I have a problem. In the past few years, I have accumulated so much makeup, skincare and bodycare, that is has now come down to one simple thing - I have nowhere to put it. I have so much stuff it's just impossible to store it, and I've grown sick and tired of my constant wanting of things, products and the newest beauty releases. It has all just become too much, and I'm at a point where I just don't want to buy anything else, which is where Project 10 Pan comes in.
I guess my wakeup call was trying to sort out my drawers, which are now overflowing. I've begun storing my things on top of my wardrobe, on my bookshelves, anywhere there's space left in my room. It's just sad honestly! My main problem is shower gels and makeup, I have so many lipsticks, nail polishes, body scrubs, face masks ... I just need to use them up.
I'm aiming to use 10 products in each category before I purchase new things - skincare, body care and makeup (possibly even nail polish). Of course I'm going to buy a new shampoo when I run out, but that will set me back a product - for example, if I've used up 4 products in skincare but buy a new face cream, I'll need to use up another product to make up for it.
I think this is a really necessary step for me, because frankly, the idea of buying and buying and then buying some more is just too consuming. All I do in my free time is browse websites for my next beauty buy - it's problematic. Hopefully this Project will help me see things more realistically, and most of all, make me use up more things.
I'll be posting my updates along the way, and I do apologize if not many hauls will go up in the meantime. I'll try to make it up with thorough reviews and empties posts. Wish me luck!
Have you ever done a Project 10 Pan? How'd it go?
I feel you :D Jst mam tud prepoved kupovanja gelov za tuširanje in losijonov/krem/puterčkov za telo dokler ne porabim absolutno vseh, ki so na zalogi. Lake za nohte sem tudi nehala kupovati in si obljubila, da samo še tiste posebno lepe odtenke kupujem. Ampak potem je problem, ko na blogih vidim te amazing odtenke in bi jih mela! -.- Da o zalogi parfumov ne govorim :( Ampak na WL jih je vsaj še 5, imam pa cilj to zimo vsaj 2 porabiti do konca, preden si lahko novega privoščim.
ReplyDeleteTako da, vso srečo pri tvojem projektu in držim pesti da ti uspe ;) Poročaj! (da dobimo tudi ostali zagon) ;)
Joj čist te razumem. Js mam 33 parfumov. :( Pa lakov pomoje okrog 50, pa šmink okrog 35, 6 pudrov, 10 tuš gelov, 10 body butters. Grozno je, prov slabo se počutim, ko odprem predal ... Definitivno bom poročala, pa zelo vesela bom, če boste delile z mano kakšne nasvete ali pa se mi pridružile! x
DeleteThis is such a great idea. I definitely need to enforce a similar rule to myself when it comes to lipsticks as I keep buying them and stick to wearing the same two or three shades.
Thank you - it's really problematic for me, so I had to do something ... x
DeleteJs imam okol 100 lakov tak da it could be worse :D Imam pa sama tudi prepoved kupovanja tuš gelov, krem za roke in losjonov za telo, ker to res nima smisla shranjevat :D
ReplyDeleteEj sam laki so še ok, js mam pa vsega preveč :( Prav bedno mi je razmišljat o tem. Upam, da mi rata!
DeletePrecej pametna odločitev! Jaz sem ravno zadnjič malo uredila svoje stvari in jih ogromno podelila sorodnikom in prijateljicam. Čeprav imam očitno še vedno ta sindrom "nabiralke", ker se od enih stvari enostavno ne morm ločit (čeprav jih redko uporabljam), hkrati pa nabiram nove...
ReplyDeleteEnako ... Ampak je res že kritično pri meni!
DeleteI completely feel you! This project seems so hard but good luck!!
ReplyDeleteMichelle xo
So far, I'm 4 hours makeup shopping free, hehe x
DeleteTudi sama sem se lotila nečesa podobnega, sem si prepovedala kupovati vsa ličila v naslednjih treh mesecih, torej do konca leta...ker je že kar žalostno, koliko stvari se mi (nam vsem najbrž, haha) nabira, uporabljam pa vedno ene in iste... :) Veliko uspeha pri projektu. :)
ReplyDeleteUf, pridna - držim pesti za obe :P
DeleteI've never done Project Pan but now that I've read your post about it, I think I'm going to do one as well! Same as you, too much makeup and I have no idea where to store them properly and nicely.. sigh. No more foundations and fragrances for me! :P
Ah that is great hun, we can encourage each other! :) x
DeleteSej bo! Upam, da me nič ne premami. :P x
ReplyDeleteLove this post! I have far too many products and im trying to use different products each day to get use out of everything!
ReplyDeletexprincessjas | ♥
Good for you! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for both of us :) x
DeleteI love this idea. It can get soo consuming (and expensive) to keep up with the latest it product, especially as a beauty blogger, so I'm really inspired by this post! Good luck!
ReplyDeletebeauty luxe life
Agreed! Let me know if you decide to do something similar :) x
DeleteČestitke za pogum! :) Držim pesti, da ti uspe! :))
ReplyDeleteDrugače pa jaz sem tudi taka! Samo kupujem, kupujem in si delam zaloge. Moj največji problem so trenutno geli za tuširanje (vedno me zamika kak nov vonj, bog ne daj da so še znižani), masla za telo, šamponi in balzami za lase ter balzami za ustnice. :) Sploh pri izdelkih za telo in balzamih za ustnice je moja zaloga blizu 10ih ali še malce več. :)
Sem se pa odločila, da začnem ta mesec z manjšimi nakupi in kupim res tisto, kar si zeloo želim oz. vem, da bom uporabljala ali pa nujno potrebujem.
Hvala Sandra! <3 Joj samo geli za tuširanje so prav prekletstvo. :( Želim ti vso srečo, no, obema! :P
DeleteI really enjoy seeing other people complete project pans. It gives a more realistic view of the beauty blogger world than constant hauls and new product releases. I wish you all the luck!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree, and thank you <3
DeleteOmg I am banning my self from buying on 2015 and I am not going to purchase any makeup. I even told my boyfriend there will be no IMATS NYC. waaaa.lol