Micellar Water Comparision (Bioderma, Corine de Farme, Green Line, REN)

Sunday, October 11, 2015

It's time for a micellar solution face-off!

I've done a post like this before, and since I've tried a bunch of new micellar waters, I thought now would be a great time to do round 2.0. I tested out 4 micellar solutions and would like to choose my favorite to share with you! I think you'll be surprised by my results... Let's get started.

4. REN Rosa Centifolia 3-in-1 Cleansing Solution

By far the most disappointing micellar solution I've tried (ever). If you read my blog, you know I adore REN and have been using it for years, and their Rosa Centifolia range is actually love, but not this product. It burns, doesn't remove makeup well and stings horribly. You have to scrub your eyes to get anything off and it's very weak (I have to use 4-5 cotton pads to get everything off). It's also expensive at 17€ for 200 ml. I say give it a pass, but if you still want to try it, you can get it on Oblak.

3. Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micellar Solution

The one that started it all. I tried it a few years ago, and it was disappointing. I got it again recently and... I still don't like it. I struggle to remove my makeup with this, it's not strong enough, it takes 3-4 cotton pads and many, many pumps to get my makeup off. It also stings my eyes and doesn't work well with my contact lenses. I just don't like it, and I won't be buying it again (I do love a moisturizer I'm trying from the brand, though). You can get it on Salma from 6€ for 100 ml - I'm sure it will work for a lot of people, I just didn't like it personally.

2. Green Line Micellar Cleansing Water

We're getting to the good ones! Green Line is such a gem when it comes to skincare. I think I've raved about some of their products before, but this is one of my favorites. Inexpensive, with a nice scent and works so very well. You use 2-3 cotton pads (one for each eye, one for the face), and it doesn't sting at all. It's very pleasant and almost feels like you're using a toner. I love this one. Also, best price out of all four - only 4€ for 200 ml?! Don't mind if I do! Buy on Click2Chic.

1. Corine de Farme Micellar Solution

OMG. Best. One. Out there. I did a post on this solution a while ago and called it the best micellar water. Do I still think so? Hell to the yes. You get a huge amount, it's cheap & cheerful, amazing quality, you only use 1-2 cotton pads, it doesn't sting... I could go on and on. It's also cruelty free. I just adore this one, and I'll definitely repurchase now that it's more widely available in Slovenia! I am in love. Get it here, 500 ml for 7€.

There you go, some more micellar solution reviews! I'll probably do another one of these when I test out enough micellar solutions. I think these posts are really helpful, and I'd love to do more comparisions if you like them!
What's your favorite micellar solution?

Micelne vodice na preizkušnji!

Že pred nekaj časa sem pripravila primerjavo micelnih vodic, zdaj pa jo imam za vas v novi izvedbi... Preizkusila sem 4 micelne vodice (še vedno ne vem, če je pravilen izraz micelne ali micelarne?!) in jih ocenila od najmanj do najljubše. Pa poglejmo...

4. REN Rosa Centifolia 3-in-1 Cleansing Solution

Tale vodica me je žal res razočarala. Porabim ogromno vatk in veliko izdelka, obenem pa hudo draži oči, pa še koža me peče po uporabi. Pa še tako draga je. REN je sicer meni ljuba znamka, in tudi tale linija je super, me je pa sama micelna vodica res razočarala. Priporočam raje čistilni gel iz Rosa Centifolia linije. Naprodaj na Oblak za 17€ za 200 ml.

3. Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micellar Solution

Žal ne spadam v klub oboževalk Bioderme. Kupila sem jo že pred leti in bila razočarana, ko sem jo preizkusila ponovno, pa se spet ni izkazala. Prešibka, pekoča in predraga. Dobi 'ne, hvala' od mene. Naprodaj sicer na Salmi od 6€ za 100 ml dalje.

