Summer Holiday Haul

Friday, August 1, 2014

As you are reading this, I'm probably packing frantically! Today we leave for holiday and we'll be away for two weeks, so don't expect me to be very active on social media - I'll try to be as present as possible though! I thought today would be the perfect day for me to share my haul which was bought in anticipation of our seaside vacation. We're going to a Slovenian seaside town (more like a village) and I cannot wait to tune out and get my vacay on.

I went to drogerie markt and stocked up on some must-haves. I got another Balea Shaving Gel (post coming soon), this one is called Carribean Dreams and is coconut scented. Di-vine!

Next I also got a Balea Sun Spray Protective Spray, which my mom says does absolutely nothing, but I'm pretending it's going to protect my hair from the sun nonetheless - let's hope for the best.

I also got two sun protection moisturizers. I got a Sun Dance lotion with SPF 20 as well as a Hawaiian Tropic Spray Lotion with SPF 15. For my face, I'll be using my Vichy BB Cream with SPF 50, but I already have that in my beauty drawer. I did get an after sun lotion from Sun Dance also, and both this and the SPF are coconut scented, which I just love. Combined with my Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess Capri perfume I'm set!

I got a shower gel, Carambola Lambada from Balea, and it's very fruity and sweet. A lotion from Balea ended up in my closet as well, it's the Summer Glam edition which has glitter and you know I love me a bit of sparkle in the summertime.

Finally, two makeup necessities. Essence Liquid Eyeliner which is waterproof (not really, but it's the best staying liquid liner I've found so far). I also got my new favourite mascara in waterproof, it's the Deborah 24 Hour Mascara - this stuff's amazing. I'll try to have a review up as soon as possible.

There we go, my summertime haul - very Balea heavy, as you can see - what can I say, I love the brand!
What is your must-have for a beach vacation?

Share your opinion:

  1. I really want to try Balea products - your hauls are so tempting ^^

    1. Don't know if I should say thank you or sorry! But yes, do try Balea :)

  2. Sončna krema s kokosom je odlična, prav tako gel za britje-božansko:) Tale liner sem jaz tudi imela nekaj časa in je res dobro obstojen. Se že veselim ocene maskare in na polne uživaj na morju:)). Jaz grem tudi na primorsko, ampak bolj ob koncu avgusta:).

    1. Se strinjam! Meni je liner najboljši od vseh, kar sem jih sprobala, čeprav vodoodoporen pa res ni :) Uf, tudi ti uživaj! x


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