Ange ou Demon is a fragrance I first smelled years ago, when I was way too young to own this kind of perfume. But I remember giving it a sniff back then - 2006 to be exact - and falling head over heels in love with the scent. I promised myself I would own it once, and when I recently received a coupon for an online shop, I didn't even hesitate - I just put it in my basket. Fast forward to a few days later and me receiving this enormous bottle of perfume. As soon as I smelled it, I knew not much had changed - I still love this gorgeous scent. I've tried its flankers, like Ange ou Demon Eau Tendre, but always came back to this beautiful fragrance.
Ange ou Demon is a spicy sweet fragrance with a strong vanilla note. Saffron is very prominent here, as well as tonka bean, which you may recognize from Burberry Brit. I also like the very subtle addition of citurs (mandarin orange) and the overwhelming vanilla. To round it off, we have a few other florals and rosewood as well. The scent is unmistakably fall and winter (though I've worn it now because I couldn't resist). It's sexy, heady, strong and potent. Perfect. Incredibly long lasting and with impressive sillage, this will last you the entire evening. As far as similarity to other perfumes, to me it smells like a mix of Dior Addict (the original in the dark blue bottle) and an evening version of Burberry Brit. Beautiful mix, as you can imagine. The bottle itself is a work of art in a beautiful tear drop shape with an ombré color which transitions from clear into dark grey. I just adore it, and it really adds to the scent.
Needless to say, Ange ou Demon is clearly one of my all-time favourites. Strongly recommend it, especially for the cold months ahead of us!
What is your favourite fall/winter perfume?
Ange ou Demon sem prvič vonjala, ko sem bila veliko premlada za tak parfum, leta 2006. Sem se pa že takrat čisto zaljubila in si obljubila, da bo tale parfum nekoč moj. Ko sem prejela kupon za Salmo, sem ga takoj dala v košarico. Čez nekaj dni me je že čakala pošiljka z ogromno stekleničko in takoj, ko sem parfum povohala, mi je bilo jasno, da ga še vedno obožujem. Preizkusila sem tudi druge verzije vonja, na primer Eau Tendre, a se kar naprej vračam k temu.
Gre za začinjeno sladko dišavo z močno noto vanilije. Žafran se mi zdi tu precej močen, pa tudi tonka fižol, ki me spomne na Burberry Brit. Všeč mi je rahla nota mandarin in močna vanilija. Dodanih je še nekaj cvetlic. Nezmotljivo gre za jesensko/zimski vonj, čeprav ga nosim tudi zdaj, ker se enostavno ne morem upreti. Je seksi in izredno močan vonj. Popolnost. Traja zelo dolgo in se voha tudi z razdalje, traja gotovo ves večer. Meni diši malo podobno kot Dior Addict in nekakšna večerna verzija Brita. Čudovita mešanica, kot si lahko predstavljate. Tudi steklenička v obliki solze je enkratna s svojimi prelivajočimi se barvami.
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