A dupe for Bioderma H20?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Who hasn't heard about the Bioderma H20 Micellar Cleansing Water? It's been popping up in favourites in blog posts and in Youtube videos all over, and I'm sure it's one of the most hyped up products ever. I myself haven't tried it yet, though I plan to, but I think I found a cheaper dupe for it nonetheless. :)

Introducing the Yves Rocher Micellar Cleansing Water. I've written about this before in a haul post, but now I've had the time to really try it out and see what it's like. And can I just say - this product is AMAZING. It can be used as a makeup remover or as a toner, I personally use it for removing my makeup in the evening, but it also feels really nice on my skin, just like a toner would.

Another thing I love about this product is the lovely scent - it's very very fresh and inoffensive, perfect for those who dislike stronger scents. I honestly think everyone would like this. This cleansing water won't irritate your skin, guaranteed. It's so gentle that it will calm even the most sensitive skin. It removes my makeup completely (BB cream, blusher, eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner) and calms my skin down as well as gets it ready for application of my nightcream.

I've seen this compared with the Bioderma on Makeupalley, so I thought it would be great to let you know that there is a cheaper alternative out there!

While Bioderma costs anywhere from 17 to 25€, you can get this for around 7€ in Slovenia, and for around 13€ in the UK. Definitely one to try, and this is truly an amazing product that should work for any skin type!

Share your opinion:

  1. Uuuu, fensi :) Yves je samo v LJ?

    1. Ja, trgovini sta samo v LJ... Lahko sicer naročiš po netu na slovenski strani, samo ta s trgovino nima veze. :) x

  2. res je ful dobr! js ga skos uporablam :)

    1. Ajaaa to si misla, k si rekla, da si tonik kupila? :) Me veseli, da ti je všeč - trenutno moj top YR izdelek :D xxx

  3. O, super. Tudi meni se zdi Bioderma kar draga in trenutno uporabljam neko korejsko micelarno raztopino, ki se pri meni obnese popolnoma enako. :) Ampak če kdaj ne bom mogla čakati nekaj tednov na pošiljko, vem, kje poiskati alternativo.

    Pa steklenička mi je zelo všeč. Take lepe zelene barve je. :) Ko sem jo prej videla, sem mislila, da je celo izdelek zelen.

    1. Meni je res super, sicer moja prva micelarna vodica, ampak sem res zadovoljna. :) Sama tekočina je pa prozorna, hehe. Pa res ful prijetno diši! xxx

    2. meni se ne zdi velika razlika v ceni med to micelno vodo, in med biodermo.. glede na to da ta stane 7 evrov za 200ml, bioderma pa 11,5evrov za 250ml je razlika v ceni cca 2,5 eura :)

  4. This is cool!


  5. Jaz sem si glih Biodermo nabavila in je res the best, ampak zdaj bi pa še tole probala. Mogoče pa naredim primerjavo! :)

    1. Js tut načrtujem nakup Bioderme, ko mi tele zmanjka :) Enostavno moram probat, ker je tok hyped up. :D Primerjava bi bila super! x

  6. Ammm... jaz bi samo dodala, da je prednost bioderme pred vsemi drugimi miceli v tem, da je daleč najbolj nežna in popolnoma neodišavljena. Sem pogledala tele sestavine in žal moram rečt, da se ne more primerjati z biodermo.

    1. Hvala za tvoj komentar. Jaz sem post objavila zato, ker se mi zdi, da narašča zanimanje za micelarno vodo in tole se mi zdi dobra cenovna opcija. :) Sem pa tudi v postu napisala, da Bioderme še nisem probala, na sestavine se pa ravno ne spoznam (mi je pa ena kolegica ki se rekla, da ima tale super sestavine), tako da sem vključila fotko, da lahko vsak presodi zase. :) x

  7. I will be sure to try this...thanks for sharing :)

    jayj x.

  8. kakšen vonj pa ima? Jaz sicer teh stvari ne uporabljam:) ampak mogoče pa bi celo :) ...


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