Lipstick won't solve all problems, but it's a good start.
With that in mind, here are my current top products. I've been going for a different look and I really feel like my signature lip colour is changing. I used to wear neon lipsticks all the time, mostly bright pinks, but lately I like taupes with some vampy shades thrown in. Let's see what I've got for you!
For the vampy gal
I love Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stains, whatever formula they may be (there's regular, matte & lacquer). This one is the regular edition and is called Crush, it's a gorgeous grape colour that is glossy and minty - yum! It's not drying at all. Price is around 12€, if in Slovenia, get it on Click2Chic, otherwise Boots has it, too.For the toned down brights lover
I recently got Rimmel Apocalips in Nova, which is a very pretty kinda-bright-kinda-neutral pink. It's glossy, but not sticky at all and stays for a long time. I love Apocalips in general, I have three already and will definitely get more. Awesome formula and a great price. On Boots here, on Salma here. Price is 6-10€.For the nude fanatic
I have a gorgeous Zuii lipstick which I mentioned in my last post, and it truly is beautiful! A mix of pink and taupe, it's really pretty, creamy, glossy and just all-around gorgeous. It's in the shade Cashmere, which looks strange on the website, but as you can see from the swatch, it's just beautiful. Here for Slovenia, here for international. 24€.For the Kylie Jenner fan
This is probably the closest I've gotten to a Kylie Jenner lip. It's the Rimmel Kate lipstick in 08 Rosetto. Beautiful taupe colour which makes my lips look full and plump with a liner. A bargain at around 6€ and I would really recommend this one - even if you don't like nudes! On Salma here, on Boots here.For the girl who wants a unique shade
This offering from Catrice is too good to pass up! Lip Glow changes colour according to the temperature of your lips. On me, it's actually quite bright, but sheer and glossy at the same time. It's really pretty and moisturizing as well. Around 4€ in Müller.
Well, I hope you've found something you like! I definitely love all of 'em.
What lipstick is your favourite at the moment?
Zdi se mi, da se je moj 'signature look' kar se šminke tiče precej spremenil. Zadnje čase namesto po neon odtenkih posegam predvsem po 'nude' in 'taupe' barvah - trikrat lahko ugibate, katera zvezdnica me je navdihnila. :) Spodaj pa moji trenutni najljubši izdelki za ustnice ...Šminka morda ne bo rešila vseh tvojih težav, je pa dober začetek.
Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain so mi všeč ne glede na formulo, obstajajo namreč tri: navadna, matte in lacquer. Tale je iz navadne kolekcije v odtenku Crush, čudovit 'vampy' odtenek v temno rdeči barvi. Ima okus po mentolu in je prijetno vlažilen, morda malo voskast. Stane okrog 12€ na Click2Chic.
Rimmel Apocalips Nova je odtenek roza barve, ki je obenem živ in nekako nevtralen. Barva je bombončkasto roza, vendar ne pretirano neon in lepo poživi obraz. Nasploh sem nad formulo Apocalips čisto navdušena in imam že 3, pa gotovo bom še kakšnega dodala zbirki. Kupiš ga lahko na spletni strani Salma za okrog 4€.
O Zuii sem že govorila, danes pa še enkrat na hitro predstavim njihovo čudovito šminko Cashmere. Je umazano roza 'taupe' odtenek, ki je nevtralen in ima hladen podton. Šminka je lepo mazljiva, svetleča, ne suši ustnic in ima odlično prekrivnost, znamka pa je cruelty-free. Si sploh lahko želiš še več? Na voljo za okrog 24€ tukaj.
Torej, če ti je všeč Kylie Jenner, enostavno potrebuješ šminko Rimmel Kate Long Lasting Finish 08 Rosetto. V kombinaciji s črtalom za ustnice dobiš popoln KJ videz. Zagotavljam, da ti bo všeč, pa čeprav ne maraš 'nude' odtenkov kot jaz. Kupiš jo lahko na spleti strani Salma za okrog 6€.
Za čisto poseben učinek pa priporočam Catrice Lip Glow, ki barvo spreminja glede na temperaturo ustnic, tako da je zagotovljen unikaten učinek. Na mojih ustnicah je precej žive rožnate barve, všeč pa mi je tudi zato, ker ustnice dobro vlaži (je pa tudi malo voskasta). Okrog 4€ v drogeriji Müller.
Upam, da si odkrila kakšen odtenek zase!
Mi zaupaš, katero šminko imaš trenutno najraje?
I definitely need to dig out Crush, it's been too long since I wore a berry lip!
ReplyDeleteCatherine, xo || Lady Liquor
It's one of my favourite vampy shades! :) x
DeleteŽiva prekrasne slike! Pa super lepe odtenke šmink si izbrala. ;)
ReplyDeleteOooo hvala <3
DeleteWOW these shades look amazing and I love you photography :) Rosetto looks amazing, and love the Rimmel Kate Moss Lipsticks :)
ReplyDeleteCharlee XO | CharmedCharlee
Yay, thank you! x
DeleteKate by Rimmel in 107 is my favourite! I haven't stopped using it ever since I got my hands on it!
Ooh need to check that out :)
ReplyDeleteWhat colour is the Rimmel Kate Moss, please? 'Rossetto' isn't the name of a colour, it just means lipstick in Italian.
Thank you
It says 08 Rosetto :) x
DeleteThose all look sooo gorgeous!
ReplyDeletexprincessjas | ♥
Thanks Jas <3
DeleteRabim Revlončka <3 Fotke so ti pa res fajn ratale :D
ReplyDeleteGlad you approve, šefe :P
DeleteWau, prekrasne slike in zelo lepi odtenki šminki. :)
ReplyDeleteSploh Rimmel Apocalips in Revlon. <3 Pa Catrice Lip Glow se sliši zelooo zanimivo. :P
I seriously love all of these shades! I don't think I could choose one because they're all fun for different occasions! However, I have to say, my everyday lip color is usually a neutral tone called Fairest Nude by L'Oreal Color Riche Lipstick.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm the only person who hasn't bought an Apocalip, I really need to purchase these. Great post.