I have a confession to make.
This post was supposed to be up in time for Valentine's day, but I promptly forgot about it. So I hope you'll forgive me and enjoy it nonetheless. Here is a selection of pink things and mini reviews on each one of them, I hope it helps!
Let's start with fragrance - I've picked two in different olfactory groups. First we have Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Fresh (full review here), which is a very pretty, soft and gentle fruity floral. It's very inoffensive and a scent many will like, which is why I think it's perfect for a gift (would be great for Valentine's, huh? *smacks self*) You can get it here from 50€ upwards.
Next we have Agent Provocateur Eau Provocateur, which is similar to the original fragrance by this brand, but much lighter. It's a white floral with citrus notes, quite fresh, perfect for spring as well. I would recommend to both fans of the original fragrance as well as those who don't like it - it's light enough to be different, but has similar notes to the original.
How about a little haircare? This Schwarzkopf got2b Volumania Styling Powder is a favourite among bloggers, and I quite like it for second day hair. It's similar to a dry shampoo, but gives my hair a lot of hold as well, working like a hairspray. Very interesting product, and it's quite affordable at around 6€.
Skincare is up next! We have the Vichy Idéalia Serum, which I just adore. First of all, I've wanted this for absolute ages because of the packaging alone - isn't it just so pretty?! And I also love the product. It's very light, smells nice, illuminates my skin and is a great product for any skin type because it's so inoffensive. It moisturizes nicely and I especially like it under my makeup so my skin stays hydrated throughout the day. Available for a little over 30€ here.
Finally I have two products which should have been reviewed here ages ago! They're both from Cocoa Brown, which is actually a self-tanning brand. I was initially hesitant when they approached me asking if I wanted to review some products, since I don't self-tan. But they sent me a moisturizer and a body scrub and oh my stars, these two are amazing. Tough Stuff is a strawberry scented scrub which smells divine and is quite rough, but since my skin really needs the exfoliation, it works wonders. The moisturizer, Chocolate Whip, smells amazing again, this one is chocolate scented, buttery but not too thick, sinks into the skin fast and is so pleasant to use. I love these two products! You can find more information on the Cocoa Brown website.
Last, but not least, a little personal update.
I'm pretty ill at the moment and had to go to the local dermatologist urgently today. Apparently I have a disease (name was promptly forgotten by yours truly) that is similar to chicken pox, but it doesn't spread to others. This means I'll be covered in a rash that looks like severe burns over my whole body for at least 8 weeks.
I really don't want to bum you out, but I'm not sure what kind of cosmetics I'll even be able to use. This couldn't have come at a worse time, and is also stress induced, so it's no wonder I got it this month, but it's just so upsetting. Just looking at myself in the mirror makes me feel awful, everything itches and I look like a tomato. Lovely.
I might do some other posts, but definitely won't be testing out new bodycare at this time. I hope you'll stick with me and here's hoping the rash goes away ASAP.
How have you been lately?
Trenutno sem precej bolna, danes sem bila tudi urgentno na dermatološki kliniki. Baje imam avto-imunsko bolezen (ime sem seveda pozabila), ki je podobna noricam, vendar ni nalezljiva. To pa pomeni, da bom najmanj 8 tednov prekrita z izpuščaji, ki so videti kot opekline - po celem telesu.
Nočem preveč stokati, vendar nisem prepričana, kakšno kozmetiko bom sploh lahko uporabljala. Tole se res ne bi moglo zgoditi ob slabšem času, je pa pogojeno s stresom, zato ni pravzaprav nič čudnega, da se je bolezen pojavila zdaj. Se pa počutim precej nesrečno, ker res izgledam kot ogromen paradižnik!
Nekaj objav še sledi, gotovo pa v tem času ne bom preizkušala novih izdelkov za telo. Upam, da ostaneš z mano in držiš pesti, da reakcija izgine prej kot v 8 tednih!
Kako pa si ti zadnje čase?
Nekaj ti moram priznati.
Tale objava bi morala biti pripavljena že za Valentinovo, pa sem nanjo čisto pozabila. No, kljub temu je tukaj nekaj izdelkov v rožnatih odtenkih, ki so me prepričali v zadnjem času.
