I'm one of those typical beauty bloggers who just cannot stand lipgloss. I wore it as a teenager probably, but all the sticking-to-my-hair-and-everything-else bothered me so much I eventually just made the switch to lipstick. However, lately I've rediscovered the power of a gorgeous glossy lip and I've accumulated a few lip glosses that I've been quite in love with. Let's see which products convinced me to change my mind ...
My mom and dad recently went to NYC, and my mom brought me back some Victoria's Secret goodies, including this Beauty Rush lipgloss in Grapefruit Blast. I guess these are pretty much a staple if you're from the US, but I cannot get my hands on many VS bits, so I was happy to try it. It's flavoured, and I'm a lip biter, so ... Not much needs to be said. I also like the subtle hint of fuchsia and the shimmer in it, which isn't grubby on the lips at all. It costs $10 on the VS website. My mom picked up loads for her friends and I really think it makes a cute gift!
I've also been liking another scented product, the I love ... strawberries & milkshake shimmer & shine lip gloss. I love ... is a brand I'm quite new to, but I have a few products now and everytime I'm amazed by the lovely scent. Strawberry & milkshake is the kind of oh-my-god-why-is-this-not-food-i-wanna-eat-it-okay-i-wont scent you will really love. It is a bit sticky, so I wouldn't wear it on a windy day (not with my hair at least), but I've even worn it at home, when friends come over for coffee and I don't want to have bare lips, but don't want to bother with lipstick. The color is almost transparent and it doesn't have much shimmer or glitter at all, so it just makes your pout pretty and glossy. These products are pretty inexpensive as well, with this gloss costing 4€.
Now moving on to more expensive favourites, I just have to mention the Clarins Gloss Prodige in Coral Tulip. Oh my days, this is gorgeous! The beautiful reddish coral colour, with pretty gold shimmer ... I'm just in love! And generally I don't like coral, gold, shimmer or lip gloss, so you best be aware this is a good 'un. It isn't as sticky as the I love ... lipgloss, which is really nice. I've just put it on as I'm writing this post and convinced myself again how much I love it, it's just blooming beautiful! I think it's also scented as it smells quite nice (I checked online and it claims to have a liquorice scent, I'd just like to state I don't smell that at all - thankfully as I absolutely destest the note of liquorice). This costs around 18€, you can get it on the Boots website.
Also, I couldn't write this post without mentioning the Clarins Instant Light Natural Lip Perfector in 01 Rose Shimmer. I first got this product a few years ago for Christmas from my aunt and uncle - I asked for it myself. At the time though, I really hated it and ended up giving it to a friend. However, I recently got this sample and I've kind of swallowed my pride and am now admitting to actually liking it ... It's not love, but it is still a really good product. My main problem with it is the applicator, which is that fuzzy thing which you squeeze and the product comes out. I really dislike that kind of applicators as they get really dirty, but other than that, the product is really natural and gives my lips a gorgeous sheen. Okay, I'm converted! Available in Boots for around 16€.
And finally, Collistar Gloss Design in an unknown shade (it's a sample). The color couldn't be farther away from what I like - it's a nude-ish light pink with silver shimmer. I thought I would just give it away to a friend, but I've actually been wearing it quite a bit! You have to know this is very strange as I'm normally a bold lip kind of person, but I've been loving the eyeliner & mascara look with glossy lips. I also really like the applicator of this gloss, which is kind of a flattened doe foot, which makes applicaton a lot easier. This gloss costs around 19€ in drugstores and department stores.
I wouldn't say I'm fully converted, but I've really come to appreciate a nice glossy lip! Definitely won't be swearing off lipgloss then. What is your favourite lip gloss?
Click 'read more' for Slovenian version.
Nisem ravno največja oboževalka glossov za ustnice - raje imam bolj žive odtenke. Tale objava je prav nenavadna zame, a kar naenkrat se je v moji zbirki znašlo ogromno glossov za ustnice. So me uspeli prepričati, da obstaja še kaj drugega poleg šmink? Poglejmo ...