2. Green Line Micellar Cleansing Water

Tale znamka je pa res draguljček. Poceni, odlična kvaliteta in nedražeči izdelki. Vodice porabim veliko manj kot pri predhodnikih, je nežna, rahlo odišavljena in odlično odstrani vsa ličila (z malo več truda tudi vodoodporna). Stane pa borih 4€ za 200 ml na Click2Chic.

1. Corine de Farme Micellar Solution

OMG. Ne morem je prehvaliti, o njej sem tudi že pisala. Neverjeten, poceni, kvaliteten izdelek, ki definitivno spada v vaše kopalnice! Ne testirajo na živalih. Izdelek je ogromen, porabi se ga čisto malo, z dvema vatka spravim dol 'full face of makeup'. Ne draži mojih oči, pa nosim leče, ne peče, ne vleče kože skupaj... Enkratna je. Na voljo tukaj, 7€ za 500 ml.

Takole, hitre ocene štirih micelnih vodic. Upam, da nisem koga užalila - kar se tiče odstranjevanja ličil, imam občutljivo kožo, pa še leče nosim, tako da zame res ni vse primerno. Verjamem pa, da bi moja favoritka navdušila vsakogar!
Katera pa je vaša najljubša micelna vodica?

Share your opinion:

  1. Supeer objava! :) Tudi sama imam zeloo občutljivo kožo in pravtako leče, zato pazim kaj preizkušam.Sicer sem do sedaj probala le micelarno vodo (mislim da se ta izraz pojavlja pogosteje :D) La Roche-posay in me je čisto navdušila. :)

    1. Jaaa LRP je enkratna! Sem jo ocenila že kakšno leto nazaj :) x

  2. I have not tried any of these but would like to try bioderma, I have the garnier one at the moment x

    Zoe Mountford x

  3. Jaz sem tudi totalni fan micelark, probala sem jih cel kup, najbolj me je navdušila Garnier ta roza, zdaj pa sem si za spremembo kupila Vichyjevo, in mi ni niti malo všeč. Garnierjeva mi je odstranila VES make up, tudi tisti bolj obstojen, Vichyjeva pa mi niti navadne maskare ne odstrani. Vsekakor bom preizkusila še Corine de farme! Hvala za objavo :)

    1. Ja Garnier je enkratna :) Priporočam še La Roche Posay <3

  4. Zanimiva ocena in good to know! :)

  5. I have used the Garnier version for so long and don't think i would try anything else as i love it that much x
    Emma | Emmys Beauty Cave | Blog Sale

    1. Garnier makes a great micellar water, I love it x

  6. I'm glad someone finally has had the guts to say they're not too keen on Bioderma! I don't mind it, and buy it occasionally but I don't really get what all the fuss is about, especially in comparison to the Garnier one x

    The Beauty Locker

    1. Unfortunately I just can't make it work :( Garnier is lovely, I agree! x

  7. Ej, meni je pa hilarious tvoja objava :D. A veš zakaj?
    Ker je meni Biodermina micelarna TOP in sedaj, ko mi je je zmankalo sem šla v nabavo CORINE DE FARME, v Mullerju, predvsem ker je ful poceni za tako količino.
    In me po njej koža PEČE, pa oči me pečejo in sploh mi ne odstrani lepo MUja. Ful je porabim za odstranitev enega takega dnevnega MUja :D.
    Sem porabila že več kot pol micelarne in.. jo imam like 3 tedne.

    Hilarious, ne?

  8. Mi lahko poves ali das prej ven lece ali si prej ocistis makeup na oceh in pol ven lece? :)
    Ker se odlocam za lece in nevem tocno kaj bi bilo najbolje :$ hvaaala

  9. I swear by the Maybelline one! :)


  10. I tried the Garnier one, which was good, and I would love to try also the Bioderma one cause every single youtuber and blogger out there swears by it! But recently many people are saying that it is not as good as most people claim, so I am sceptical about purchasing it, also it is more expensive than others. Thanks for the review!



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