I fell in love with the bottle first, and then the scent...
I was browsing salma.si as you do when I came across Juicy Couture Couture La La Eau de Parfum. It was a good price, and I had always wanted a Juicy Couture perfume... So I decided to pick it up. The price is 35,60€ for 100 ml, whereas JC perfumes are mostly way more expensive, so I thought it was a good deal. I hadn't smelled the perfume previously, but the notes seemed good so I was pretty sure I would like it. The perfume arrived and I unwrapped it so excitedly I managed to tear the box, haha. I sprayed the perfume immediately & here are my thoughts...
Couture La La is a light floral scent with some fruit notes that I'm pretty sure anyone and everyone would like. It's very light & inoffensive, stays on my skin for 3-4 hours. The scent is predominantly floral with notes of lily of the valley and lovely orange blossom, along with some violet leaf and not very strong musk. The green apple adds a nice zing to the fragrance and mandarin orange makes it sparkle. Couture La La is one of those scents that would be perfect for a gift. It's beautiful & pretty, nothing groundbreaking but still a scent I love having in my collection.
The bottle of the perfume is absolutely stunning as well, I just love looking at it on my vanity. It's quite a heavy glass bottle with a bow and rhinestones and a pretty cap, decorated with silver accents instead of the usual gold, while the juice itself is a light pink color.I adore this fragrance, even though it's not groundbreaking or out of this world special. If you want to break out of the gourmand zone, this is a lovely one to try.
Which perfume are you wearing today?
Najprej sem se zaljubila v stekleničko, nato še v vonj...
Eden mojih zadnjih nakupov je parfum Juicy Couture Couture La La Eau de Parfum. Že nekaj časa si želim JC parfum, tale je stal samo 35,60€ za 100 ml, kar je precej ugodno za znamko. Torej ni nič čudnega, da je pristal v moji košarici, kajne? :) Pa poglejmo, kakšno je moje mnenje o dišavi.
Couture La La je nežen cvetličen vonj z nekaj sadnimi notami. Gre za dišavo, ki bo gotovo všeč vsem in bi bila popolno darilo. Je nežen parfum, ki gotovo ne bo šel nikomur v nos, na moji koži pa traja 3-4 ure. Vonj se odpre z zelenim jabolkom in omamnim cvetom pomarančevca, nato pa se notam pridruži še mandarina, vijoličini listi in mošus. Vonj sicer ni nekaj ekstra novega ali kaj, kar še nismo videli, vendar je čudovit dodatek moji zbirki.
Steklenička me je očarala - gre za steklen kvader, ki je dokaj težak, okrašen s srebrnimi draguljčki in verigo ter živo rožnato pentljo. Sama tekočina je svetlo rožnate barve. Steklenička je res čudovit dodatek krasni dišavi & prav z veseljem jo gledam na svoji polički.
Parfum je zame zmagovalen, čeprav mogoče pri njem ne gre za inovativnost, temveč bolj nekaj, kar bo všeč vsem. Bil bi primeren za vsak dan, morda celo razgovor za službo ali spoznavanje fantovih staršev. :)
Kateri parfum nosiš danes?
Parfum je zame zmagovalen, čeprav mogoče pri njem ne gre za inovativnost, temveč bolj nekaj, kar bo všeč vsem. Bil bi primeren za vsak dan, morda celo razgovor za službo ali spoznavanje fantovih staršev. :)
Kateri parfum nosiš danes?
Lanvin - Lalique
ReplyDeleteOooh! Must try that <3
DeleteJuicy Couture scents are always so lovely and I adore the packaging of this one!
Same, they're just lovely :) x
DeleteI know, right?! x