Mama mi je iz zadnjega potovanja v New York prinesla nekaj stvari iz Victoria's Secret, med drugim tudi tale Beauty Rush lip gloss v odtenku Grapefruit Blast. Gloss je odišavljen in ima celo okus po grenivkah, kar v kombinaciji z mojim grizenjem ustnic pomeni, da ga verjetno polovico pojem. No, tudi barva mi je zelo všeč - ni zelo močna, se pa pridih živo rožnate vseeno malo pozna. Cena je okrog 10 dolarjev, če pa nimate dostopa do Victoria's Secret trgovine, ga lahko naročite na internetu ali pa pobrskate po letališčih na naslednjem potovanju.
Všeč mi je tudi I love ... strawberries & milkshake shimmer & shine lip gloss. Če bi pred nekaj meseci kdo rekel, da mi bo všeč izdelek za ustnice s shimmer, bi ga verjetno precej čudno pogledala, vendar je tale precej neopazen. Je pa gloss precej lepljiv, tako da ga najraje nosim kar doma, ko pride kdo na obisk. Izdelki I love ... so tudi cenovno zelo ugodni (gloss stane 4€), pa še neverjetno dišijo, tako, da jih res priporočam.
Če se premaknemo k nekoliko dražjim zadevam, bi rada omenila tudi Clarins Gloss Prodige v odtenku Coral Tulip. Koralna barva, shimmer in lip gloss so v bistvu tri stvari, ki jih nikoli nisem marala, zdaj pa hvalim izdelek, ki ima vse troje, tako, da že to pove, da mora biti res odličen. Gloss je ravno dovolj pigmentiran, da na ustnice doda pridih koralne - če želite bolj intenziven odtenek, bi priporočila Maybelline šminko v odtenku Shocking Coral. Gloss stane okrog 18€.
Omeniti moram tudi Clarins Instant Light Natural Lip Perfector 01 Rose Shimmer. Kje naj začnem? Tale kultni izdelek sem prvič dobila pred nekaj leti za božič in mi ni bil niti malo všeč. Pred kratkim se je v moji zbirki znašel tester in obotavljivo sem ga še enkrat preizkusila. Na tej točki moram priznati, da mi je zdaj všeč ... Ne vem, kaj se je spremenilo, ampak v kombinaciji s tekočim črtalom za oči in maskaro so mi polne, svetleče ustnice res všeč. Kaj se dogaja z mano?! Cena je enaka kot pri prejšnjem glossu, okrog 16€.
Za konec pa še čudovit Collistar Gloss Design v neznanem odtenku, saj gre ponovno za tester. Embalaža me je navdušila na prvi pogled, barva glossa malo manj - svetlo roza s srebrnim shimmer? Živa iz preteklosti bi kriče zbežala v drugo smer. Zdaj pa sem prav z veseljem odložila svoje kričeče šminke in posegla po malo bolj naravnih glossih - videz je čisto drugačen, pa še spodbuja me, da ne grizem ustnic, saj se nepravilnosti poznajo veliko prej, kot če jih skrijem s temno šminko. Collistarjev lip gloss stane okrog 19€.
Ne bi rekla, da sem se čisto spreobrnila, kar se tiča lip glossa, mi je pa novi videz precej všeč. Kateri pa je vaš najljubši lip gloss?
I've always been a lipgloss girl! :)
Not me! :)
DeleteCollistar sem mela in so super glossi, neka mešanica negovalnega glossa ki zdrži kar precej časa.
ReplyDeleteSe strinjam :)
DeleteI really like the Buxom Lip Creams - they're fantastic!
ReplyDeleteTudi sama se zadnje čase navdušujem nad Clarins Lip Perfector. Ko sem ga prvič sprobala mi ni bil čisto nič posebnega, zdaj mi je pa čedalje bolj všeč... :D