Anastasia brow products have been all the rage for a while now, but are they really worth the hype?
I decided to start my testing with Brow Wiz, a brow pencil that's so hyped on the internet I was really expecting miracles. It felt a bit weird paying 19€ on Beauty Bay, I think it's quite expensive for an eyebrow product. I'm more of a drugstore girl and I just dislike overpaying for products.
But I have to say, as soon as my initial outrage was over, I feel in love with this product. I got Brow Wiz in the shade Chocolate and it worked really well for my older hair color (I've since gone blonder). It's a perfect rich dark brown, it's not waxy but not powdery, applies simply beautifully and creates natural, defined & stunning brows.
Personally, I need all the help I can get in the brow area as my natural brows are very light and undefined, and this product was just perfect. Great for filling in or adding single hairs with small strokes. The only downside is, you really go through it very quickly. I think I had it for about a month, but I didn't use it daily... I probably lasts 3-4 weeks with daily use, which really is a shame. But in my opinion, it's still worth the price tag, and I'll be buying it again. I also want to try Brow Pomade next!
For me, Brow Wiz is all that and more and I'd strongly recommend it. My all-time favorite brow product, I just wish it lasted longer!
What's your favorite brow product?
Si poskusila od NYX Micro Brow Pencil? Sama ga imam in mi je zelo všeč, ker mi je 19€ kar veliko za ABH. :) Bi tudi Brow Wiz rada preizkusila, da ju bom lahko primerjala. :)
ReplyDeleteUau, super predlog - hvala. Bom sprobala :) x
DeleteO wow se pa res ekstremno hitro porablja. :O
ReplyDeleteNa žalost, ja :(
DeleteI think it is crucial not to expect too much form high end products. There are great products but also some average or even bad among them. But at the end I want to get as much as I can for my money. Currently I am using Freedom makeup pomade and I'm super happy with it. They say it is a great dupe for ABH pomade so maybe you should try it as well. :)
Tudo sama uporabljam brow wizz malo temnejse brave kot ti in je super. Priporocam brow pomade, ki ga pogostk uporabljam za bolj posebne priloznosti ker mi je osebno malo bolj pigmentiran oz. pac bolj poudari obrvi. Ma pa znamka Freedom najvecje kopije obeh izdelkov in upam, da bom v naslednje lahko poskusila tudi te. Za primerjavo!
ReplyDeleteOh krasno se bere, sama trenutno uporabljam najraje Kikov Eyebrow sculpt automatic pencil in mi je odličen, lepo pigmentiran, dobro teksturo ima in res dobro zariše linijo, predvsem mi je všeč njegova oblika konice malce trikotna, upam, da sem se pravilno izrazila, tudi barva mi ustreza. Se pa ne porablja tako hitro kot zg. omenjeni in zagotovo cenejši. Bi pa sama mogoče z veseljem preizkusila AB, ker mislim, da njej pomp z izdelki, ki jih ima ni narejen kar za tako, ampak res z razlogom, konec koncev je res profi kar se obrvi tiče:).
ReplyDeleteJaz že nekaj let uporabljam AB senčilo brow powder duo. Prej sem ga bolj po redko, recimo nekje zadnje leto / dve pa vsak dan in ga imam še nekje 1/4. Tako, da to se res veliko počasneje porablja. Sem pa mislila potem kupit Brow wiz, ampak glede na to kako hitro se porablja, nisem več tako sigurna. Čeprav sem ravno zadnjič gledala, da so moj odtenek (strawburn) ukinili.