Začniva s parfumi. O Marc Jacobs Eau So Fresh sem že govorila (ocena tukaj, kupiš ga lahko tukaj). Gre za nežno cvetlično-sadno dišavo, ki je popolna za spomladanske mesece. Res je nevsiljiva in ena izmed tistih, ki bo všeč prav vsakomur! Enako velja za Agent Provocateur Eau Provocateur, ki je nežnejša različica prve dišave te hiše - bele cvetlice so tokrat veliko manj 'divje', temveč umirjene in nežne.
Kar se tiče las, sem preizkušala got2b Volumania Styling Powder, ki je favorit blogerk. Meni se zdi, da deluje kot nekakšna mešanica laka za lase in suhega šampona, lasem da ogromna volumna, jih utrdi in posrka maščobe. Pa še cenovno ugoden je, saj stane le okrog 6€.
Kar se tiče kože, me je navdušil Vichy Idéalia Serum, ki sem si ga zelo dolgo želela, zdaj pa je končno moj! Odlikuje ga čudovita embalaža, prijeten vonj in zelo lahka tekstura, ki je prijetno hladilna in vlažilna. Meni se zdi odlična podlaga za ličila, kože pa ne zmasti. Na voljo tukaj.
Za konec pa še izdelka, ki sta me najbolj presenetila. Gre za znamko Cocoa Brown, ki se sicer specializira za izdelke za samoporjavitev. Ker sama tega še nisem počela, sem se odločila za losjon in piling, ki sta me res navdušila. Chocolate Whip je izjemno kremen losjon z vonjem po čokoladi, ki se hitro vpije in intenzivno vlaži kožo, Tough Stuff pa piling za telo z dokaj grobimi zrnci z vonjem jagode. Mogoče me celo zamika preizkusiti tako opevani self-tanner, kajti tale dva izdelka sta res odlična. Več pa na njihovi spletni strani.
Za konec pa še osebne novice ...
Trenutno sem precej bolna, danes sem bila tudi urgentno na dermatološki kliniki. Baje imam avto-imunsko bolezen (ime sem seveda pozabila), ki je podobna noricam, vendar ni nalezljiva. To pa pomeni, da bom najmanj 8 tednov prekrita z izpuščaji, ki so videti kot opekline - po celem telesu.
Nočem preveč stokati, vendar nisem prepričana, kakšno kozmetiko bom sploh lahko uporabljala. Tole se res ne bi moglo zgoditi ob slabšem času, je pa pogojeno s stresom, zato ni pravzaprav nič čudnega, da se je bolezen pojavila zdaj. Se pa počutim precej nesrečno, ker res izgledam kot ogromen paradižnik!
Nekaj objav še sledi, gotovo pa v tem času ne bom preizkušala novih izdelkov za telo. Upam, da ostaneš z mano in držiš pesti, da reakcija izgine prej kot v 8 tednih!
Kako pa si ti zadnje čase?
Ajoj, kakšna grozna novica :( sem sigurna, da vsi držimo pesti, da se čimprej pozdraviš :/
ReplyDeleteTele roza stvari pa vse izgledajo prečudovito. Sem mislila, da bom kdaj prerasla roza barvo, pa mi je iz leta v leto ljubša, ups ;)
Se strinjam, čeprav sem imela vmes uporniško obdobje, ko sem jo na polno hejtala. :P x
DeleteGreat post and photos, dear! I hope you get well soon <3
ReplyDeleteKisses, Kali
| Kali's inspiration |
Thanks Kali! x
DeleteJoj, upam, da se ti stanje uredi. Sem z mislimi s tabo xo
ReplyDeleteHvala hun <3
DeleteThe Marc Jacobs fragrances is a must-have! x
For sure x
DeleteAhhh, pink overload! This is random but your blog design is gorgeoussss
ReplyDeleteellabooxo | beauty & lifestyle
Thank you! I love your blog so much! THE FRECKLES. <3
DeleteBeautiful post. I hope you recover quickly but keep posting as I love to read your lovely blog.
Thank you, I'll do my best! :)
DeleteStunning photos! No worries about the lateness, we all do it :)
Thanks Autumn :)
DeleteI’m in love with your blog! It was so interesting to read your posts and also I’d like to say that you have beautiful photos! I’ll be happy to see you in my blog!)
ReplyDeletep.s. new post - how I met Victoria Beckham http://www.dianacloudlet.com/2015/02/victoria-beckham-zip-pouch-met-victoria-beckham.html
Diana Cloudlet
Yay thank you!
DeleteI love pink anytime! Poor you, I hope your skin and yourself will be better soon, sooner than those 8 weeks!
ReplyDeleteYou and me both :( x