Summer tries the gradient manicure (and fails?)

Monday, August 6, 2012

So this nail trend has been everywhere lately and I just had to give it a try. Lately I've been loving the combination of red and pink (ever since I saw Blair Waldorf pair them in GG), so for this manicure, I combined OPI's If you moust, you moust with OPI's Dutch tulips.

What do you think? Does it look nice or did I fail miserably? I think it looks okay, but I definitely need some practice. And I seriously need to get a brush to clean up my nails when I'm done painting them.

If you're wondering how to do the gradient mani, I followed this tutorial by Nihrida, an amazing fellow Slovenian blogger, whose blog I just adore.

And I was inspired to try this manicure by an amazing blogger, Ivana, whose blog you can find here. Check out her gradient manicures and let her know how beautiful they are. She is not only a great blogger, but also super sweet and really nice. <3

Share your opinion:

  1. I think they look great, well done! MUCH better than my attempt haha.

    1. Thank you so much! <3 I think you just need a lot of practice with this manicure - the more you practice, the better you get! xx

  2. Lepo ti je ratalo :) Bom poskusila, če mi vsaj približno uspe :D xoxo

  3. I don't think it's a fail - they're really pretty!


  4. Hihi, mene je najprej spomnila na Dexterja. Kot kri na konicah nohtov. In potem po omembi GG (ki jo predstavlja roza), bi rekla, da si na nohtih združila Gossip Girl in Dexterja. :D
    Sama manikura izgleda lepo narejeno, ampak jaz ne maram kombinacije roza in rdeče, zato ne morem ravno komentirati (sic!). :)

    Moram pa tudi jaz poskusiti gradient, sploh s to enostavno tehniko, ki ne zahteva slojenja vsakega laka posebej na konicah. Super!

    1. Aaaa kul, torej mi je nevede uspelo skombinirat moji dve najljubši seriji. :D Tudi sama nisem prenesla roza in rdeče skupaj, prav grozno mi je zgledalo, zdej mi je pa postalo ful všeč. Tak colour blocking. :) Definitivno poskusi gradient - vse kar rabiš, je prava gobica in pravi pritisk. Ker če preveč pritiskaš, lak kar dol postrgaš.
      Hvala za komentar pa da si se ustavila na mojem blogu :) xxx

  5. Meni se nikakor ne zdi fail. Lepo je prišlo. ''Opasna'' kombinacija. =) In hvala za omembo! <3

    1. Joj, hvala! Means a loooooot coming from you :) Pa seveda sm te morala omenit, brez tvojega tutoriala mi ne bi uspelo! <3

  6. kok dobr ti je ratalo!! js sm enkrat že probavala pa ni blo uspeha :S bom mogla še kdaj probat :) aia, drugač pa tud men ta kombinacija roza in rdeče ne potegne. ne vem zakaj.. :) xx

    1. Jaaa poskusi še kdaj, sej enkrat ti bo že uspelo :) Opažam, da dosti ljudem ni všeč ta kombinacija. Bom naslednjič objavila gradient še v kakšni drugi barvi ^^ xxx

  7. fuksija in rdeča sta zame top kombinacija. blair je itk top v tej obleki... ampak tvoji nohti!! =) ful všeč!! =)

    1. Meni je tudi fuuul všeč! <3 Pa hvala, means a lot! :) xxx

  8. ooo krasni nohtki. res, sem ti prav fauš za tole obliko nohtov :)

    xoxo, Nina

    1. Ooo, hvala! Sej oblike pa ni težko met take, js si jih sam postrižem naravnost, pa je (nč ne pilim al pa kej) :) xx

  9. hudoooo :) men je nora kombinacijaa <3

  10. Awww cutie pie! Super ti je uspelo! <3 U did it like a pro! :) Btw kok si leeeepaa! <3

    1. Iiiii, hvala :) <3 Juj pa hvala še enkrat, you made me blush :$ xxx

  11. I don't think it was a 'fail' at all, I love it! <3

  12. oh goodness, i think these are gorgeous! you did a really good job :) xx

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