Hello hello! I've been absent for a little while and neglected to inform you I was going to Amsterdam for a few days. I'm finally back and I have so much to show and tell - I'll make sure to include the bits I got in future posts. Today though, I'd like to talk about two recent favourites from the makeup counter.
I'm a bit of a mascara addict and I do love me some long lashes. I've tried so many mascaras up to now and I thought it might be nice to share two favourites which I've been reaching for consistently for the last month or so. I picked one from the drugstore and one high end mascara to mix it up a bit. Let's see what my favourites are.
Starting off with the drugstore favourite, I've been smitten with this L'Oréal Paris Miss Manga Mascara. This has had its fair share of blogosphere moments as everyone and their mum seems to love it - and I am no different. I picked this mascara up on a whim at my local drugstore and was immediately put off when I opened it at home. It has one of the strangest wands I have ever seen - it's very bendy and something in between plastic and bristle. However, this performs incredibly well on my lashes and I've been using it almost every day since I got it. Also have to say the advertisement got the best of me as I am partial to a bit of manga! As for the effect it has, it lengthens quite a bit, but mostly adds crazy volume to my lashes - they look so thick! This baby will cost you a mere 10€.
My high end favourite is the Clarins Be Long Mascara. This is a recent addition to my mascara drawer and I have to say I had a similar reaction as with the previous one when I opened it - disappointment! I really don't like plastic brushes and I was pretty sure I would hate this. I'm more of a volume kind of gal when it comes to lashes, but this completely converted me. So much length, guys! I actually put my glasses on after a long day and my lashes were so long they were getting pressed up against the lenses of the glasses. While this may come at a heftier price point, I really think it's worth it for that crazy length alone (and I also really like the separation it gives to my lashes, no clumps in sight with this one). You'll fork out around 25€ for this mascara.
I would also like to add that I've been a bit cheeky and have used both of these together on multiple occasions, one for volume, the other for length ... The results are mind bogglingly voluminous & long, if I do say so myself (and I just did).
Click 'read more' for Slovenian version.
Se opravičujem za krajši odmor med objavami - nekako sem pozabila omeniti, da sem se za par dni odpravila v tujino, upam pa, da vam bodo všeč moje nove pridobitve iz Amsterdama, ki prihajajo v prihodnjih objavah.
Danes sem se odločila predstaviti dva favorita iz mojega predala z maskarami. Resnično sem preizkusila ogromno maskar, tako tistih, pri katerih me je kar bolelo vleči bankovce iz denarnice, kot tudi takih, ki so me stale nekaj borih kovancev. Ne glede na to, kakšne so vaše preference, sem se danes odločila predstaviti dva izdelka, nad katerima sem zares navdušena, enega iz višjega cenovnega razreda in drugega iz drogerije.
Začnimo z L'Oréal Paris Miss Manga Mascara, lepotičko, za katero boste odšteli 10€ - mislim, da je trenutno celo v akciji v drogeriji DM, kjer jo dobite v kompletu z L'Oréalovo micelarno vodico, ki mi je mimogrede zelo všeč. Maskara ima eno izmed najbolj čudnih krtačk - je izredno upogljiva in čudne storžaste oblike, kar me je na začetku kar malo odvrnilo. Prvi vtis je bil napačen, saj da trepalnicam res ogromno volumna. Ponavadi nanesem dva sloja, kar je dovolj za že skoraj dramatičen videz. Ni nekaj, po čemer bi posegla za bolj 'natural look' - pri Miss Manga gotovo velja načelo Več je več.
Moja druga favoritka pa je Clarins Be Long Mascara. Včasih kar malo pozabim na dolžino, saj imam pri maskarah načeloma raje volumen, zato pa me je ta izdelek spomnil, kako lepe so dolge, definirane trepalnice. Opazila sem tudi, da se maskara prav nič ne suši in je ravno prav 'mokra', da se ne packa - gotovo naložba, kar pri ceni okrog 25€ že skoraj mora biti. Izredno všeč mi je tudi, da se trepalnice čisto nič ne lepijo skupaj, kar se mi pri Miss Manga na žalost dogaja. Dva sloja naredita trepalnice zares dolge - sama moram odstraniti ličila, če si leče zamenjam z očali, ker se mi drugače pritiskajo ob stekla!
Zelo mi je všeč tudi kombinacija obeh maskar, ki jo zadnje čase nosim vsak dan. Trepalnice so ob uporabi obeh neverjetno dolge (hvala, Clarins) in goste (zasluge gredo Miss Manga).
I can not wait to try this L'Oreal mascara after this post. You take such lovely photos and your blog is really nice!.
Thank you so much Belle, means the world to me! Miss Manga is awesome :)
DeleteI've been dying to try Miss Manga. Haven't seen it at my local drugstores though x
ReplyDeleteHope you can get your hands on it - it is ALL that! x
DeleteOh i love the look of the Clarins' mascara. I've only ever tried one mascara from Clarins - their Wonder Perfect Mascara and I loved it so much <3 xx
ReplyDeleteGemma // missmakeupmagpie.com ♥
Oooh, that sounds lovely as well, put it down in my notebook :) x
DeleteLorealovo maskaro sem kupila skupaj z miceralno vodo in sem tudi jaz zadovoljna. Čeprav se meni zdi, da po nekaj urah malo maskara zbledi. Predvsem kar je pa meni všeč pri tej maskari, da je zelo lahka za odstranit. Vem da imam še eno od Essence pa porabim tri blazinice da maskaro odstranim tukaj pa samo dve (: Pa je res vse dol :P
ReplyDeleteImam L'Orealovo na seznamu:) Oglaševanje je mene tudi pritegnilo, potem pa še dobre ocene in zdaj jo res moram preizkusiti:)