The best facial cleansers

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Apparently I have a bit of an obsession with facial cleansers as I have managed to accumulate quite the collection. Since there are too many to do a post on each one, I just thought I would do an overview of the ones I have and tell you what I like about them. Let's get started.

Best for removing makeup

Starting off from the top, we have Yves Rocher Pure Chammomile Cleansing Gel. When I used to work at Yves Rocher, this was a best seller, and after finally trying it myself, I can really see why. It's great for using in the shower - you just apply it to your face, massage it in and wash it off. It does not even irritate my eyes in the slightest, which is a pleasant change. I also think it's slightly cooling on my skin which is really interesting and I quite enjoy that effect. It is also the cheapest out of the three options I have for you, costing around 6€.

Next we have a Vichy favourite which I already mentioned in a recent post, namely the Pureté Thermale 3 in 1 One Step Cleanser. Another super gentle cleanser that takes off all of my makeup. This one works the same as the previous product, though I have to point out you really need the smallest amount, it removes everything with a pea sized drop of product. It costs around 10-15€ I think.

And finally, my high end favourite - Clarins Pure Melt Cleansing Gel. If you want a luxury treat, this is the one to go for, and it is my favourite out of the three. It is a really interesting product which comes out as a gel, feels as nourishing as oil, but turns into cleansing milk when you apply it to your skin. It removes makeup incredibly well and I don't even use a micellar solution with this one - I just trust it to remove all traces of makeup and dirt. It comes with the hefty pricetag of 27€, but is worth it in my opinion (plus I have had it for about a year and a half and still have a bit left).

Best ingredients

A newer addition to my collection is the Dr Scheller Pomegranate Wash Gel for sensitive skin. According to the label, this product contains no silicones, no mineral oils and no synthetic colorants, which is definitely something I can get on board with. I really enjoy this product as it is extremely gentle, but does an amazing job of removing leftover traces of makeup. I like using it in the morning or in the evening after I use my micellar solution. Price is around 6€.

A firm favourite of mine are also the Lavera Cleansing Gels. I have had a few now and absolutely loved all of them - especially this one for sensitive skin. I have mentioned them in so many posts I don't even think they need a special introduction, I'd just like to say Lavera is a wonderful natural brand and I've been incredibly pleased with their products (I also love their foundation and concealer). Price for the gels is around 6€.

Best for problematic skin

I've recently been giving the REN Clarimatte T-Zone Control Cleansing Gel a try as well. I really like REN products and was very kindly sent the Clarimatte range to try as my skin has been increasingly problematic lately. I've been using this cleansing gel every day in the hopes of my pores becoming smaller and diminishing. In fact, as I type this, I have the Pore Detox mask on my face (quite a sight). I will report on my success with this range soon, but I think this product is the most appropriate for problematic skin out of the bunch. 

I would say giving your skin a good cleanse is definitely an important step - don't be like me and fall asleep with all of your makeup on! Also, if you're a bit lazy and use face wipes, try to get a cleanser to wash your face with afterwards, it makes such a difference and is really pleasant as well.

Click 'read more' for Slovenian version.

Danes sem pripravila mini vodič po gelih za čiščenje obraza, ki so trenutno v moji zbirki, ali pa sem jih že porabila. Glede na njihove sestavine in učinkovitost sem jih uvrstila v različne kategorije.

Najboljši za problematično kožo se mi zdi Ren Clarrimatte T-Zone Control Cleansing Gel, katerega dobite v ogromni embalaži in je že zato vreden svoje cene. Zelo mi je všeč hladilen učinek na obrazu, ki ga pusti, o učinkih na dolgi rok pa bom še poročala - naj bi zmanjšal pore in nečistoče na obrazu. Meni je všeč predvsem zato, ker mi kože ne izsuši, čeprav je namenjen mastnemu T-predelu.

Od naravnih znamk bi priporočila dva izdelka - Lavera čistilne gele in pa Dr Scheller čistilni gel z granatnim jabolkom. Pri obeh se cena giblje okrog 6€, imata super sestavine, nobena izmed znamk pa ne testira na živalih. Lavera gele uporabljam že dlje časa, moj najljubši je tisti za občutljivo kožo, čeprav sem navdušena tudi nad ginkom za mastno. Dr Scheller pa je novejša pridobitev, ki me je v trenutku navdušila - všeč mi je predvsem to, da je gel izredno nežen in niti malo ne razdraži moje kože.

Omenila bi še tri čistilne gele, s katerimi lahko odstranjujete tudi ličila. Za nekoliko bolj luksuzno izbiro sem se odločila za Clarins Pure Melt Cleansing Gel, ki ga zares obožujem. Gre za zelo zanimiv izdelek - iz tube pride kot gel, hranljiv je kot olje, med nanosom pa se spremeni v čistilno mleko. Kljub precej dragi cena 27€ sem nad izdelkom navdušena, čiščenje obraza z njim je res posebno doživetje. Za nekoliko cenejšo verzijo predlagam uporabo Vichy 3 in 1 One Step Cleanser, ki prihaja iz linije Pureté Thermale in je izredno nežen, a vendar učinkovit. Odlično odstrani celo maskaro in črtalo za oči. Cena je okrog 15€. Nazadnje pa bi omenila še Yves Rocher Pure čistilni gel s kamilico, ki stane borih 6€ in ga, tako kot prejšnja dva izdelka, lahko uporabljate kar pod tušem - ne potrebujete niti vatke, saj lahko z rokami odstranite vsa ličila, pa še prav nič vam ne bo razdražil oči. 

Pri poplavi čistilnih gelov za obraz se je kar težko odločiti za pravega - upam, da sem vam malo olajšala izbiro.

Share your opinion:

  1. Tale od YR je res super, sem še mami čisto navdušila nad njim :) A ta od Lavera tudi odstrani vsa ličila?

    1. Ane?! :) Laverin mi pa ne odstrani ličil, zato ga uporabljam v kombinaciji z micelarno.

  2. Jaz pa nikol nisem uporabljala čistila za obraz, da bi si z njim prav ličila odstranila, ne vem zakaj, preveč "messy" se mi zdi :P Tudi micelarno ne uporabljam na celem obrazu : D Ostajam pri čistilnih robčkih ^^ (+ čistilni gel takoj za tem)

    1. Jaz sem isto mislila, ampak so me zgornji trije izdelki ful prijetno presenetili. :)

  3. A tega od Clarins se dobi pri nas? :D

  4. i think i have an obsession with facial cleansers as well! like the sound of the vichy one xx

  5. I'm a bit of a cleanser collector too! I have used the Lavera one and love it...x


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