Book haul #3

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Finally another book post! I've been neglecting that side of my blog for ages, but I'm happy to tell you that I'll have a post about my favourite books of 2012 up soon. :)

These are just a few books I bought and received as presents in the past month or two, and all the ones that I've read have been absolutely amazing! I've had such good luck with books lately - everything I pick up is just really good.

What have you been reading lately? :)

Share your opinion:

  1. These look amazing!!! I've read all of Vic Hislop's novels and they're truly amazing!!! :) xxx

    1. I completely agree with you, she's one of my favourite writers! xx

  2. Im on a mission to read at least 20 books this year. I used to be such a book worm - falling asleep with a book on my face was a regular occurence. Now i just read blogs and then hop into bed, this needs to change! You've got a good selection there!

    Leanne @ Leanne-Marie | Beauty, fashion & lifestyle. xx

    1. Good luck with your mission! I've been a bookworm since I was a child. :) I read 52 books last year, and am planning on the same number this year. You should totally get a Goodreads account, that site is great for keeping track of what you read and getting reccommendations! xx

  3. super knjige. :) nekaj sem jih že prebrala, si mi pa dala tudi idejo ali dve. :D

    xoxo in pridi me kaj obiskat. :D

    1. Hvala Nina. :) Za ideje pa še počakaj na enega od mojih naslednjih postov, v katerem bojo najboljše knjige, ki sem jih prebrala v lanskem letu. ^^ xx

  4. Ooo, priporočil kvalitetnih knjig nikoli dovolj. :D Jaz sem trenutno bolj med raznimi priročniki, ampak se mi zelo lušta kakšnega dobrega romana. Bom kar počakala na tvoj post. :)


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