Schauma Cotton Fresh Dry Shampoo

Friday, November 1, 2013

I cannot believe I have not mentioned this product before, as I have probably repurchased it twice already and absolutely love it. I am talking about this dry shampoo from Schauma, namely from their Cotton Fresh line. I do want to try some other dry shampoos, but this is great because it's readily available here in Slovenia and I can just grab it when I'm in the drugstore.

Now, normally I do not like using dry shampoos. They make my scalp itch and I really do not like the feeling of them on my hair. However, sometimes you're just in such a hurry you don't have much of a choice and you need something to help your oily hair since you don't have time to jump in the shower. It's also a great product if you want to stop washing your hair everyday - just use it on the day in between washes and give your hair a break.

This dry shampoo is not expensive at all, I think it costs around 4€. I really like the scent, makes me think of laundry day, as it smells exactly like linens drying after a wash. It is white, so it will be more noticeable on dark hair, but you can easily comb it out. It really does a good job helping with oiliness and I also like the volume it gives my hair. As I mentioned, I think it's perfect for second day hair, as you can do curls (they will hold better than on freshly washed hair) or different updos. For me, this is especially useful, because I have a fringe/bangs which get very oily quite fast, so if I need a quick fix I just use this. It won't last you ages, but given the price, I don't think that's problematic. I've tried Batiste before and I have to say I prefer this one (not saying that Batiste is bad, I had the Blush scent and I just prefer the scent of this one). Definitely not a product I would use on a daily basis, but I find it great for quick fixes and when I'm in a hurry.

You can get this dry shampoo from drugstores (D&M, Müller) for around 4€.

Share your opinion:

  1. Tega sm tut jst že ene trikrat vzela. :) Fajn je, ampak sm se pa že mal naveličala vonja, sm lih vidla pri essie button, da ma Dove tut en suhi šampon zdej, gotta try it out! :D xx

    1. Uu zakon, nasploh so baje Dove izdelki za lase ful dobri. Js vedno iščem njihov lak, ker sm enkrat slišala da je Lauren Conrad rekla, da ji je najboljši. :P x

  2. Sliši se zanimivo. Nisem še našla dobrega suhega šampona. Ga moram preizkusiti:)

  3. This sounds so nice I love the smell of fresh linen! I have the same problem with dry shampoo too. It makes my scalp itch and I have to end up washing my hair that evening anyway! I wonder if this is available in the UK hmm..


    1. You would love it. :) I still haven't found a solution to the itching problem. My scalp is dry, but my hair is oily so it's really hard finding the right products, but I think Philip Kingsley has a special treatment which might just be perfect. :) x

  4. Tole je pa dobro vedeti, čeprav grem najprej na lov za Dove suhim šamponom (prozoren), me je essiebutton čisto prodala :D

    ♥, moonchild beauty blog

    1. Js grem tut dons pogledat, k tale je že proti koncu. Poročam pol! :) x

  5. Sem ga gledala zadnjic in nisem vedela ce naj vzamem al ne :) No zdaj bom :)

  6. Jaz zaenkrat vztrajam pri Batiste (sem si glih dva nova naročila), ampak bom naslednjič za foro probala tegale pa še Dove moram izslediti. :D

  7. Mene pa je ta razočaral, moji lasje ga niso in niso marali... Čeprav diši res lepo. Pa še porabi se zelo hitro, kar mi tudi ni preveč všeč (čeprav uporabljam suh šampon res v nuji). Trenutno pa imam od Lee Stafford, s tem pa sem zadovoljna. Sem napisala tudi oceno o tem nekaj časa nazaj. (:

    Crayons and Beads

  8. jaz pa sem ga danes iskala po Müllerju in DM-u v MB, pa ga nikakor nisem našla. :( očitno sem ga nekje spregledala. :D
    moram naslednjič, ko bom šla, poiskat tega in Dove, ker sem do zdaj imela samo modrega Baleinega in je grozen. Upam, da bo tale res ok, ko ga tako hvalite.:) Mam namreč velik problem, da se mi frufru že takoj naslednji dan po pranju zmasti. :(

    1. Joj, sej js mam isti problem, to so pa težave punc s frufrujem. :( Si jih umivam vsak dan, ampak res poskušam zmanjšat. Tale izdelek ti bo pomojem pomagal, no. :) x

    2. sem ga našla! :) in sicer ti moram povedat/napisat, da sem zelo zelo zadovoljna! :) ponavadi se mi frufru zmasti že naslednji dan po pranju.. po uporabi tega suhega šampona pa sem imela lep in čist frufru kar 2dni pa pol! :)) niti malo niso bli mastni. :) tak da res hvala za priporočilo<3 zdaj te še z večjim užitkom spremljam, kot prej (čeprav si itak moj naaaj blogerka). :)
      sem ti enostavno mogla sporočit, ker sem tak navdušena nad izdelkom. :)

    3. Super! :) Fuuul sem vesela. Vedno ko napišem kakšno oceno me je dejansko ful strah, da bo kdo kupu in ne bo zadovoljen, tako da sem res vesela tele novičke! Meni tudi ustreza, očitno imava podoben tip las. :) In res hvala za pohvalo, si mi prav polepšala dan! <3 Piši še kdaj xx

  9. Sem ga danes kupila po tvojem priporočilu. :) Nisem še stestirala, je pa ful majhna flaška v primerjavi z Batiste, hehe :)

    1. Super! :) Upam, da boš tudi ti zadovoljna, poročaj prosim. :) x


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