Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Today's review is of a bit of a cult product, namely the Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder. I finally got my hands on this very coveted item in Budapest and decided to go for the shade Translucent (thankfully, since I also got the Wake me up foundation and the lightest shade they had was waaaay too dark for me - I guess I'll keep it for summertime).

In the last photo, you can see what the powder looks like on my skin applied over the Wake me up foundation, also by Rimmel. It really does an amazing job mattifying the skin and it gives it almost an airbrushed finish - my skin looks a lot silkier when I use this powder. I've grown out of pressed powders lately, but I wanted to give this a try nonetheless as everyone loves it so much. I have to say I was quite impressed as it really does the job perfectly! My skin does start to shine in about 4 hours, but it's nothing a quick blot cannot fix.

The only problem I have with this is the packaging. It is really really cheaply made - my compact was broken when I bought it! Personally, I would pay an euro or two more if they added a mirror and made the whole thing a bit sturdier. Nonetheless, at the price of 5€, this is the best pressed powder I've tried in ages, I daresay I love it more than MAC's MSF Natural (gasp!).

Share your opinion:

  1. Replies
    1. Pri nas na žalost ne. :( Priporočam FeelUnique (http://www.feelunique.com/p/Rimmel-Stay-Matte-Pressed-Powder-45g), kjer imaš zastonj poštnino nad 15€, boš gotovo našla še kaj za vržt v košarico, tudi Rimmelov tekoči puder Wake me up je super. :) x

  2. tega mam pa zdaj jaz tud :) edino barvo sem si drugo vzela na feelunique :P

  3. Meni je pa trenutno od Catrice All matt plus kr kul. Sicer se ne napurdram vedno, ker tekoč puder kar zdrži na meni. Drugače pa lepo fiksira korektor pod očmi in za zabrisat senčilo npr :)
    Kul review drugače

    1. Ja, od Catrice je super puder, samo mi ga že malo zmankuje. Jaz tudi navadno ne uporabljam pudra v prahu, ampak tale mi naredi tako svileno kožo, da se že zaradi tega splača. :) Pa hvala! x

  4. Samo še ti si manjkala "in the rave club", da me prepričate. *throws it into the basket on feelunique* *realizes she's broke* *waits (im)patiently for some income*

    ♥, moonchild beauty blog

    1. *Wants to help but is broke* *sends over some Monopoly money* It's something. :P Upam, da ti bo všeč če ga vzameš! x

  5. Jaz imam zdaj že tretjo embalažo tega pudra. Je res fajn, najbolj fajn pa je itak cena:) Ampak kot si napisala, po 4 urih se že malo svetim, ampak to se mi zdi dokaj normalno za mojo kožo:)

    1. Mja, jaz imam po čelu, nosu in bradi izredno mastno kožo, tako da je to zame že fajn, po kakšnem drugem pudru sem se še bolj svetila. :) Super, smo pa res vse navdušene nad njim! x

  6. I use this as well! It's one of the best, especially with the price.

  7. Tale je res super puder, čeprav mi je zadnja dva meseca še bolj všeč All about Matt of Essence :)

    1. Uuuu, moram sprobat, ko mi tega zmanjka! Ker ponavadi ful ne maram naročat po netu. :) x

  8. Tudi meni je the best! Embalaža bi pa res bila lahko malo boljša. Glih dva dni nazaj mi je iz rok poletel in ga je takoj pol zmanjkalo. XD

    1. Joj!! Meni ga je Tilen vrgu po tleh in je cel zdrobljen. *zamerim* :P x


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