Empties #5

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Hello hello! Long time no see. I won't make any excuses, but let's just say I've been feeling pretty down lately. I think I burned and crashed after being hyper for such a long time ... More on that in an upcoming post. & Now on to the empties!

L'Oreal Elnett Hairspray - This is probably one of the most famous hairsprays out there and I really wanted to see what the fuss was about. To be honest, it wasn't anything special to me, it even made my hair quite crunchy, which I generally hate since high school, when I used to walk around with my bangs plastered to my forehead (a la Prada, Spring 2010 show. Yeah. Maybe cute on the runway, but really life? Not so much). I did however like the small packaging which is perfect for carrying in your bag!

Guhl Monoi-Öl Hair Mask - Bought this on a whim, and because I love Monoi - we had a perfume with it in Yves Rocher and I used to spray myself with it all the time. Have to say the mask was nothing special, and it's quite a small packaging so I would say skip this one - there are better ones out there.

Balea Raspberry Shampoo - As a shampoo, this is not special at all. But that scent ... Oh, fresh raspberries and cream! I love it so much, I couldn't wait to get in the shower every morning. But if you like raspberry scented products, Balea has a wide range of them, no need to get this shampoo. I really enjoy the body milk/souffle/lotion/whatever which is also raspberry scented!

Balea Sweet Wonderland Shower Gel - Ah, I have already proclaimed my undying love for this one a couple of times, but it really is a winner. Chocolate pudding scented and lathers up really nicely - where has it been all my life?!

Balea Fig & Chocolate Shower Gel - How I go through so many shower gels is beyond me. But I have to say I've been really pleased with Balea ones. This one smells divine as well and is creamier than Sweet Wonderland.

La Roche Posay Micellar Water - My favourite micellar I've tried so far. Really gentle, smell is inoffensive, though it can leave a little bit of residual makeup, so I'm still looking for the perfect one. My next buy will probably be Vichy's Thermal Water, I've heard that it's great.

Ultra Doux Soft Clay & Citron Extract Shampoo & Conditioner - Lovely products with a very enjoyable and fresh scent. They are unfortunately for oily hair, which I have now realized I don't have anymore, my hair is actually quite dry ... So these weren't for me, but they were really really clarifying and I enjoyed using them, so I would strongly recommend them if you have the right hair type.

YSL Le Teint Touche Éclat - Okay, let's talk about the elephant in the room - this stuff is super expensive. And I would say just go for Bourjois Healthy Mix, as it's just as good! If you feel like a bit of luxury though, there is nothing quite like this foundation - the beautiful glass bottle and the gold pump really make you feel like a spoiled princess!

MAC Opulash - You know, you hear so much about MAC mascaras and how they're not worth it, but this one was actually amazing! With a huge wand it really gets ahold of every lash and makes them super long and volumized. Really amazing product.

Soap & Glory Face Soap - I really enjoyed this product. The smell is great, very pepperminty, and it also has tiny exfoliating beads which are perfect for everyday use as they are very gentle. Definitely recommend, but maybe more for oily/combination skin - if you have dry skin, the peppermint may prove to be too stingy and the exfoliating beads too much for you!

Armani Acqua di Gioia Perfume - Oh, how I loved this fragrance ... It is definitely one of my favourites. I smell watermelon in it, even though it's not listed as a note, but it really is the perfect summer perfume. Very strongly recommended and I'm even thinking about purchasing a new one because I cannot find a better scent (summer perfume recommendations are very welcome).

Share your opinion:

  1. Zanimivi izdelki:) Meni pa je bil Elnett všeč zaradi tega ker mi ni sprijel las, vonj pa je ogaben-ne morem se ga navaditi.

    1. Uf, meni pa jih je sprijel! Verjetno odvisno od tipa las ... Vonja se pa po pravici povedano sploh ne spomnim. :) x

  2. Meni je tudi Opulash všeč :) A mogoče veš, če ima YSL še kaj svetlejše odtenke od Bourjoisa? Ker mi je 51 še vedno malo pretemna..

    1. Joj, ne vem, meni je 51 popoln ... Si pa Sneguljčica :) Najbolje, da greš malo pogledat v Müllerja, ali pa kar po netu kakšno primerjavo. ^^ x

  3. Mmm, Acqua di Gioia <3 Res je dober poletni parfum. Moja denarnica letos pravi, da bo samo še kakšnega zimskega prenesla, čeprav je bil letos za poletje na mojem seznamu DKNY in pa Valentino Aqua floreale.

    1. Je ane? Js ga obožujem, mi je res žal, da ga je zmanjkalo. Kateri DKNY? Sama sem čisto zaljubljena v Pure od te znamke, res je čudovit. <3

  4. O super za LRP micelarno...pomoje še edina, ki je nisem testirala, tako da jo bom v kratkem :). Mi je pa bila do zdaj Vichy najbolj všeč.

    1. Ja, sej to kar naprej slišim, da je Vichy najboljša. Sicer trenutno uporabljam nek odstranjevalec od Balee, pa se z mivelarno sploh ne more primerjat. x

  5. šampo od balea res dobro diši, sem že večkrat vohala!
    sama ga pa ne uporabljam, ker ga moji lasje ne prenesejo!

    lepe pozdrave

    p.s.: a bi mi ti lahko priporočala ene dobrle slovenske bloge? sem ja dans našla tvoj blog ker sm tud komentirala blog od rebecce (flirting with fashion) pa sm zagledala tvoje ime pa sm si sam mislila, da moram pogledat, če je to slovenska blogerka pa res! pa res sm se veselila, ker še prej nism našla slovenskega bloga pa bi rada jih več brala :)


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