First look: living & dining room!

Friday, October 9, 2015

I promised interior photos... Here's the first batch!

Okay, several people on Instagram/Facebook asked to see our new apartment. I'm sharing a few pics today, but please keep in mind this is a work in progress! The sofas are bothering me so much, the cats have basically destroyed them, and I've already picked out a new (matching) set in grey.

The apartment we're in is rented, we're right in the center of Ljubljana & we're having an amazing time... But I won't lie, dealing with decorating, fixing up the place & scheduling workers has been a total nightmare. Stuff still doesn't work, one room is completely unusable, the windows are old... But you know what? I wouldn't change it for the world.

This is our home now, and I'm living the dream.

If you'd like, I'll do some before/after photos. We still have to paint the walls etc., and I think the progress should be really fun to document! If you'd be interested in that, do let me know.
What is your interior decorating style?

Share your opinion:

  1. Super fotke, res lepo opremljeno in svetlo stanovanje.
    Vama dovolijo barvati, vrtati oz. kar koli spreminjati?
    Jaz sem trenutno v 2. najetem stanovanju in mi ne dovolijo ničesar spreminjat. :(

    1. Jaaa, svetlo je pa res :) K sreči imava super najemodajalca in dovoli vse x

  2. Zelo lepo stanovanjce imata! Komaj čakam naslednji kup slik, before/after pa bi bil sploh super, enkrat ko sfiniširata. :)

    1. Seveda, pride, sam ko vse tko počasi napreduje :( x

  3. iiii čisto po mojem okusu, že vidim decembra lučke an tistem velikem oknu v dnevnem prostoru in eno lepo jelkico:) Drgače pa naj vama hitro mine tole opremljanje in selitev, z mojim sva se tolkrat selila da se ti zdi, da je trajalo večno, ko se pa ustališ in zrihtaš tk kot si želiš je pa potem tolk bolše in lepše:)

    1. Ooo ja, to bo tko lepo <3 Hvala, upam da bo res šlo vse po načrtih x

  4. waaaw zelo lepo opremljeno stanovanje :)

    1. Hvalaaa, sva šele na začetku poti, upam, da bo kmalu lepše :) x

  5. I'd love to see some before/after photos! I love interior design photos and posts.

    Emily // Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


  6. Thank you so much - I love them too <3

  7. I have a similar style to this, love the choices you have made xx

  8. Zelo urejeno, čisto, preprosto, lepo! <3

  9. Omg! This looks just out of, seriously and you want to change the sofas? bummer, I liked them. Really pretty place to live in, simple and organized.

    Chaste & Beautiful


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