Labello Lip Butters

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Labello's lip butters arrived on the market a while ago and were so hyped up I just had to get them. They come in round tin packaging in two different scents. Beside Raspberry Rosé and Vanilla & Macadamia, there are two other scents (Caramel something and the original), which unfortunately aren't available here in Slovenia.

While I am a fan of Labello products I have to say I let the hype get the best of me this time. These products are petroleum based and that really doesn't do much for my damaged lips. When I'm using lip products, I go for two kinds: either a color for when I'm going out of the house, or something really nourishing when I'm at home. Unfortunately, these are neither of those things. Even though the Raspberry Rosé lip butter is pink, it does not deposit any color on my lips. And as far as nourishing goes, they really don't do much (they might for you if you don't have too demanding lips, but since I bite mine, I really need something stronger). They do, however, give your lips some nice shine and aren't sticky in the slightest. But I'm not a huge fan of my natural lip color so I would prefer something tinted.

Now I have to say the main reason I fell for these was the scent and it is really amazing. Vanilla & Macadamia smells silky smooth, like vanilla and also kind of nutty, which is a nice contrast. Raspberry Rosé does smell like raspberries, but I don't detect any wine in it, the scent is still lovely though. You'll want to lick these straight off of your lips, trust me. On the scent front they really do deliver, so if you're looking for a nice shiny lip balm with a good enough to eat smell, look no further!

Labello Lip Butters are available in drugstores worldwide for around 3-4€.

Share your opinion:

  1. I had vanilla and caramel versions and I didn't like either, they were far too greasy for me, they were not moisturizing at all and they made my lips white :) I used them a couple of times and then forgot about them, I think they might be nice for when it's very cold outside, but I would only use them at home because of the packaging... the smell is amazing though!

    1. You pretty much summed up what I thought about them in your comment, they are greasy (that would be the petroleum jelly) and they really do nothing for my lips. It's up to the buyer to decide if they're worth it on the smell alone, but I would say pass. :) x

  2. Sem ravno včeraj razmišljala, da si moram nabaviti tole (zadne čase obsesiram glede balzamov za usnice in je že problem), ampak vidim da nič ne zamujam, ker res rabim nekaj hardcore. Si še vedno tako navdušena nad Nuxe balzamom ali priporočaš kaj še boljšega? :)

    ♥, moonchild beauty blog

    1. Mja, sploh zdej ko je mrzlo je fajn neki hardkorrrr. :D Moja top 2 sta Nuxe in pa Blistex, mislm da se reče MedRepair, maš v posodici in twist up, js mam tega drugega in mi je zakon. Je ful minty vonj, tkoda če te to moti ti ne bo kul. Ampak res dela čudeže, pa stane tko 2-3€ ... Nuxe je sicer super samo me živcira posodica ker se mi zdi ful nehigienično. Upam da sem pomagala :) x

  3. Se strinjam z napisanim:) Mene je tudi že kdaj kaj zavedlo, ampak zdaj se že znam ustaviti. Kot si napisala, če ne daje barve ali ni vlažilen, potem dejansko nima nobene funkcije. Verjamem pa, da odlično dišijo:)

    1. Uff, blagor ti, jaz sem ful slaba pri tem. Prav samo da mam 1€, ga moram porabit. Sej nameravam tut kej napisat o tem, pa kako bolj pametno porabit denar, pa tak. Ker js mam navado kr kupvat in kupvat, tut ko mam že 7 tonikov, bom kupla še enga, ker je nov in zgleda fajn. Bahh. :( Tkoda pri telih Lip Butterjih me je res premagal hype, ki pa si ga ne zaslužijo. Bi blo pa neki čis drugega, če bi ble tole malo obarvane labele. :) x

  4. Yes the scent of these are amazing, I do love them <3


    1. Good to know somebody likes them & glad they work for you! :) x

  5. Thank you for sharing this review. I think I will pass on these because I also have very dry lips.

    I really like your blog and would be happy to stay in touch. Let me know if you'd like to follow each other on gfc, bloglovin and other social media sites. :-)


    1. Yes, they're not the best. :( Oooh, thank you for the compliment. I'll check out your blog now. x

  6. oh, I haven't see these yet... love the packaging and labello is one of my favourite :) x

    1. They've been around for a while, if you're in it for the scent, check them out. :) x

  7. a res ti ni kul? js mam tega raspberry rose in mi je ful fajn, tk nežno roza mi obarvaa ustnice in ful mehke mam po uporabi :)

    1. Joj ne, sej mi je mal bed slabe reviewe objavljat, sam sem hotla bit odkrita ker so ene zadevi ful hyped up, pa meni sploh niso všeč. Meni nič ne obarva, imam pa ful intenzivno pigmentacijo ustnic, mogoče zato. Mehke so že, samo nič ne pomaga ko so poškodovane, to me moti. :D x

  8. Lepa slikca! :) Mene tut motijo te embalažice, se mi zdi preveč nehigienično.


  9. I love the scent of these but I need something a little more hydrating, especially now it's getting cold outside!

    Jennie xo |

  10. Jaz (vsaj enkrat) nisem podlegla hypu. Verjetno zato, ker mi taki produkti, ki se morejo nanašati s prstom niso preveč všeč za on-the-go, doma si pa tudi jaz raje nanesem kaj bolj hranilnega.

  11. Jaz sem tudi ena tistih, ki ni podlegla navdušenosti nad temi balzami in ni nobenega kupila. Verjetno zato, ker mi tako pakiranje ni preveč pri srcu, en razlog je pa tudi v tem, da sem prebrala že več negativnih ocen o teh izdelkih.

  12. Se kar strinjam z napisanim, jaz sem na koncu tako obupala, da sem kar tole zadevico postrgala vn in v posodico prelila doma narejen balzam za ustnice, ki med drugim ne premaga nobenega!


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