there will be a big post highlighting every one of your works.
Join if you were planning to write Valentine's Day themed posts anyway for a chance to win a secret prize. Yes, the best post (judged by me) will also win a personalized prize (I suggest you all start writing your wishlists! :P).
Sounds good? Join in! Project is open to ANYONE WORLDWIDE. Remember to tweet your posts with the hashtag #thevalentineproject and if you want to be entered for the prize, also tweet it at me (@nthnfncyrlly). Good luck lovelies. Share the love! <3
P.S. About the prize - I want to choose the best of the best and pick a prize especially for you, so that's why I cannot tell you what it is. It might be that makeup palette you've wanted forever or a perfume you've had on your wishlist (or a book. I approve of books). I will have a good rummage through your blog/social media and find the best gift for you!
A project with everything Valentine's Day related. Share your work!
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(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
oo super ideja :D! I'll try to come up with something :D!
ReplyDeleteSe že veselim, polinkaj, ko objaviš! :) x
ReplyDeleteJaz bi tudi, jaz bi tudi! Zelo mi je všeč, kar si si zamislila(: trenutno sem sicer zelo na tesno s časom, upam da mi bo uspelo nekaj napisati v začetku februarja. Idejo sem že dobila. Saj ni prepozno takrat, ali?:P x
ReplyDeleteItak da ne! Časa imate do konca Valentinovega. Uf sem že radovedna :P x
DeleteLuštno. :) Po vsej verjetnosti objavim kaj. :)
ReplyDeleteSuper, komi čakam! :) x
DeleteEvo, tudi jaz bi se pridružila... najbrž v obliki makeup/manicure za Valentinovo. :D
ReplyDeleteSuper! :) x
DeleteRes zanimiv projekt:) Odlična ideja, se bom še jaz pridružila, če dobim kakšno idejo:)
ReplyDeleteŽe čakam tvojo objavo. :)
DeleteSuper ideja! :) Mogoče kaj posnamem ali pa vsaj napišem. Moram še malo razmislit o moji ideji :)
ReplyDeleteUpam da res! :) x
DeleteRes dobra zamisel tale projekt :) Če se kaj spomnim definitivno sodelujem zraven ;)
ReplyDeleteUpam, da dobiš kakšno idejo. :) x
DeleteUuu super ideja :) zagotovo spišem kakšen post na to temo :)
ReplyDeleteSe že veselim! :) x
DeleteDobra ideja :) Upam da tudi jaz sproduciram kaj za valentinovo:) Če ne, pa vsaj kako dobro idejo dobim od ostalih :))
ReplyDeleteJa, tut to bo super, prvi posti so že začeli prihajat :) x
DeleteSuper ideja! Če mi kaj pade na pamet definitivno joinam :)
ReplyDeleteZmenjeno! :) x
DeleteSuper ideja...Imam že nekaj v mislih, samo upam, da mi bo časovno šlo skozi :)
ReplyDeleteJaz tudi! :D x
DeleteDoba ideja, upam da se mi uspe kaj dobrega spomnit :) To najprej objavim na svojem blogu potem pa ti samo napopam link al kako? :)
ReplyDeleteJa samo javi mi link, magar na mejl, v komentarju, lahko FB, karkoli! :) x
DeleteSe strinajm z ostalimi, super, zanimiva idea! Čeprav moram priznat, da sama ponavadi ne praznujem Valentinovega bom skoraj zagotovo probala kako prispevat k tvojem projektu. :)
ReplyDeleteSuper, se že veselim! :) x
DeleteHej :) Že nekaj časa spremljam tvoj blog in mi je res vđeč :) Tvoja ideja se mi zdi res super, ne vem zakaj nebi izkoristili možnosti, da praznujemo tako lepo čustvo! Sicer sem precej nova na beauty blogger sceni, ampak sem tako ali tako nameravala napisat nekaj postov na to temo, tako da kar linkam prvega :)
Joj! Super luškano, mi je res všeč! :) Najlepša hvala za sodelovanje. <3
DeleteA anti-Valentines šteje? ;D Deja, ne bodi Grinch ;) ... Ne bom sodelovala :D Mi je pa ideja super všeč! Če bi se pogovarjali o halloweenu ... potem bi bla zgodba drugačna :P
ReplyDeleteŠe en cheeky Valentine's day themed post :)
Se počutim že kot da spam-am, ampk here is another one :)
moj mali prispevek. sem tegala na fb-ju ampak sm se mogla neki zmott k mi nikogar ne najde, pa vem, da si ti tegala :D! Tko, da prilagam semkaj :)
Super ideja! Vesela sem da so na tem svetu še ljudje ki niso obupali nad tem praznikom :) Sem dodala moj izdelek - komaj čakam da vidim druge <3
ReplyDeleteŠe zadnji V-day related post, tokrat last minute ideje za mala darilca :) http://beautysaur.blogspot.com/2014/02/last-minute-valentines-day-ideas.html
ReplyDeleteBetter late then never, še moj pozen prispevek :) Tayini ptički so tako luštni <3