Dove Hair Therapy Refresh + Care Dry Shampoo

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Y'know, I was never one of those people who watched Youtube videos and then ran out and got everything the person mentioned. Emphasis on the WAS. Of course, then Essiebutton came along.

Recently, Essie mentioned this Dove Dry Shampoo in a favorites video and it was in the back of my mind when I went to Budapest. I was really excited when I spotted this product in their drugstore and I knew I had to have it right away. Now please whatever you do, don't ask me about the price of this, because Hungary has a different currency and I honestly don't have the foggiest. It wasn't expensive, that's all I remember. And since I just ran out of my Schauma Cotton Fresh dry shampoo, it was the perfect opportunity/excuse to get this one.

I quite like the change I made in my routine - to be honest, as much as I love Schauma's dry shampoo, I had grown a bit tired of it. This has a different scent, which is a nice change, and I also love the way it works. You don't need a lot of it, honestly, and it soaks up the oils rigt away. But let's talk about the one thing I love most about it. Volume, my peeps. Major, huge, unmistakeable VOLUME!! This makes my hair absolutely huge and I love using it on second day hair and then curling it for masses of curls. Hello, big hair! Sayonara limp locks! Other generic statements with an exclamation mark at the end!

Definitely one to try! (Živa, take it down on a notch on the exclamations, fo' real though.) I am trying to cut down on washing my hair using this - God knows what I'll do when I run out - but my hair is so so bad lately, even straight after I wash it, it still looks greasy ... I'm thinking I need a good clarifying shampoo. Do you have any suggestions? I'm just sick of my hair being so blah.

Share your opinion:

  1. I have never tried this product))) Thank you so much for review!

  2. Jaz sem še isti dan ko sem videla Estee-jin tekla v Müllerje in DMe po tole, pa itak nikjer nič, upam da bo kmalu. Sem mislila da si ga dobila pri nas, sem bila že "Ö", pa pol aja v Budimpešti je bla (F you enmičken :D). Torej dve izmed mojih top 5 blogerk rejvajo o tem, N E E D.

    ♥, moonchild beauty blog

    1. Jao, bi morala naročila pobrat predn sm šla, haha. :D Sej pomojem pride, sam mal z zamudo, hope you get it! :) x

  3. Tega je tudi Claire Marshall omenjala. Če kdaj pride k nam ... ;) Sicer trenutno ne uporabljam nobenega dry šampona, ker nism pri nas še nobenga pametnega našla, potem se pa z baby pudrom pudram tretji dan, če se jih še ne umijem ;))

  4. Great post!!I am dying to try this dry shampoo but it is not available where I'm at right now which sucks. I need to get my hands on it...!

  5. I like this too. I use apple cider vinegar mixed with water as a clarifier :)

  6. Jaz imam tegale plan v Londonu nabavit. Upam, da mi ga uspe najti! :)


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